Samurai Cop is a 1991 direct-to-video action film directed, produced and written by Amir Shervan. It stars Matt Karedas (credited as Matt Hannon) as the titular Samurai Cop, a police officer from San Diego, trained by the masters in Japan, who battles a Katana gang within Los Angeles. The film has attained a cult following, and is often cited as one of the worst films of all time.
The following weapons were used in the film Samurai Cop:
Officer Joe Marshall, the Samurai Cop (Matt Hannon), carries a Beretta 92SB as his main weapon throughout the movie. His preferred method in combat seems to be rapid firing the Beretta, making good use of its 15 round magazine. A couple other henchmen are seen with Beretta 92's throughout the movie.
Ruger GP100
A stainless Ruger GP100 is the most featured weapon in the entire movie. It is first seen as Officer Frank Washington's (Mark Frazer) sidearm, but eventually finds itself in nearly every character's hand at some point. This is the case with several weapons in the film, as the low-budget production was limited to a select few functioning firearms. Therefore, several weapons get recycled as the movie goes on, but the Ruger GP100 is the most prevalent.
Smith & Wesson Model 19
The Smith & Wesson Model 19 is brandished by several police officers and gang members. When one of Yamashita's men threatens Frank and Joe with a Model 19, Joe exercises his Samurai training by cutting the man's arm off with a katana, and therefore disarming him. Like the Ruger GP100, this was likely one single weapon that was recycled throughout the production.
Smith & Wesson Model 29
One of Yamashita's hitmen carries a Smith & Wesson Model 29 when carrying out a failed hit on Samurai Cop, which was filmed in the production warehouse of Hollywood Royal Pictures.
Single Army Action
One of Yamashita's men uses a Single Action Army revolver with ivory grips when threatening Frank. Later, in a continuity error, Peggy pulls the revolver out from her kitchen drawer despite showing a Beretta 92SB in the previous shot.