The Wall (Stena)
DVD Cover
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Russia
Russian Polish English
Russia 1
Non-Stop Productions
Adventure Drama History War
No. of Seasons
No. of Episodes
Main Cast
The Wall (Russian: Стена : Stena ) is the 2016 Russian adventure TV-series. The story tooked plase during the Time of Troubles, the Siege of Smolensk (1609–11). An mysterios treasures of Knights Hospitaller was plased near the Smolensk. Polish King Sigismund III Vasa, German mercenary Friedrich 'Fritz' Mayer, French engineer Loiseau, Russian soldiers Grigory Koldyrev and Andrey Dedyushin, Voevoda Mikhail Shein and his daghter Katya Sheina tries to find it.
The following weapons were used in the television series The Wall (Stena) :
Wheellock Pistol
Wheellock Pistols appears in the hands of varios characters throughout the movie. It seems, that the single movie prop was used, due the only a single gun is seen onscreen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Brunswick wheellock pistol
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Polish mercenary with the pistol, tycked on fis belt. (ep. 1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same mercenary draws his pistol. The shot was very blured, but the wheel and dog is seen. (ep. 1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Andrey Dedyushin (Nikolay Auzin ) with the pistol on his belt. (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Adjutant (Alexey Krasnotsvetov) hands the pistol to his king. (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Close view of the pistol in the hands of the King Sigismund III Vasa (Anatoliy Belyy ). (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing King Sigismund III fires. Note the flash from blasting apperture. (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Russian soldier fires. Note the flash from blasting apperture...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and muzzle flash. (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German mercenary Friedrich 'Fritz' Mayer (Maksim Belborodov ) aims his wheellock pistol. (ep. 4)
Matchlock Musket
Matchlock Muskets is the very popular firearm in the TV-series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Matchlock Arquebus with Crossbow Lever Trigger.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Polish mercenaries with the muskets. (ep. 1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Russian soldiers at the background holds their muskets. (ep. 2)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Russian soldier run with the musket in hands. (ep. 3)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Andrey Dedyushin aims. (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Friedrich 'Fritz' Mayer aims his matchlock musket. (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Russian soldiers with the muskets. Matchlock is seen. (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Russian soldiers aims...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and fires. (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Polish mercenaries aims...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and fires. (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Grigory Koldyrev (Pavel Chinaryov) fires his musket. (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Russian soldier is shot dead. Matchlock is seen. (ep. 4)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gnosowski (Roman Ageev ) fires. (ep. 4)
Large caliber muskets without any locks, known in Russia as samopal (self firing) were used by varios characters.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Polish mercenary with the samopal. (ep. 1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the same scene. German mercenary Friedrich 'Fritz' Mayer with the matchlock musket at the center. (ep. 1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Polish mercenaries with the samopals. (ep. 2)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hermit Savaty (Viktor Yakovlev) with the samopal. (ep. 3)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hermit Savaty aims...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and fires. (ep. 3)
Polish mercenaries uses cannons at the episode 4.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Polish mercenaries loads the cannon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Good view of the cannon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cannon fires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cannon is seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cannon fires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing View from the muzzle.
Russian soldier briefly uses howitzer at the episode 4.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Howitzer fires.
Russian soldiers fires ribaudequins uses howitzer at the episode 4.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Russian soldiers loads ribaudequin.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ribaudequins is readed...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing firing.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ribaudequins fires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing View from the front sight. Note the numbers of barrels, which is seven.