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Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Launchers

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Machine Guns

Bren Mk 2

Update #50 brought along a Bren gun, more specifically the Mk2 variant. Due to the fact that bipods were being updated and tuned at the time of Update #50's release, the variant added instead was one with a shortened barrel and no bipod or carrying handle, with the standard variant added later, in the eleventh alpha of Update #52.

Images of the full-length Bren courtesy of Reddit user Shubishu.]

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Bren Mk2 - .303 British
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Admiring the Bren, standing before the pre-rendered beauty of the cornfields of the American West. Note the absence of a carrying handle on the weapon's barrel.
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For those wondering, this is the background of the Breaching Prototype scene. Perhaps a WWII-era light machine gun isn't the best weapon for house-breaching...
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Loading the Bren. 30 tracers, straight into the top.
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Cocking the machine gun; note the bar attached to the back, which slides into a corresponding slot in the stock. This is necessary to cover the charging handle slot, preventing debris from entering and blocking the handle's path.
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The Bren's fire selector is rather interesting; the safety position is in the middle, with "R" ("Repetition", or semi-auto) at the back...
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...and "A" ("Automatic") at the front.
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Aiming the Bren at the cornfield below; note the lack of an adjustment drum, confirming this particular Bren to be a Mk2 model.
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Opening fire.
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Popping open the bipod.
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This allows for the weapon to be used as intended, allowing the Bren to achieve its true potential in terms of accuracy. Sucks to be someone in those trees...
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The curtailed Bren, in all of its glory.
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Loading in a fresh magazine full of .303 rounds.
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Pulling back the Bren's charging handle.
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A look through the Bren's iron sights. While the shortened sight radius and barrel would logically hamper the Bren's renowned accuracy, it does at least bring the front sight closer to the shooter's face, making it a bit easier to see clearly.
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Firing the Bren, showing off its downward ejection system.

Browning M2HB

The 2018 4th of July Update (more formally known as Update #56) added a modified Browning M2HB, known as the "M2 Tombstone". It has a shortened barrel, and is fitted with a pair of top-mounted grips and a bracket for fitting an belt box; the latter serves as its namesake, with the weapon feeding from the 200-round tombstone-shaped ammo cans more normally associated with M2s in AA mounts. The icing on this incredibly absurd cake is the American flag paintjob on the receiver, for that extra patriotic flavor.

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Browning M2HB - .50 BMG
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The modified M2 sits on a table, in eager anticipation of what's to come.
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Admiring the (old) glory of the Tombstone.
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The other side, which shows off the bracket used to seat belt boxes.
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Popping open the feed tray cover...
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...seating the belt...
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...closing the cover...
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...and getting ready to make some music.
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"Oh say can you see..."

Degtyaryov DP-28

Included in the 11th alpha build of Update #52, the Degtyaryov DP-28 comes in both full-length and shortened variants, as with the earlier WW2-era LMGs.

Screenshots of the shortened variant courtesy of Reddit user Shubishu.

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Degtyaryov DP-28 - 7.62x54mmR
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A DP-28 on the item spawner's output table.
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Unfolding the Degtyaryov's bipod.
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Setting the weapon down on a table.
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Loading in one of the weapon's distinctive 47-round pan magazines, which earned it its famous nickname: the "Dinner Plate 28".
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Pulling back the charging handle, in a rather awkward underhanded manner (though this isn't visible here due to the player's persistent Invisible Hand Syndrome).
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Lining up the sights...
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...and obliterating the target with a protracted burst of 7.62x54mmR.
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"You see Ivan, when use Degtyaryov from standing position, the enemy will be of surrender, for fear of your strength."
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The short-barreled DP-28.
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That's all there is to it.
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Well, apart from the magazine, that is.
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Cocking the now-heavier lighter light machine gun.
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...then abandoning any pretense that this is in some way a sensible weapon, and blazing away indiscriminately at the distant city skyline.
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47 rounds later, the gun's Frisbee-shaped magazine is dry, leaving only one thing to do:

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FN M249-E2 SAW

Update #52 brought along the game's first two belt-fed weapons, the first being the FN M249 SAW, specifically the E2 variant.

