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Fury (Yarost) (1966)

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Fury (Yarost)
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Original Theatrical Poster
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing USSR
Directed by Nikolai Ilyinsky
Release Date 1966
Language Russian
Studio Dovzhenko Film Studio
Main Cast
Character Actor
Vasiliy Gulyavin Evgeniy Matveev
Mikhail Stroyev Vladimir Mityukov
Lyol'ka Margarita Volodina
Sonin Aleksey Glazyrin
Rotmistr (Capt.) Luchitskiy Ivan Pereverzev
Zubarevich Gennadi Poloka
Lt. Traubenberg Anatoliy Ivanov
Col. Selyaninov Aleksandr Gaj

Fury (Yarost) is a Soviet 1966 (filmed 1965) historical drama, adapted from the novel "Veter" ("Vind") by Boris Lavrenyov and directed by Nikolai Ilyinsky. It depicts the story of Vasiliy Gulyavin (Evgeniy Matveev), a Baltic Sea Fleet sailor who participates in October Revolution 1917 and in Russian Civil war.

The following weapons were used in the film Fury (Yarost):


Nagant M1895

Nagant M1895 revolvers are used by Reds, notably Mikhail Stroyev (Vladimir Mityukov), the chief of staff of the "International Flying Squad of Proletarian Anger", and also by White Army officers and Lyol'ka's bandits.

Note: see additional images of talk page.

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Nagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38R Nagant. Note the angular front sight which was used from 1930s.
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Stroyev takes his Nagant during the meeting with Lyol'ka and her men.
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Lyol'ka's man carries a Nagant tucked in his belt. He also carries an M1917 Chemical Hand Grenade.
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A bandit at the right holds a Nagant.
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A White officer at the left holds a Nagant.
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A Red sailor with a Nagant.
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A White officer fires at a Red sailor (Vladimir Volkov) who also holds a Nagant.
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A White Army Podporuchik (2nd Lt.) (Yuri Dedovich) fires a Nagant during the chase after Gulyavin.


Mauser C96

Vasiliy Gulyavin (Evgeniy Matveev), the commander of the "International Flying Squad of Proletarian Anger", and some other revolutionary sailors carry Mauser C96 pistols.

Note: see additional images of talk page.

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Pre-War dated Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" Commercial Version - 7.63x25mm Mauser
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Gulyavin (at the right) holds a Mauser during the storming of the Winter Palace. Another sailor (Valentin Grudinin) holds a Mauser and a hand grenade at the left.
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One more revolutionary sailor holds a Mauser at the left.
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Red sailors carry Mausers in holsters.
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Gulyavin rests with his Mauser at hand.
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Gulyavin with a Mauser in attack.
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Gulyavin carries a Mauser in holster. Note that the holster differs from the one, seen earlier.
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A sailor (Valentin Grudinin) carries a Mauser in holster.
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Gulyavin tries to commit suicide but is stopped by his comrades-in-arms.

FN Model 1900

An FN Model 1900 pistol is a personal sidearm of Ataman Lyol'ka (Margarita Volodina), the chieftain of a gang, temporarily joining forces with Gulyavin's unit.

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FN Model 1900 - .32 ACP
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Lyol'ka accidentally drops her pistol (seen on the ground at the right) when she fires a captured machine gun.
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Lyol'ka readies her pistol for the execution of captured White officers.

FN Model 1910

White Army Poruchik (Lt.) Bolgarinov (Anatoliy Gorbov) holds an FN Model 1910 in one scene. Vasiliy Gulyavin (Evgeniy Matveev) carries an FN 1910 when he is disguised as Russian Navy Lt.

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FN Model 1910 - .380 ACP
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Poruchik Bolgarinov with a pistol in hand.
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Gulyavin fires his pisol.
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He runs with the pistol in hand.
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The grip is seen.
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Gulyavin holds FN 1910 after his pistol switches back from a TT (see below).


In one scene Gulyavin's FN 1910 switches to an anachronistic TT-33, and then back to FN 1910.

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Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev. Post-1947 version
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FN 1910 pistol switches to TT.
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Another view of the TT.
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The pistol runs out of ammo.


Mosin Nagant M1891

Mosin Nagant M1891 rifles are widely used by revolutionary sailors and soldiers.

Note: see additional images of talk page.

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Full-length, Imperial Russian Mosin Nagant M1891 - 7.62x54mm R
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Revolutionary sailors with M91 rifles.
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The same scene. Some sailors have bayonets attached backwards which is an exclusively cinematic practice, banned in real life.
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Sailor Kruglyak (Valentin Chernyak) holds a rifle in center.
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Soldiers of Russian Army, returning from the front, are in conflict with sailors. Some soldiers have their rifles with bayonets attached backwards.
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Soldiers (Ivan Matveev in center) hold M91 rifles with bayonets in same scene.
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Sailors and soldiers in confrontation. They are mostly armed with M91 rifles, while some M91/30s are also seen.
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Whites with M91 rifle and M38 Carbine (at the right).
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A firing squad of Red sailors execute Lyol'ka. Another group of sailors in the same scene is armed with M91/30s (see below).

Mosin Nagant M1891/30

Mosin Nagant M1891/30 rifles, standing for original M91s, are also seen, used by Reds and Whites.

