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The Wild East

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The Wild East
(Dikiy vostok)
Japanese Poster
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kazakhstan
Directed by Rashid Nugmanov
Release Date 1993
Language Russian
Kazakh or Mongolian
Studio Studio Kino
Main Cast
Character Actor
Strannik Konstantin Fyodorov
Godfather Konstantin Shamshurin
Beatnik Aleksandr Aksyonov
Marilyn Zhanna Isina
Mongol Farkhad Amankulov
The Stunt Man Nikolay Krutov
Ivan Taiga Aleksandr Sporykhin
Skull Viacheslav Knizel and Viacheslav Chernykh
Iona Gennadi Shatunov
Old Man Pavel Shpakovsky

The Wild East (original title is Дикий восток Dikiy vostok) is a 1993 Kazakhstan movie, remake of Seven Samurai.

The following weapons were used in the film Native Dancer (Baksy):

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Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model

Godfather (Konstantin Shamshurin) gave aSmith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model to Strannik (Konstantin Fyodorov), which he uses throughut the movie.

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Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model - .44 Russian
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Godfather holds a Smith & Wesson.
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Strannik investigate his new sidearm.
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Strannik aims his Smith & Wesson.
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Close view of the muzzle.
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A perfect view of the revolver.
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The revolver's barrel is used as smoke pipe.


Several characters holds a single TT-33.

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Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev. Pre-1947 version.
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The Skull's thug holds a TT, tooked from Godfather.
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The another view of the same scene.
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Godfather fans his TT.
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Godfather aims...
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...and fires.
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Strannik grabs the TT.

Luger P08

Luger P08 can be seen in the hands of several characters. Only a single movie prop was used.

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm. This is a blank adapted movie gun.
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The Skull's thug aims the Luger (at the background, second from right).
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The Skull's thug holds the Luger.
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On of the Fascists (far left) fires a Luger.
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The Fascist (Arkadiy Shamaev) fires his Luger.

Mauser C96 "Broomhandle"

Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" can be seen at the several scenes.

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Pre-War dated Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" Commercial Version - 7.63x25mm Mauser. Note the rear tangent sight; in something of a display of wishful thinking, the C96's sight is adjustable for ranges up to 1000 meters. Later examples had a sight adjustable to a still unrealistic 500 meters. C96 pistols with fixed rear sights are very rare.
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The Skull's thug (at the far right) aims a Mauser.
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Another Skull's thug with the holstered Mauser.
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The Skull (Viacheslav Chernykh) loands the Mauser...
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...and charges it.
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A Close Up.
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Strannik aims the Muser.


M1911A1 is the personal sidearm of Zhukovsky (Robert Pastukhov).

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World War II Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP. This was an issued U.S. Army pistol with parkerized finish, thus the official designation of M1911A1
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Zhukovsky aims an M1911.
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Zhukovsky puts his pistol to the holster.

Sauer Model 1913

The Driver (uncredited) fires Sauer Model 1913.

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Sauer Model 1913 - 7.65 mm Browning (.32 ACP)
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The driver draws his pistol...
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...and aims it.


12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun

Several characters uses 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotguns.

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J. Stevens and Company Side by Side Shotgun (Circa 1878) exposed hammers and designed to fire Black Powder shotgun shells - 12 gauge
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Godfather investigate the shotgun.
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The several midgets at the right carry the double barreled shotguns.
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The midgets with the double barreled shotguns.

Sawn-off Double Barreled Shotgun

Sawn-off Double Barreled Shotguns can be seen in the several scenes.

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Remington Spartan Sawed Off shotgun - 12 gauge
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Ibrahim (uncredited) aims his shoygun...
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...but Mongol (Farkhad Amankulov) easily tooked it from him.
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The Skull's bandit (Aleksandr Baranov II) holds the shotgun.

Rossi Overland

A sawn ooff Rossi Overland can be seen in the hands of the Skull's thug.

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Rossi Overland Sawed Off Shotgun - 12 gauge. This particular gun was the screen used shotgun in the film The Untouchables (1987).
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The Skull thug holds the shotgun.
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Note the exposed hammers.
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Thug aims.


IZh-K shotguns can be seen used by the several mudgets.

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Izhmekh IZh-K - 16 Gauge
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The Midget holds the IZh at the bacround. Note the exposed hammer.
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The same character at the left.
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The same character fires (at the background). Note the typical groove on the stoke.
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The same character with the IZh on the shoulder (at the left). Note the typical groove on the stoke.
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The Skull thug (at the left) aims his shotgun. Note the typical groove on the stoke.

Varios Shotguns

A several types of shotguns can be seen used by varios characters.

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The Skull's thug fire at the police car.
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The midgets covers.
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The midget at the right with the gun.
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The midgets fires in air.
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The midgets with the long guns.
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The fascists fires.

Submachine Guns


Beatnik (Aleksandr Aksyonov) uses PPSh-41.

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Soviet PPSh-41 Submachine Gun - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
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A Close Up.
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Beatnik aims his PPSh.
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Beatnik in ambush.

Goncz GA-9

Goncz GA-9 can be briefly seen in the hands of the Skull's thug.

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Goncz GA-9 - target version of Goncz GS-9 - 9x19mm
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Note the long barrel.
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The gun can be seen slight better.
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Machine Guns

Degtyaryov DP-28

The Degtyaryov DP-28 can be briefly seen in the police car.

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Degtyaryov DP-28 machine gun - 7.62x54mm R
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The drum mag can be seen.
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The barrel can be seen.
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The typical DP muzzle can be seen.

Grenades & Launchers

F-1 hand grenade

Ivan Taiga (Aleksandr Sporykhin) tooked F-1 hand grenade from killed fascist.

F-1 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
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The grenade on the belt of killed fascist.
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Ivan Taiga turns the pin.

RGD-33 stick grenade

RGD-33 stick grenade

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RGD-33 high-explosive fragmentation stick grenade, shown with the diamond-patterned fragmentation sleeve.
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Ivan Taiga tooked the grenade from killed fascist.
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Ivan Taiga with the grenade.


GP-25 is attached on Ivan Taiga's AKS-74.

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GP-25 grenade launcher - 40mm
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A Close Up.
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Zhukovsky holds AKS-74 with GP.
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Skull (currently plaed by Viacheslav Knizel) holds the weapons.


An armored weacles can be seen at the several scenes.

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The same BTR.
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The same BTR.
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An unknown military weacle.
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An unknown military weacle (at the left).