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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (TV Series)

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
and Dr. Watson
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DVD Cover
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing USSR
Language Russian
Channel Soviet Central Television
Creator Igor Maslennikov
Genre Detective
Broadcast 1979-1986
No. of Seasons 5
No. of Episodes 11
Main Cast
Character Actor
Sherlock Holmes Vasily Livanov
Dr. Watson Vitaly Solomin
Mrs. Hudson Rina Zelyonaya
Inspector Lestrade Boryslav Brondukov
Inspector Gregson Igor Dmitriev

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (Priklucheniya Sherlocka Holmsa i Doktora Watsona) is a Soviet series of five TV movies by Igor Maslennikov based on Arthur Conan Doyle's novels and stories, starring Vasily Livanov as Sherlock Holmes and Vitaly Solomin as Dr. Watson.

The series ran as follows:

  • Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (1979)
    • Ep. 1: "Acquaintance" (based on A Study in Scarlet and The Adventure of the Speckled Band)
    • Ep. 2: "Bloody Inscription" (based on A Study in Scarlet)
  • The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (1980)
    • Ep. 1: "The Master-Blackmailer" (based on The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton)
    • Ep. 2: "Deadly Fight" (based on The Final Problem)
    • Ep. 3: "Hunt for the Tiger" (based on The Adventure of the Empty House)
  • The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles (1983; two episodes, based on The Hound of the Baskervilles)
  • The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Treasures of Agra (1983; two episodes, based on The Sign of the Four and A Scandal in Bohemia)
  • The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Approaches (1986; two episodes, based on The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb, The Adventure of the Second Stain, The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans and His Last Bow)

The following weapons were used in the film The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson:


Nagant M1895

The Russian Nagant M1895 revolver is used by Sherlock Holmes (Vasily Livanov) in the first episode of the first movie ("Acquaintance") when he "draws" on the wall by shooting Queen Victoria's monogram ("VR" - "Victoria Regina"). In this episode the revolver is incorrectly called ".38". In the first movie, the Nagant 1895 is also used by Inspectors Lestrade (Boryslav Brondukov) and Gregson (Igor Dmitriev). British constables also carry Nagants in various scenes, which is an error, as the British police at that time didn't issue the Nagant.

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Nagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38N cartridge (aka 7.62 Nagant ammo). This example was dated 1939 manufacture and was a War time Issued weapon. Note the angular front sight which was used from 1930s.
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Sherlock Holmes shoots his Nagant M1895 revolver, "drawing" VR on the wall in "Acquaintance".
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Holmes holds his Nagant in the same scene.
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Inspector Gregson holds his Nagant while finding the body of Joseph Stangerson in "Bloody Inscription".
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A constable holds his Nagant in "The Treasures of Agra. Part 2".
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Constables hold Jonathan Small (Sergey Shakurov) at gunpoint with their Nagant revolvers in "The Treasures of Agra. Part 2".

British Constabulary revolver

A Belgian copy of Webley RIC revolver known as "British Constabulary" is Sherlock Holmes' main weapon in Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. The same revolver is Dr. Watson's (Vitaly Solomin) main weapon in The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Treasures of Agra and The Twentieth Century Approaches. British Constabulary is also briefly seen in hands of Inspector Lestrade in "Hunt for the Tiger" episode and in one scene in The Hound of the Baskervilles. In the last case Lestrade uses Constabulary revolver instead of Reichsrevolver M1879 (which is seen in his hands before and after this scene) most likely because he had to fire at the Hound of the Baskervilles, and Reichsrevolver couldn't shoot due to some reason.

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British Constabulary revolver with 5.25" barrel - .50 CF
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Three revolvers are seen on the table: a S&W New Model No. 3, a British Constabulary, and a Reichsrevolver M1879, when Watson starts cleaning of the guns.
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Sherlock Holmes holds Jefferson Hope (Nikolai Karachentsov) at gunpoint with his Constabulary revolver in "Bloody Inscription".
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The Constabulary revolver is seen on the table in "Deadly Fight".
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Sherlock Holmes examines his Constabulary revolver in the same scene.
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Inspector Lestrade with Constabulary revolver in "Hunt for the Tiger".
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Dr. Watson with Constabulary revolver in "The Hound of the Baskervilles. Part 2".
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Another view of Dr. Watson's revolver in the same scene.
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Inspector Lestrade fires his Constabulary revolver at the Hound of the Baskervilles in "The Hound of the Baskervilles. Part 2". Note a large flame because of blank cartridge.
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Dr. Watson with Constabulary revolver, Sherlock Holmes with Webley Mk VI revolver and Inspector Lestrade with Reichsrevolver M1879 during the boat chase in "The Treasures of Agra. Part 2".

