The Eagle Has Landed
Theatrical Release Poster
The Eagle Has Landed is a 1976 WWII thriller based on the Jack Higgins novel of the same name and stars Michael Caine as a German officer who is part of the German High Command's elaborate plan to capture Winston Churchill and bring him to Germany using what remained of a detachment of elite Paratroopers.
The following weapons were used in the film The Eagle Has Landed :
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Colt Commander
Colonel Pitts (Larry Hagman ) carries a Colt Commander as his sidearm. He is seen with the pistol when he searching Joanna's house. A Colt Commander is also seen briefly being used by a Ranger during the church battle. This was probably a stand-in for the regular Colt 45, the Colt Commander itself wasn't introduced on the market until after World War II.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Combat Commander - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colonel Pitts (Larry Hagman ) searches Joanna's house with his Colt Commander at the ready. The slide length is shorter than an M1911A1, but it doesn't have the typical "Commander"-style hammer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lt. Frazier (Jeff Conaway ) is seen taking cover while he holds a Colt Commander.
Luger P08
Sergeant Major Brandt (Siegfried Rauch ) is seen with a Luger P08 pistol during a confrontation with regular German troops at the train station.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Luger P08 - 9x19mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Brandt (Siegfried Rauch ) can be seen holding a Luger P08.
Walther P38
Carried by Steiner and his second-in-command Von Neustadt (Sven-Bertil Taube ) sidearm is a Walther P38 pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P38 with black grips - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Von Neustadt (Sven-Bertil Taube ) with his Walther P38 pistol drawn during the train station confrontation.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colonel Steiner (Michael Caine ) is in German uniform with a Walther P38. Note that his jacket is a Luftwaffe Pilot Jacket that was not issued to paratroopers.
Walther PPK
Liam Devlin (Donald Sutherland ) appears to carry a Walther PPK as a sidearm. The pistol is found by Arthur who shows it to Molly Prior (Jenny Agutter ). Oberst Max Radl (Robert Duvall ) is seen relinquishing his sidearm, a Walther PPK , when he is arrested by the Gestapo.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PPK - 9mm Kurz aka 9x17mm (.380 ACP)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Liam's Walther is found by Arthur who shows it to Molly Prior (Jenny Agutter ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colonel Radl seen unholstering his sidearm, a Walther PPK.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Max Radl (Robert Duvall ) pauses for a moment before relinquishing his PPK.
Colt Official Police
Joanna (Jean Marsh ) is seen using what appears to be a Colt Official Police revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Official Police - 5" Barrel
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joanna (Jean Marsh ) fires her Colt Official Police .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joanna holds her Colt Official Police revolver.
Webley Mk VI
Maj. Corcoran (Maurice Roëves ) is seen with a Webley Mk VI .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Webley Mk VI - .455 Webley
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maj. Corcoran (Maurice Roëves ) is seen with a Webley Mk VI .
Submachine Guns
Sten Mk II
Oberst Kurt Steiner (Michael Caine ) and his men from the 12th Fallschirmjaeger Abteilung all carry Sten Mk II submachine guns on the mission when they are disguised as Polish Paratroopers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sten Mk II Submachine Gun - 9x19mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hauptmann Von Neustadt (Sven-Bertil Taube ) and his Sten Mk II submachine gun disassembled and attached to his chest harness ready to parachute into the UK (All Steiner's men parachuted with their Sten guns in this way). Note the two-finger salute. This was (and is) the actual Polish military salute.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steiner (Michael Caine ) stands outside the church with his Sten Mk II submachine gun
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steiner (Michael Caine ) and Sergeant Major Brandt (Siegfried Rauch ) holding their Sten guns after firing at the approaching Rangers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steiner's men disguised as Polish Paratroopers firing at Army Rangers with their Sten Mk II's.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Brandt smashing out a church window with his Sten Mk II.
M3 "Grease Gun"
A Ranger is seen using a M3 "Grease Gun" during the assault on the church.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M3 "Grease Gun" .45 ACP.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Ranger on the right holds his M3 "Grease Gun".
A German soldier at the train station is briefly seen carrying an MP40 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In the center, German soldier at the train station is briefly seen carrying an MP40 .
