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The Last Witch Hunter

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The Last Witch Hunter
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Film poster
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing USA
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing Canada
Directed by Breck Eisner
Release Date 2015
Language English
Studio Summit Entertainment
TIK Films
Mark Canton Productions
Distributor Summit Entertainment
Main Cast
Character Actor
Kaulder Vin Diesel
Chloe Rose Leslie
Dolan 37th Elijah Wood
Belial Ólafur Darri Ólafsson
Glaeser Rena Owen
The Witch Queen Julie Engelbrecht
Dolan 36th Michael Caine
Ellic Joseph Gilgun
Max Schlesinger Isaach De Bankolé
Grosette Michael Halsey

The following weapons were used in the film The Last Witch Hunter:

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Ruger Blackhawk

The Ruger Blackhawk can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Ruger Blackhawk (Stainless Steel) - .357 Magnum
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The revolver at the top, left.

Smith & Wesson Model 38

The Smith & Wesson Model 38 can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Smith & Wesson Model 49 - .38 Special
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The wall with guns.
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The slightly other view of this weapons.
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The revolver at the bottom, right.

Smith & Wesson Model 67

The Smith & Wesson Model 67 can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Smith & Wesson Model 67 - .38 Special
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The wall with guns.
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The slightly other view of this weapons.
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The revolver at the top, center.

Colt Trooper

The Colt Trooper can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Colt Trooper - .357 Magnum
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The wall with guns.
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The slightly other view of this weapons.
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The revolver at the top, right.

Smith & Wesson "Triple Lock"

The Smith & Wesson "Triple Lock" can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Smith & Wesson "Triple Lock". Blued finish. - courtesy of Adams Guns.
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The wall with guns.
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The slightly other view of this weapons.
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The revolver at the bottom, left.

Colt King Cobra

The Colt King Cobra can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Colt King Cobra - .357 Magnum
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The revolver at the bottom, left.

Smith & Wesson Model 36 "Chiefs Special"

Two Smith & Wesson Model 36 "Chiefs Special" revolvers can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Smith & Wesson Model 36 - .38 Special - 5 shot. First pattern with flat latch cylinder release.
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Smith & Wesson Model 36 with 3" Barrel and square butt - .38 Special
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Two revolvers at the top.

Unknown Revolver

Un unknown revolver can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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The revolver can be seen at the right on the second from the top line.
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The slightly other view of this weapons.


Glock 17

Kaulder (Vin Diesel) disarms Danique's guard (Michael Vehar) from his Glock 17 and throws it away.

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2nd Generation Glock 17 - 9x19mm. This model added finger stepping and cuts to the backstrap of the frame to make it easier to hold than the Generation 1 model.
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The guard (Michael Vehar) draws his sidearm...
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...but Kaulder dissarms him...
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...and throws his Glock...
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...away, right to...
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...gun wielding witch (Jane Catherine Hyland).

Jericho 941 R

One of the Danique's withch (Jane Catherine Hyland) very briefly holds Jericho 941 R. The same gun can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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IMI Jericho 941 R (early model) - 9x19mm. The Jericho 941 F version moved the safety from the slide to the frame.
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The pistol is hited of from the witch's hand by the throughtened Glock.
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The good view of the gun's frame...
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...and slide.
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The pistol under the two revolvers.

Walther PPQ M2

Dolan 37th (Elijah Wood) uses Walther PPQ M2 at the film climax.

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Walther PPQ M2, note the button magazine release - 9x19mm
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Dolan 37th draws his sidearm.
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The ejector port can be seen.
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The better view of the slide.
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Note cocked hammer.

Browning Hi-Power

The Browning Hi-Power can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Classic Commercial Browning Hi-Power (Belgian manufacture) - 9x19mm
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The pistol at the top, left.

SPSh Flare Pistol

The SPSh Flare Pistol can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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The pistol aleft from Ingram.

Davis P-32

The Davis P-32 can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Davis P-32 - .32 ACP
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The pistol at the top, left.

Various Pistols

Numerous pistols can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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The guns at the top.
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The slightly other view of this weapons.

Submachine Guns

Ingram MAC-10

The Ingram MAC-10 can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Ingram MAC-10 open bolt submachine gun - 9x19mm

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The gun at the center, right.

Walther MPL

The Walther MPL can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Walther MPL with stock extended - 9x19mm
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The gun at the bottom, right.

Heckler & Koch MP5A2

The Heckler & Koch MP5A2 can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Heckler & Koch MP5A2 with early "slimline" handguard - 9x19mm
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Thwo guns at the bottom, left.


Remington 870 MCS

Kaulder uses Remington 870 MCS throughout the movie. Belial (Ólafur Darri Ólafsson) briefly possessed thie gun.

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Remington 870 MCS Masterkey - 12 gauge
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The shotgun is seen at the center, left.
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Kaulder aims his shotgun.
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A clouse view of the foregrip.
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Belial grabs the shotgun.
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Belial aims captured shotgun.
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The shotgun is seen on the ground.
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Kaulder aims his shotgun.
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Kaulder fires.

Winchester Model 1300

The Winchester Model 1300 can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Winchester Model 1300 with extended tube & rubber butt pad - 12 gauge
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The shotgun at the left.
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The slightly other view of this weapons.

Mossberg 500 Mariner Cruiser

The Mossberg 500 Mariner Cruiser with extended tube can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Mossberg 500 Mariner Cruiser - 12 gauge
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The second from the left shotgun.
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The slightly other view of this weapons.

12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun

The 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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J. Stevens and Company Side by Side Shotgun (Circa 1878) exposed hammers and designed to fire Black Powder shotgun shells - 12 gauge
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The third from the left shotgun.
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The slightly other view of this weapons.

Over and Under Shotgun

The Over and Under Shotgun can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Otto Seelig O/U - 12 gauge
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The shotgun at the right.
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The slightly other view of this weapons.

Assault Rifles

Colt Model 653

The Colt Model 653 can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Colt Model 653 "M16A1 Carbine" - 5.56x45mm
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The carbine is the second from the top, right.

Heckler & Koch HK416

The Heckler & Koch HK416 can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Heckler & Koch HK416 with 10.4 inch barrel - 5.56x45mm NATO.
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The H & K is seen at the bottom, right.

FN F2000 Tactical

The FN F2000 Tactical can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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FN F2000 Tactical TR with gray finish - 5.56x45mm NATO
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The rifle at the bottom, left.

Unknown Assault Rifle

The unknown Assault Rifle can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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The rifle can be partly seen at the top, right.


Winchester Model 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine

Two Winchester Model 1892 Saddle Ring Carbines can be seen in the Kaulder's armory. The one of the has a large lever loop.

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Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine - .32WCF/.38-40/.44-40/.25-20.
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Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine with large lever loop - .32WCF/.38-40/.44-40/.25-20.
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The rifles at the background.
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Two rifle at background.

Sharps 1863 Carbine

The Sharps 1863 Carbine can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Sharps 1863 Carbine - .52 caliber
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The rifles at the background.
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The second from the left rifle at background.
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The barrel lenght can be seen.

Pennsylvania Flintlock Rifle

The Pennsylvania Flintlock Rifle can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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Pennsylvania Rifle - .40 caliber
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The rifle at gachground, left.

Unknown Assault Rifle

The unknown Assault Rifle can be seen in the Kaulder's armory.

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The rifle can be partly seen at the top, right.