Webley Mk VI

A Webley Mk VI revolver is Sherlock Holmes' main weapon in The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Treasures of Agra and The Twentieth Century Approaches. This revolver is anachronism for 1880s-90s when the story takes place; apparently Mk VI stands in for the earlier Webley models, such as Webley-Pryse.

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Webley Mk. VI - .455 Webley.
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Sherlock Holmes cocks his Webley Mk VI in "The Hound of the Baskervilles. Part 2".
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Sherlock Holmes fires at Stapleton in "The Hound of the Baskervilles. Part 2".
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Dr. Watson with Constabulary revolver, Sherlock Holmes with Webley Mk VI revolver and Inspector Lestrade with Reichsrevolver M1879 during the boat chase in "The Treasures of Agra. Part 2".
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Sherlock Holmes cleans his Webley in "The Twentieth Century Approaches. Part 2".

Webley Bulldog

Webley Bulldog revolver (most likely a Belgian copy) is seen in Sherlock Holmes' handbag in "The Master-Blackmailer" episode.

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Belgian copy of a Webley Bulldog - 32 caliber. A 19th Century ancestor to the "snubbie".
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Smith & Wesson New Model No.3

In Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson Dr. Watson is armed with a Spanish or Belgian copy of Smith & Wesson New Model No.3. In one scene of the first episode of the first movie ("Acquaintance") Sherlock Holmes incorrectly called Watson's revolver "Webley-Scott .38 army model". The same revolver is briefly seen on Holmes' table in "Acquaintance" and in hands of Sherlock Holmes in "Bloody Inscription" and "The Master-Blackmailer" episodes.

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Smith & Wesson New Model No.3 - .44 S&W.
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Dr. Watson holds his Smith & Wesson after the boxing match with Sherlock Holmes in "Acquaintance".
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The same scene. A grip of revolver can be seen.
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Dr. Watson with his revolver waits for the "Speckled Band".
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Dr. Watson opens his revolver in "Bloody Inscription".
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A close though a little blurry image of Dr. Watson's revolver in "Bloody Inscription".
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Dr. Watson in ambush with the revolver in hand in "Bloody Inscription".
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Three revolvers are seen on the table: a S&W New Model No. 3, a British Constabulary, and a Reichsrevolver M1879, when Watson starts cleaning of the guns.
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The muzzle of Smith & Wesson is seen when Watson cleans the revolver.
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Sherlock Holmes draws Smith & Wesson in "The Master-Blackmailer".
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Dr. Watson in Milverton's house in "The Master-Blackmailer". A close view of the revolver from the right side.
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The same scene. The revolver is seen from the left side.
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Smith & Wesson revolver on Sherlock Holmes' table among many items used by the great detective.

Reichsrevolver M1879

Reichsrevolver M1879 is seen among Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson handguns in one scene of the first movie. This revolver is also the main weapon of Inspector Lestrade. In "The Hound of the Baskervilles" Lestrade's revolver is seen in hands of Dr. Watson for a short time.

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Reichsrevolver M1879 Revolver - 10,6x25R.
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Three revolvers are seen on the table: a S&W New Model No. 3, a British Constabulary, and a Reichsrevolver M1879, when Watson starts cleaning of the guns.
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Reichsrevolver is seen on the table.
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Inspector Lestrade with his Reichsrevolver in "The Treasures of Agra. Part 2".
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Dr. Watson with Constabulary revolver, Sherlock Holmes with Webley Mk VI revolver and Inspector Lestrade with Reichsrevolver M1879 during the boat chase in "The Treasures of Agra. Part 2".
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Inspector Lestrade holds his revolver in "The Twentieth Century Approaches. Part 2".

Lefaucheux revolver

Charles Augustus Milverton (Boris Ryzhukhin) is armed with a Lefaucheux revolver in "The Master-Blackmailer".

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Lefaucheux Model 1854.
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Galand revolver

In the final scene of "The Hound of the Baskervilles" Stapleton (Oleg Yankovsky) is armed with Galand revolver. This is most likely Russian contract Galand in 12x14mmR calibre which was put into service in Russian Navy in 1869 as "4 1/2-line Galyan revolver" and served until 1881.

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Galand Revolver - 12x14mmR
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Colt Police Positive

In "Hunt for the Tiger" several constables are armed with revolvers that looks like Colt Police Positive.

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Colt Police Positive with 4" Barrel - .38 Special
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A constable holds his revolver next to Inspector Lestrade.
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Constables arrest Colonel Sebastian Moran (Nikolai Kryukov).