Rifles & Carbines
M2 Carbine
Colonel Pitts (Larry Hagman ) and most of his Rangers, including Captain Clark (Treat Williams ), are equipped with anachronistic M2 Carbines fitted with curved 30 round magazines instead of the more historically accurate straight 15 round magazines. Several of the Rangers' magazines are seen taped together "Jungle Style" for faster reloads. Neither the M1 or M2 Carbine was ever issued this way (en masse ) during WW2, but for production reasons this weapon replaced both the M1 Garand and the Thompson Submachine Gun , which are mentioned in the book but not carried or shown in the movie. In the novel the Germans were also equipped with the Bren light machine gun but this did also not translate into the movie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M2 Carbine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colonel Pitts (Larry Hagman ) prepares to load the anachronistic M2 Carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pitts with the M2 Carbine. This is the only time the rifle is loaded with the historically accurate straight 20 round magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An Army Ranger takes cover and returns fire at the German Paratroopers. It is fitted with an anachronistic curved 30 round magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing On the left, the Ranger sergeant is seen holding his M2 Carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lt. Frazier (Jeff Conaway ) seen with his M2 Carbine after the first failed attack on the church.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Ranger to the left has tapped his magazines together "Jungle Style".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Ranger fires his M2 Carbine on fully automatic upon entering the church.
BRNO Vz.98/22 Czech Mauser
Several German soldiers at the train station are seen carrying Czech Mauser BRNO VZ.98/22 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing BRNO Vz.98/22 Czech Mauser - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German soldiers carring Czech Mauser greet Steiner at the train station.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The soldiers holding their Czech Mauser.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German soldiers aiming their Czech Mauser at Steiners men during a confrontation. Note the straight bolts and the distinct "hump" of which the rear sight is mounted on.
FG 42
At least two of Steiner's men are armed with FG 42 rifles when they arrive at the train station. This is historically accurate as the FG 42 was designed for and used by paratroopers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FG 42 with iron sights flipped up - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Steiner's Fallschirmjaeger is seen in the back stepping off the train with his weapon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steiner's Fallschirmjaeger can be seen holding a FG42 on the left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sergeant Altmann (Richard Wren) of Steiner's Fallschirmjaeger can be seen holding a FG42 in the background. Note the magazine, which looks curved, as opposed to the straight magazines actually used by the FG 42.
Double Barrel Shotgun
Liam Devlin (Donald Sutherland ) acquires a 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun along with a motorcycle when he takes up the post of game keeper at Studley Constable's stately home estate. The shotgun also is used by Molly Prior (Jenny Agutter ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Charles Parker 1878 Side by Side Shotgun - 12 Gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Devlin holds up his shotgun while being challenged to a fight by Arthur.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jenny Agutter as Molly Prior with a double barreled shotgun poses in a studio production pic
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Molly Prior (Jenny Agutter ) threatens Arthur with the shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Molly Prior (Jenny Agutter ) fires both barrels.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Molly holds the shotgun when she confronts Devlin.
Machine Guns
MG34s are seen mounted in the sidecars of German motorcycles parked at the train station.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG34 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG34 machine guns seen mounted on the German sidecars.
M2 Browning
A Browning M2 machine gun is seen mounted on a M3 Half-track and later being used during the assault on the church.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2 seen in the M3 Half-track armored vehicle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2 being fired at the German Paratroopers.
M20B1 "Super Bazooka"
The Rangers use several anachronistic M20B1 "Super Bazookas" during their attempts to eliminate the Germans in the watermill and also take control of the church. The M20, and the lightened aluminum barreled M20B1 which appears here, was a substitute for the historically accurate M9 Bazooka and/or the M1A1Bazooka.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M20B1 "Super Bazooka" - 3.5"
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M20 Bazooka seen in the jeep as Colonel Pitt and his men prepare to depart.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ranger prepares to fire his M20 "Super Bazooka" from the jeep.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M20 "Bazooka" being fired at the German Paratroopers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Frazier prepares to fire the M20 "Bazooka".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closeup of the M20 "Bazooka" muzzle.
Mk 2 Hand Grenade
Colonel Pitts and several other Rangers are seen using Mk 2 hand grenade during their assault on the church.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 2 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colonel Pitts seen with several Mk 2 hand grenades on his belt.
Oerlikon 20mm
Oerlikon 20mm Cannon seen mounted on a German boat.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Oerlikon Cannon - 20mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Oerlikon 20mm Cannon seen mounted on a German boat.