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The R Document (Dokument R)

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Revision as of 19:24, 12 February 2018 by Slon95 (talk | contribs) (Not Nagant - it has a completely another frame)
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This article currently has one or more unidentified weapons.
If you can help identify any of the weapons labelled "unknown," please do so.

The R Document
Dokument R
Cinema Poster
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing USSR
Directed by Valeriy Kharchenko
Release Date 1985
Language Russian
Studio Belarusfilm
Main Cast
Character Actor
Christopher Collins Romualds Ancans
Mary Lampert Klara Belova
President Wadsworth Oswald Berzins
Vernon T. Tynen Evald Hermaküla
Karen Elle Kull
Gary Edcock Tõnu Lume
Donald Radenbau Heino Mandri
Anthony Pierce Mikk Mikiver

The R Document (Dokument R; Russian: Документ Р) - feature film, loosely based on the novel by Irving Wallace. The film tells about the beginning of the XXI century, the future of that time (at the time of the film), when politicians and the higher ranks of the United States, headed by the director of the FBI is ready to kill the US president, to introduce a state of emergency and seize power by establishing a dictatorship.

The following weapons were used in the film The R Document (Dokument R):



Vernon T. Tynen (Evald Hermaküla) uses the M1911A1 pistol during the night invasion to his office.

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Pre-War Colt M1911A1 - Commercial Model known as the "Colt Government Model" - .45 ACP
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Walther P38

Hitmen sent to kill John Maynard (Rein Aren) armed supressed Walther P38.

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Walther P38 WWII dated with black grips - 9x19mm
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Killer hides behind a pillar with his silenced Walther P38.
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Killer aiming to John Maynard from Walther P38.

FN Model 1910

Anthony Pierce (Mikk Mikiver) at the end of the movie has a FN Model 1910.

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FN Model 1910 with wood grips - .380 ACP
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Anthony Pierce pulls pistol.

Unknown Revolver

Unknown snub-nose revolver appears during the scene with a shooting range.

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Colt Detective Special 3rd Gen - .38 Special
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Revolver with open cylinder.

Unknown Revolver 2

A unknown revolver is seen in holster of one of the guards at the entrance of the Argo City. According to the shape of the grips with lanyard ring, it can be the M1917 Revolver, but this is only an assumption.

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Colt M1917 Revolver - .45 ACP
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Nagant M1895

One of the John Maynard's guards has Nagant M1895 Revolver.

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Nagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38N cartridge (aka 7.62 Nagant ammo)
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Nagant M1895 in the holster.

Unknown Revolver 3

One of the police officers used a unknown compact revolver, may be a Colt system.

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Colt Pocket Positive second model with 2 1/2" barel - .32 Colt New Police
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Police officer shoots the killer.
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A police officer standing over the corpse of the murdered killer, with a short-barreled revolver in his hand.

Unknown Air Pistol

Unknown Air Pistol, maybe Palmer Cap-Chur Short Range Projector appears during the scene with a shooting range.

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Palmer Cap-Chur Short Range Projector
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Rifles / Carbines


At the beginning of the film, one of the police officers carries the M16A1 rifle with a 20-round magazine.

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M16A1 with 20 round magazine - 5.56x45mm
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Police officer with M16A1 rifle

The M16A1 rifles with a 30-round magazines also appears in the scene with a shooting range.

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Colt M16A1 with 30 round magazine - 5.56x45mm
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Remington Model 700

At the beginning of the film, police sniper armed Remington Model 700.

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Remington 700 BDL rifle with no iron sights and scope (current production) - .308 Winchester
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Police sniper with Remington 700

Sturmgewehr 44 (Mocked up as a Heckler & Koch G3)

A several guards at the entrance of the Argo City carries the StG-44 rifles, modifiled with the additional of a foregrips, new sights and short magazines, to looks as the Heckler & Koch G3s.

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Sturmgewehr 44 - 7.92x33mm Kurz
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Early Heckler & Koch G3 rifle with wooden handguard and buttstock - 7.62x51mm NATO
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A guard with the fake H&K G3.