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Full-length, Soviet Mosin Nagant M91/30 - 7.62x54mm R
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Sailors and soldiers in confrontation. They are mostly armed with M91 rifles, while some M91/30s are also seen.
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A sailor on guard holds an M91/30 rifle.
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A White Army Poruchik (Lev Perfilov) with M91/30 rifle. Next to him another Poruchik readies to fire a Maxim M1910.
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Whites with M91/30 rifles.
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Another part of Red sailors firing squad hold M91/30s.

Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbine

Some Red sailors and White Army soldiers are armed with out of time Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbines.

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Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine - 7.62x54mm R
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One of the Red sailors (in center) holds a short rifle without bayonet what appears to be an M38 Carbine.
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One of the Red sailors (at the right) holds a short rifle that appears to be an M38 Carbine (the rifle without bayonet behind the full-length rifle with bayonet).
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What appears to be an M38 Carbine is seen at the right in hands of a White soldier.

Mosin Nagant "Obrez"

Some of Lyol'ka's bandits carry Mosin Nagant sawed-off "obrez". Two versions with different buttstocks are seen.

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Sawn-off Mosin Nagant M1891/30 - 7.62x54mm R. In Russian such weapon is called "obrez" which means "cut". It was mostly used by criminals and rebels.
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Lyol'ka'a henchman Zubarevich (Gennadi Poloka) carries an "obrez".
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Zubarevich aims his "obrez" at captured White officer.
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Zubarevich and another bandit carry "obrez". The "obrez" at the left has a shorter sawed-off buttstock.
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A bandit hands an "obrez" to Lyol'ka (Margarita Volodina).
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Lyol'ka fires at escaping White officer Poruchik Bolgarinov.
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Zubarevich with "obrez" and grenade.

Machine Guns

Maxim M1910

Reds and Whites use Maxim M1910 machine guns. One of these Maxims, identified by heavily battered water jacket, is reused in several scenes, "changing sides".

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Maxim 1910, simplified version with smooth water jacket - 7.62x54mmR
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A Maxim of the Red unit in a house. A Nagant of sleeping Stroyev is seen on the table.
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A Maxim on Gulyavin's tachanka cart.
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A White Army Poruchik (Vitold Janpavlis) with a Maxim on positions. Note the battered water jacket that allows to identify this particular prop.
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Another Maxim of White troops.
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The Maxim with battered water jacket on positions.
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A machine gun of White troops in action.
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Poruchik (Vitold Janpavlis) fires a Maxim.
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Same battered Maxim now is used by Reds.
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Lyol'ka (Margarita Volodina) fires a captured Maxim.

Maxim M1910/30

Reds also use a Maxim M1910/30, some of them of post-1940 version.

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Maxim 1910/30, post 1940 manufacture with top hatch on cooling jacket allowing it to be filled more quickly or with snow - 7.62x54mmR
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A Maxim 1910/30 on tachanka cart.
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Another view of same machine gun.
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A close view of Maxim 1910/30 on tachanka. Note the lack of cartridge belt.
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Another Maxim 1910/30 on tachanka. This is a pre-1940 version, without top hatch.
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A pre-1940 Maxim 1910/30 on tachanka.

Other Weapons

RG-14/30 Hand Grenade

Some revolutionaly sailors and Lyol'ka's bandits carry RG-14/30 hand grenades, standing for original RG-14s.

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RG-14/30 Soviet hand grenade.
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A sailor (Valentin Grudinin) holds a Mauser C96 and a grenade.
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A sailor of Gulyavin's unit holds a grenade.
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One of Lyol'ka's bandits (at the left) carries a grenade tucked in his belt.

M1917 Chemical Hand Grenade

Some of revolutionaly sailors and Lyol'ka's bandits carry M1917 Chemical Hand Grenades, probably chosen for their formidable outlook.

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Russian M1917 Chemical hand grenade
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A bandit at the left carries a large grenade that appears to be M1917.
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A close view of M1917 grenade. A man at the right also carries an M1917 grenade.
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A bandit in center carries a large grenade that also appears to be an M1917.
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Zubarevich (Gennadi Poloka) with "obrez" and grenade.
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A Red sailor carries an M1917 grenade.

F-1 Hand Grenade

In one scene Luchitskiy (Ivan Pereverzev), former White Army Rotmistr (Capt.) who turned to Reds, gives an F-1 hand grenade (possibly training URG version) to Vasiliy Gulyavin (Evgeniy Matveev). Out of time F-1 may stand for British Mills Bomb or French F1 hand grenade.

URG F-1 practice grenade
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Luchitskiy hands an F-1 to Gulyavin who is disguised as a Navy Lt.
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Gulyavin throws a grenade. The black color of the grenade matches URG training version.



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A good view of Stroyev's Nagant holster.
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A sailor at the left carries a Naval pattern holster for Nagant.
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A good view of Lyol'ka's FN 1900 holster.

Naval Artillery

152mm/L45 Pattern 1892 naval cannons of Canet system are seen on the ship where Gulyavin served during the Great War. In mid-1960s when the movie was filmed, the only ship that still had these old 6-inch cannons was cruiser Avrora, so probably the scene was filmed on this ship.

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A 6-inch gun. Note the angular shield of late XIX century pattern.
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Two 6-inch cannons are seen.