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FN M249-E2 SAW - 5.56x45mm NATO
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At long last, they're finally here. Praise be to our lord and savior Anton; his ways are mysterious, and his gifts many.
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Admiring the much-awaited M249.
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Attaching a 200-round belt box.
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Popping open the feed tray cover. Upon the update's release, there was a rather amusing bug wherein optics placed on the cover's top rail wouldn't move with it, leaving them floating in mid-air above the bolt; this has since been fixed..
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Pulling the belt out of the box...
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...before pausing for a closer look. This reveals that the belt contains one tracer for every 4 normal FMJ rounds, a common setup among belt-fed machine guns, as it makes it far easier to tell where the gun is firing. This is also pretty much the furthest the belt can be pulled out of the box (and you can't do it unless you attach the box to the gun first), presumably to not drive the CPU mad from trying to calculate the physics on a long, loose belt of ammo.
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Inspection break over, the loading process is resumed, with the belt being placed into the feed tray.
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The feed tray cover is then closed...
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...and the weapon's rather arduous reloading procedure is concluded with a pull of the charging handle.
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Celebrating the conclusion of this process with a burst of 5.56mm rounds.
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Belatedly realizing that he forgot his hearing protection, our now rather shaken-up protagonist affixes a SilencerCo Osprey suppressor onto the M249.
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Laying down some suppressed suppressive fire.
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Yet another one of the weapon's many impressive details; when it is inverted, the belt visibly sags due to gravity. Or rather, it's supposed to look like it's due to gravity; this is actually coded based on the orientation of the weapon itself, because having it rely solely on physics would have disastrous effects on the user's CPU.
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After an innumerable amount of rounds, the M249's belt begins to visibly dwindle.
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It is at this point that the belt box can simply be removed.
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Furthermore, if the feed tray is opened, then the belt can be removed separately, which causes it to compress itself into the small, convenient ball of ammunition seen here, which can be placed into the gun and causing it to transform into a belt again. This idiosyncrasy is once again because of CPU limitations (notice how the belt is never let loose at any point in the simulation), and these mechanics are used on all belt-feds with exposed belts in this game.
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Fed up with a creepy German constantly asking him about a mission report, our protagonist loads a 100-round Surefire quad-stack magazine into the M249's emergency STANAG magazine well.
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Fortunately for him, this proves to be far more useful in-game than in reality; the M249's STANAG well is notoriously unreliable, and attempts to use it frequently result in jamming.
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He then discovers that the bipod seems to be slightly broken...
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...before shrugging and just deciding to roll with it. Note: this was a pre-release bug, and was fixed by the time that Update #52 was released.

Gatling Gun

An 1800s-era Gatling Gun was added to the Wurstworld scene in Update #43, though there were indications of its not-present presence when the mode was first released. Update #56 (the 2018 4th of July Update) added a handheld version (chambered in .45-70), rather affectionately nicknamed "Hand Crank Frank".

Colt Gatling Gun - .45-70 Government. Similar to the one in-game.
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"Hmm... that looks fun."
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Approaching the Gatling, using period-accurate handheld teleportation technology.
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Grabbing a hold of the crank handle...
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...and laying waste to the dastardly bandits terrorizing the town, along with the town itself. This in spite of the lack of any visible source of ammunition being associated with the weapon.

"Hand Crank Frank"

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It isn't clear who actually thought this was a good idea.
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A closeup of "Frank"'s receiver, showing how the rear grip is simply bolted on.
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Loading in a 60-round magazine...
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...before looking at another. Unlike many of the game's other machine guns, these are loaded with nothing but tracers by default, presumably due to the literal impossibility of aiming otherwise.
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Cranking out some destruction.

General Dynamics GAU-17/A

A T2-style handheld General Dynamics GAU-17/A is one of the firearms added in the 2016 Meatmas update, arguably the most fun, and indisputably the most absurd. While logically implausible, it does have one curious "realistic" touch - attempting to fire the weapon one-handed will cause it to spontaneously eject itself from the user's hand and go flying backwards under recoil; this has less to do with realism and more to do with the fact that protracted one-handed fire of a minigun would wreak havoc on the physics engine - not to mention the performance implications of firing two miniguns at once.

