Optimistic Tragedy (Optimisticheskaya tragediya)
Theatrical Release Poster
Optimistic Tragedy (Optimisticheskaya tragediya ) is a Soviet 1963 movie directed by Samson Samsonov. The story takes place during the Russian Civil war and tells about the female Bolshevik commissar (Margarita Volodina ) who leads a squad of Red sailors.
The following weapons were used in the film Optimistic Tragedy (Optimisticheskaya tragediya) :
Nagant M1895
Nagant M1895 revolvers are seen in hands of various characters, including Commissar (Margarita Volodina ), Bering (Vsevolod Safonov ) and Aleksey (Vyacheslav Tikhonov ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38N
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In the opening scene Aleksey carries a Nagant, tucked at his belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aleksey draws his revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Commissar leads the sailors in attack with Nagant in hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bering fires his Nagant during the battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bering holds his revolver after the battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Several anarchists are armed with Nagant revolvers (red 1 and 2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Nagant (red 2) is seen in the pile of weapons taken from surrendered anarchists.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Commissar fires her Nagant during the night battle.
FN Model 1922
In the opening scene Commissar (Margarita Volodina ) carries an FN Model 1922 pistol. Later she is seen with a Nagant M1895 revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Model 1922 - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Mauser C96
Vozhak (Boris Andreyev ), leader of anarchists, and his lieutenant Sipliy (Vsevolod Sanayev ) carry Mauser C96 pistols in wooden holsters. Several other anarchists are also armed with Mauser pistols. Both original C96s and anachronistic C96 M1930 versions are seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pre-War dated Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" Commercial Version - 7.63x25mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mauser C96 M1930 - 7.63x25mm Mauser. Note the stepped barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vozhak fires his Mauser at White Army cavalry.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A wooden holster is seen at Vozhak's side.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aleksey (Vyacheslav Tikhonov ) disarms Vozhak.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An anarchist in center (Nikita Kondratyev ) raises his Mauser. This pistol is of M1930 version.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Mauser (red 1) is seen in the pile of weapons taken from surrendered anarchists.
Mosin Nagant M1891/30
Most sailors are armed with Mosin Nagant M1891/30 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M1891/30 - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sailors with rifles in attack.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sailor parries the blow of White Army cavalryman.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sailors carry a mix of M91 and M91/30 rifles, mostly with bayonets.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Several Mosin Nagant rifles are seen in the pile of weapons taken from surrendered anarchists.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sailors fire M91/30 rifles and M38 Carbine during the night battle.
Mosin Nagant M1891
Original Mosin Nagant M1891 rifles are also seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Full-length, Imperial Russian Mosin Nagant M1891 - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An M91 is seen in hands of a sailor at the left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sailors carry a mix of M91 and M91/30 rifles, mostly with bayonets.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A barrel of M1891 rifle is seen behind a group of anarchists.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An M91 rifle with bayonet is seen at the foreground.
Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbine
Several sailors are armed with anachronistic Mosin Nagant M1938 carbines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbine - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sailor at the right holds an M38 Carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An M38 carbine is seen (red 3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sailor at the left is armed with an M38 Carbine.
Unidentified rilfe
In the final scene enemy soldiers carry rifles with sword bayonets. No more than muzzles and bayonets can be seen, so it's a problem to identify the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An enemy soldier threatens captive Aleksey with his rifle.
Other Weapons
Maxim Machine Gun
Maxim M1910 or M10/30 machine guns are briefly seen in several scenes.
Maxim 1910 with 'Sokolov' wheel mount & shield - 7.62x54mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Maxim is seen behind Commissar and Aleksey.
Dummy Training Grenade
Several sailors carry dummy training stick grenades that stand for RG-14/30 hand grenades.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Training stick grenade. Such cast aluminum dummies were widely used in USSR for basic training.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RG-14/30 Soviet hand grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sailor at the left carries two grenades, tucked at his belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another sailor also carries two grenades.