Pocket revolver

In "Bloody Inscription" a pocket revolver (supposedly a Belgian copy of Smith & Wesson system in .32 caliber) is seen in hands of Joseph Stangerson (Viktor Aristov) when he is disarmed by Jefferson Hope (Nikolai Karachentsov).

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Smith & Wesson Baby Russian - .38
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Jefferson Hope disarms Joseph Stangerson.
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The revolver is seen in Hope's hands.

Smith & Wesson Model 2 Double Action

In "The Master-Blackmailer" the Smith & Wesson Model 2 Double Action revolver is used by lady Huxley (Valentina Panina).

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Smith & Wesson Model 2 Double Action - .38 S&W
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Lady Huxley shoots at Milverton.

Rast-Gasser M1898

In "The Hound of the Baskervilles" sir Henry Baskerville (Nikita Mikhalkov) holds a revolver that appears to be a Rast-Gasser M1898 when he rides through the moors.

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Austrian Rast Gasser 1898 - 8 x 27mm Gasser.
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Sir Henry Baskerville rides through the moors and shoots in air.

Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model

Another revolver, carried by sir Henry Baskerville, is a Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model.

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Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model - .44 Russian
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The revolver in holster. Only a grip can be seen.
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The revolver is distantly seen on the table.


FN Model 1922

In "The Twentieth Century Approaches. Part 2" German spy Von Bork (Leonid Kuravlyov) is seen with the rather anachronistic weapon - FN Model 1922 pistol (the story takes place in 1914).

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FN Model 1922 - .32 ACP.
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Von Bork aims his pistol.
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Holmes picks up Von Bork's pistol.

Flintlock Pistol

Four Flintlock Pistols in Eduardo Lucas' weapon collection is seen in "The Twentieth Century Approaches. Part 1".

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Turkish Flintlock Pistol.
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Eduardo Lucas' weapon collection is seen in "The Twentieth Century Approaches. Part 1". It contains two flintlock muskets and four flintlock pistols together with numerous swords and daggers.


Marlin Model 1893

Colonel Sebastian Moran (Nikolai Kryukov) is armed with Marlin Model 1893 in the scene at the Reichenbach Falls in "Deadly Fight" (seen again as a flashback in "Hunt for the Tiger").

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Marlin 1893 - .30-30.
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Sporterized Vetterli Model 1869/70

In the "Hunt for the Tiger" episode Colonel Sebastian Moran (Nikolai Kryukov) appears with the weapon that is described as "specially designed airgun". This weapon appears to be a Vetterli Model 1869/70 rifle in the sporterized configuration, with the handguard shortcut for most of its length, retain the original 11-shot tube magazine, and slightly shortened barrel. Probably the same gun is seen in The Last Hunt (Poslednyaya okhota), filmed by the studio and same year.

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Vetterli Model 1869/71 - 10.4mm.
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Colonel Moran with his rifle.
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A good view on the barrel.
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The bolt handle can be seen.
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Dr. Watson holds the rifle taken from Moran. The arrow points at trigger guard that allow to identify the original weapon.
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Inspector Lestrade holds the rifle.

Unknown rifle

In one scene in "The Hound of the Baskervilles" a police constable on the railway station holds a rifle. An appropriate rifle for this place and time would be a Martini-Henry but it hardly can be seen in a Russian-filmed movie. Maybe Mosin Nagant Rifle is a best guess as the screen rifle seems to have a straight bolt handle and a typical shape of the magazine.

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A constable with a rifle is seen at the background.


Double Barreled Shotgun

In the opening scene in "The Twentieth Century Approaches. Part 2" Von Bork (Leonid Kuravlyov) and baron von Herling (Vladimir Tatosov) are seen with double barreled shotguns.

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Von Bork and baron von Herling on hunt in von Bork's estate.


Percussion Cap Musket

A percussion cap hunting musket is seen in final scenes of "Deadly Fight". The gun has military style sights, so it is supposed to be a converted military gun, possibly Enfield Pattern 1853.

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Enfield Pattern 1853 - .577 Ball
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A musket is seen on the wall in Swiss hotel.
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Peter Stahler, Jr. (Ignat Leirer), the Swiss hotel owner, holds the musket in the final scene.

Oriental Musket

Two Oriental-style flintlock muskets in Eduardo Lucas' weapon collection is seen in "The Twentieth Century Approaches. Part 1".

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Turkish Flintlock Musket
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Eduardo Lucas' weapon collection is seen in "The Twentieth Century Approaches. Part 1". It contains two flintlock muskets and four flintlock pistols together with numerous swords and daggers.