The Man in the High Castle - Season 1The Man in the High Castle - Season 1 - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesThe Man in the High Castle - Season 1
A Colt M1911A1 is used by Joe Blake (Luke Kleintank) and by Don Warren (Michael Rispoli) when he meets with him in an auto repair shop in New York at the start of "Pilot". Various resistance fighters use them as their main weapon in the show.
A Flintlock Pocket Pistol is seen in the residence of Paul Kasoura in "Truth".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPocket-sized Flintlock Pistols. Because Flintlock Pistols were occasionally carried in multiples to bypass their lengthy reload times, they allowed for possibly the earliest form of Akimbo shooting and/or the "New York Reload" technique.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe pistol (left) on a display mount in "Truth".
Nambu Type 14
Plainclothes Kempeitai officers, including Chief Inspector Hidestoshi Kido (Joel de la Fuente) and Sergeant Yoshida (Lee Shorten) carry the Nambu Type 14 as their main sidearm. Yakuza Wakaishus (Foot soldiers) who rescue Juliana and Joe from the Kempeitai also carry Nambu pistols.
A Walther PPK is used by an resistance member in "Pilot". In "A Way Out", Oberst Rudolf Weneger (Carsten Norgaard) uses one of Hitler's personal PPK's to try and assassinate him, as security at the Fuhrer's residence prevented him from bringing in his own sidearm.
Members of the SS, including Obergruppenführer John Smith (Rufus Sewell) and Oberst Rudolf Weneger (Carsten Norgaard) carry the Walther P38 as their sidearm. Smith uses it during an ambush by resistance fighters in "Sunrise" (S1E02). The weapon is also seen in various alternate reality propaganda newsreels in the hands of German and Allied soldiers.
The Luger P08 is seen with SS forces during an anti-guerrilla raid in "Pilot". Lemuel Washington (Rick Worthy) arms himself with a suppressed Luger P08 when attempting to kill Joe Blake (Lucas Kleintank) in a "A Way Out" (S1E10).
A Colt Official Police appears to be used in "Pilot" and "Sunrise" by a resistance fighters. It's seen in a NYPD evidence photo in "The Illustrated Woman".
Several replica Single Action Army revolvers are made in a factory in San Francisco in the middle of "Pilot". Frank Frink (Rupert Evans) later alters one to fire live ammunition in "The Illustrated Woman", and contemplates using it against the visiting Japanese Crown Prince in "Revelations". Kido conducts a dry fire of the SAA during a factory inspection at the start of "End of the World". Joe Blake uses it to take out yakuzas in "Kindness" with the weapon seized by Kempeitai officers near the end of "A Way Out".
GNR Military Police and SS soldiers appear to carry the Heckler & Koch MP5A3 submachine guns with curved magazines and slim forearms as their primary weapons. In the alternative timeline of the show, it can be assumed they were designed and built at least four years ahead of time, phasing out the MP40 out of service. Its bigger older brother, the Heckler & Koch G3, is relatively unchanged in its place in this alternate timeline.
Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifles are seen used by GNR soldiers apprehending resistance members in New York City in "Pilot". A resistance fighter has a Gewehr 1898 in "Revelations". SS ceremonial guards are also seen armed with Mausers in Hitler's residence in "A Way Out".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMosin Nagant M44 Carbine, with attached side-folding bayonet - 7.62x54mm R. Note slightly longer barrel ahead of the front sight to accommodate locking in the bayonet, whose hinge is permanently attached to the front sight base.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSoviet soldiers charge in the streets of Berlin with Mosin-Nagants in "A Way Out".
Sniper Rifles
SVD Dragunov
When Chief Inspector Kido (Joel de la Fuente) and Sergeant Yoshida (Lee Shorten) search the hotel room of a Nazi official, they find a hidden SVD Dragunov rifle that was used to try and assassinate the Crown Prince of Japan. Although the rifle's appearance in the show is anachronistic, it is possible that in the alternative timeline it was produced earlier and thus could be used to carry out the assassination attempt.
SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich (Ray Proscia) and his aide are seen carrying Remington 700 BDL rifles during his hunting trip with Obergruppenführer John Smith (Rufus Sewell) in "A Way Out".
The Howa Type 64 is seen with the Imperial Japanese Army throughout the show, being pushed into service as a replacement for their Arisaka bolt-action rifles.
In the world of The Man in The High Castle, it may be under the name Type 37, referring to the 37th year of Emperor Hirohito's reign, 1962; a convention that was replaced by the year a weapon entered service in the western calendar after Japan lost WWII. It may be chambered in 6.5x50mm Arisaka instead of 7.62x51mm NATO as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was never formed in this alternate history. The presence of the Type 64 is slightly anachronistic as the weapon entered service in Showa 39 or 1964, two years after the setting of the novel and show, however it is highly likely due to winning the war and never having to disarm, Japan's weapon industry was allowed to accelerate unchecked.
It is possible that these are airsoft replicas made by S&T Armament, a Hong Kong-based airsoft manufacturer as the Type 64 and other post-war weapons are banned from export under Japanese law.
A MG42 GPMG is seen in "Pilot" by GNR soldiers manning the border post for the GNR-JPS border crossing. Another is also briefly seen in "A Way Out" in a sentry post outside Hitler's private residence.
A variety of pre-19th century pistols are seen on the wall of Robert Chidan's antique shop in "Three Monkeys" and in "Truth". It includes a Volcanic Repeater.