The Road to Calvary: 1918 (Khozhdenie po mukam: Vosemnadtsatyy god)
Modern DVD Cover
1918 (Vosemnadtsatyy god ) is the second film of The Road to Calvary (Khozhdenie po mukam) three-part film series, adapted from the novel by eponymous historical novel trilogy by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy. It depicts the fate of main characters in 1918, during the events of Russian Civil war.
The following weapons were used in the film The Road to Calvary: 1918 (Khozhdenie po mukam: Vosemnadtsatyy god) :
Nagant M1895
Nagant M1895 revolvers are used by Ivan Ilyich Telegin (Vadim Medvedev ), Vadim Petrovich Roshchin (Nikolai Gritsenko ), Aleksey Krasilnikov (Leonid Parkhomenko ) and numerous Reds and Whites. All revolvers are of anachronistic post-1930 version.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38R Nagant. This example was dated 1939 manufacture and was a War time issued weapon. Note the angular front sight which was used from 1930s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing White officers execute captured Reds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Telegin fires a Nagant from a handcar.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vasiliy Rubtsov (Sergey Yakovlev ), Commissar of Varnavskiy regiment, carries a Nagant in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Praporshchik Valerian Onoli (Mikhail Kozakov ) fires a Nagant, holding an M91 rifle in other hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aleksey Krasilnikov (Leonid Parkhomenko ) holds a Nagant and a Mauser C96 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agrippina Chebrets (Mayya Bulgakova ) holds a Nagant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Roshchin holds a Nagant, thinking about a suicide.
Mauser C96
Mauser C96 pistols are often seen during the events of Russian civil war, used by Red Glavkom (Commander-in-Chief) Ivan Sorokin (Evgeniy Matveev ), other Red commanders, and Makhno's brigands, including Aleksey Krasilnikov (Leonid Parkhomenko ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pre-War dated Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" Commercial Version - 7.63x25mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glavkom Sorokin carries a Mauser in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sorokin draws a Mauser during the conflict.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gymza (Mikhail Gladysh ), commander of Red Varnavskiy regiment, carries a Mauser in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aleksey Krasilnikov holds a Nagant M1895 and a Mauser C96.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Makhno's brigands with Mauser C96 pistols.
FN Model 1900
During the events in Samara Semyon Semyonovich Govyadin (Konstantin Nemolyayev ), the chief of local militsia , carries an FN Model 1900 pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Model 1900 - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Govyadin breaks in Dr. Bulavin's house with pistol in hand.
Various pistols
Samara militsioneers , subordinates of Semyon Govyadin, carry various pistols that are seen too unclear to be identified for sure.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Govyadin's men holds a large pistol that can be some M1911 -style model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A man at the right holds a pistol that seems to be hammerless and is possibly an FN Model 1903 (or TT-33 , used as a substitution for FN 1903).
Mosin Nagant M1891
Historically correct Mosin Nagant M1891 rifles are widely used during the events of Russian Civil war. Both Infantry and Dragoon models can be seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M1891 with attachable bayonet - 7.62x54mmR.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon Rifle - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bolshevik Ivan Gora (Viktor Avdyushko ) carries an M91 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing White troops on march.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Roshchin (Nikolai Gritsenko ) in ranks of attacking White troops.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Red artillerymen carry M91 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing White firing squad with M91 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Red soldiers in action.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Roshchin and Valerian Onoli (Mikhail Kozakov ) (at the right) in action.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agrippina Chebrets (Mayya Bulgakova ) carries an M91 rifle.
Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbine
Anachronistic Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbines are also seen throughout the movie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbine - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cossacks of personal guard of White Army Commander-in-chief Gen. Denikin. The one at the left carries an M38 Carbine while the one at the right has an outdated Berdan carbine (see below).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red sailor with M38 Carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A brigand holds M38 Carbine.
Berdan No.2 Carbine
In one scene a Cossack of personal guard of White Army Commander-in-chief Gen. Denikin carries a carbine that appears to be outdated Berdan No.2 Carbine .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A family of Berdan No.2 rifles: 1 - Infantry rifle, 2 - Dragoon rifle, 3 - Cossack rifle, 4 - carbine. Drawing from Strelkovoye orujie ("Firearms") by Aleksandr Juck.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Cossack at the right carries a Berdan carbine. Note the shape of the stock and the position of bolt handle.
Machine Guns
Maxim M1910/30
Maxim M1910/30 machine guns, standing for original M1910s, are seen in several scenes. Some of them are of post-1940 version.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxim 1910/30 machine gun - 7.62x54mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Maxim in headquarters of Red regiment.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Maxim on tachanka cart.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxim 1910/30, post 1940 manufacture with top hatch on cooling jacket allowing it to be filled more quickly or with snow - 7.62x54mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Maxim at the entrance of Smolny, the headquarters of Bolsheviks. Note the top hatch on cooling jacket.
Other Weapons
RG-14 Hand Grenade
In one scene commander of Varnavsliy regiment Gymza (Mikhail Gladysh ) gives a top secret dispatch, tied to an RG-14 or RG-14/30 hand grenade, to Telegin (Vadim Medvedev ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RG-14 Russian hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gymza gives a top secret dispatch, tied to a grenade, to Telegin.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the grenade with tied letter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Telegin raises the grenade.
Dummy Training Grenade
Dummy training grenades are used instead of RG-14s by Red troops.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Training stick grenade. Such cast aluminum dummies were widely used in USSR for basic training.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RG-14 Russian hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red soldier carries a grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A White officer at the right carries a holster for TT-33 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Red Chief of Staff Belyakov (Grigori Kirillov) carries a holster for FN Model 1910 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Melshin (Viktor Yakovlev) carries a Nagant holster.
76.2mm M1902 field guns are seen in several battle scenes.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 76.2mm M1902 Field Gun
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Red artillery in action in snow-covered field.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Red field battery under command of Telegin opens fire on Whites.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Red 3-inch fires during the battle for Ekaterinodar.
76.2mm M1902/30 L40 field guns are also seen in same scenes.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 76.2mm M1902/30 L40 Divisional Gun. A drawing from original service manual.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1902/30 L40 is seen at the background, identified by its longer barrel.