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General Dynamics GAU-17/A, US Air Force version of the M134 Minigun - 7.62x51mm NATO
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Airsoft handheld M134 minigun - (fake) 7.62x51mm NATO
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A quick trip to the Sampler Platter intro scene's Dessert Table reveals some very tasty offerings indeed.
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Admiring the GAU-17, with its great-grandfather photobombing in the background.
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Ammunition comes in the form of these belt boxes. These are good for a few seconds of continuous fire; unlike many fictional miniguns, which have drastically lowered fire rates, H3's GAU-17 chews through ammo at a rate of 2,700 RPM (1 round every frame, at a standardized framerate of 90 FPS), which is well within the GAU's ROF range of 2-6,000 RPM.
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For convenience's sake, the tracer-filled belt saves the user the trouble of pushing through the flexible feed chute and just feeds itself through automatically.
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Spinning up the minigun. In retrospect, this might not have been the most purposeful thing to screenshot.
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Descending, unrelenting, beauty of annihilation...
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A decent few seconds of sustained fire will leave the GAU-17's barrels looking like this. This is rather strange, considering how one of the main advantages of a rotary barrel system is that it's far more resistant to overheating; if a gun's barrel looks like this, then the user should be seriously worried. In-game, however, it has no effect on the gun's performance, and is purely for the sake of making the weapon more satisfying to use.

M1918A2 BAR

Update #50 added an M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle to H3. For the same reasons as the Bren gun's changes, the BAR included with the update also has a shortened barrel without a carrying handle or bipod. Update #52's 11th alpha build added the full-length version.

Interestingly, the shortened variant is rather reminiscent of Clyde Barrow's cut-down BAR, though that weapon was actually an original M1918, rather than an A2, and had a shortened stock as well as a truncated barrel. The version in H3 is also clearly meant to be an A2, considering the safe-slow-fast selector.

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M1918A2 BAR - .30-06 Springfield
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An M1918A2 BAR, fresh out of the item spawner.
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Inserting a magazine. While it's not visible here, this magazine is full of red-tipped tracer rounds. What is visible here is the fact that the magazine has fingerprints on it; this is rather odd, considering the complete absence of hands in this game.
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Unfolding the bipod...
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...and setting it down on a table.
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Pulling back the charging handle.
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The BAR's iron sights, which are conspicuously target-colored.
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Firing a burst of .30-06.


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Clyde Barrow's cut-down M1918 BAR, for comparison - .30-06 Springfield
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Loading a magazine into the cut-down BAR.
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Pulling back the charging handle.
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A good look at the right side of the BAR.
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Pointing the BAR at a distant target...
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...and opening fire.
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Aiming the BAR, a rather futile exercise considering the lack of a front sight.


The second belt-fed weapon added to H3 in Update #52 is the famous (or infamous, depending on which end of it you're on) MG42.

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MG42 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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Examining the left side of the MG42...
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...and the right side.
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Affixing a 50-round "assault drum"; as the colloquial name implies, these were meant to be used with the weapon in an offensive role, with emplaced defensive guns instead using 250-round loose belts.
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Opening up the feed tray cover.
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Tugging the belt into position.
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Shutting the feed tray cover.
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And, finally, pulling back the MG42's charging handle.
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Taking pseudo-aim...
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...before very quickly realizing why the MG42 is so often referred to as "Hitler's Buzzsaw".
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Firing the weapon again, this time at a different angle, which shows off the veritable river of spent brass and links that freely pours from the weapon while firing.
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"Then he got an idea. An awful idea. The Grinch got a wonderful, awful idea."


The RPK is one of the numerous firearms added in the first Meatmas update. At the time, it was actually referred to as a Vepr-3V, the civilian semi-auto version of the RPK, but Update #32 changed it into a military full-auto model. It was then removed in Update #52 for rebuilding, and hasn't been heard from since.

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RPK Light Machine Gun with 40 round magazine - 7.62x39mm
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An RPK and an AK-101 leaning against a wall. What's that old saying? "Birds of a feather flock together?"
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Examining the right side of the uncertain RPK...
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...and the left, which shows off the permanently-affixed rail adaptor.
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Loading a 10-round magazine into the maybe-a-Vepr.
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Reaching forward...
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...and pulling down.
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Setting down the rifle/machine gun for a bit.
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Pulling the charging handle.
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...and firing a single round. Something about this just doesn't feel right.
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Knocking out one 10-round magazine with another, and...
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"No. That's not who I am. I refuse to let anybody tell me what I can or can't be. I am an RPK, and I am proud!"
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Old LMGs, drum magazines, and modern rails mix rather well, don't you think?
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Especially when those rails are put to good use, such as for the mounting of this PK-23 red dot sight.
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Looking through the PK-23.
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Feeling free, liberated, and sure of itself, the RPK happily blazes away in full-auto.

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