Blackhat (formerly titled Cyber) is a 2015 thriller directed by Michael Mann (Collateral) and stars Chris Hemsworth as Nicolas Hathaway, a convicted computer hacker who is released from prison to help American and Chinese authorities pursue a mysterious cyber-criminal.
The following weapons were used in the film Blackhat:
Deputy US Marshal Mark Jessup (Holt McCallany) is seen with a pistol similar to the Springfield Custom Carry 1911-A1, but with an extended single side thumb safety instead of an ambidextrous safety.
Captain Chen Dawai (Leehom Wang) uses the Norinco QSZ-92 during the course of the film, notably during the initial pier shootout with Kassar and his men in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Police Inspector Alex Trang (Andy On) is seen using a SIG-Sauer P250 Compact during the pier shootout with Kassar and his men. When Trang is gunned down, Hathaway (Chris Hemsworth) picks up his P250 and uses during the remainder of the shootout.
Note: In real life, the SIG-Sauer P250 Compact (DCc) is the standard sidearm of HKPF officers in the criminal investigation units, having replaced the Colt Detective Special revolver.
During the climatic final ending showdown, Kassar (Ritchie Coster) is seen with a Mini Uzi with no folding stock which he has tucked hidden underneath his left arm.
During the start of the shootout in the Shanghai street ambush, Kassar (Ritchie Coster) uses an unknown RPG model. Whether it is the Russian RPG-7 or the Chinese Type 69 remains unclear.
During the initial shootout in the Pier between Kassar's men and Hong Kong SDU, Kassar (Ritchie Coster) is seen arming and activating remotely two Claymore type mines.