Velvet Season (Barkhatnyy sezon)Velvet Season (Barkhatnyy sezon) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesVelvet Season (Barkhatnyy sezon)
Velvet Season (Barkhatnyy sezon) is a 1978 Soviet-Swiss action movie directed by Vladimir Pavlovich. The story is set in Autumn 1938 in Southern France. After the International Brigades of Spanish Civil War are dissolved, a trio of former Brigades soldiers, Nicholas (Juozas Budraitis), Henri (Aleksandr Lazarev, Sr.) and Liz (Valentina Ignatyeva), stay for several days in a French seaside town to help the Red Cross nurse Marie (Tatyana Sidorenko) to deliver a group of refugee Spanish children to specially organised orphanage. Meanwile a local leader of French Nazi, Georges Grenier (Viktor Sergachyov) is arrested for several murders and centenced to death penalty. The Nazis under the command of Bernard (Algimantas Masiulis) plan to release their leader by taking hostages in marine station. Nicolas, Henri and Liz are the only ones who have a chance to break this plan.
The following weapons were used in the film Velvet Season (Barkhatnyy sezon):
During the interrogation of captured Nicholas and in the final scene Bernard (Algimantas Masiulis) uses a nickel plated short-barreled Nagant M1895 revolver.
Bernard (Algimantas Masiulis) holds a standard Nagant M1895 revolver when his gang take hostages. In the final scene Liz (Valentina Ignatyeva) uses Bernard's revolver. This is Soviet post-1930 version, possibly standing for French Mle 1892 Revolver or original Belgian Nagant.
Walther P38s are seen in hands of Bernard's henchmen in the scene on the shooting range. Some police officers also carry P38s. P38 was issued to German service only in 1939 and couldn't be seen in France in 1938.
In the opening scene Liz holds an MP38, fitted with rear part of receiver, taken from MP40. The same prop is later seen in hands of Bernard's henchman. It is also used by Marie (Tatyana Sidorenko).
In the opening scene many Spanish Republicans are armed with Enfield Pattern 14 rifles. Same rifles are used by French police. In reality these rifles weren't used by any of these forces, but P14s were widely available for Soviet film studios, having a distinctive "foreign" outlook.
Winchester Model 1895 rifles are also used by Spanish Republicans. This match the reality as at least 9,000 Russian contract M1895s was provided from USSR to Spain.
In the opening scene Henri (Aleksandr Lazarev, Sr.) carries a PKM machine gun, visually modified to resemble MG34. Such prop is also mounted on a plane of Spanish Nationalists or Legion Condor (the plane itself isn't seen, only the barrel and belt of the machine gun).
A Russian Maxim M1910 is seen among the weapons of Spanish Republicans. Again it is fitting weapon as no less then 2,500 Russian Maxims were delivered from USSR and Poland.