Ajin (亜人 Ajin, also known as Ajin: Demi-Human) is an anime series that aired from January 15, 2016 to April 9, 2016.
17 years before the story's time, humans who are immortal appear in the war zones of Africa. These humans, known as "Ajin", are high priorities by the government and are captured when found. In the current world, about forty-seven Ajins are known to exist in the different countries. Kei Nagai, a student, is a supposedly normal human being until he gets hit by a truck on a road crossing. Though seemingly killing him, he comes back to life with many "Ajin" characteristics. Now wanted from the government with a price tag on his head, he goes to hiding from the authorities, calling his only trustworthy friend, Kaito, to help him escape humanity's attempts to capture them.
The following weapons were used in the anime series Ajin (2016):
A Japanese police officer draws his Nambu Model 60 while trying to apprehend Kei.
Colt 1911A1
Satou uses what looks like a military Colt 1911A1, in some scenes you can see the lanyard loop, he uses it to shoot some guards after cutting off his own arm, he uses the same gun later to commit suicide.
Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun"
Satou is using a Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" to shoot a lot of SWAT members that had him captured, in all the scenes the bayonet lug is easily visible.
Rifles / Carbines
M4 Carbine
The Ajin in Africa uses a M4 Carbine with a red dot sight.
Africa militia soldiers are equipped with AK-47s when fighting an Ajin. It is not known if these AKs are AKMs or original AK-47s.
An Africa militia child soldier uses a RPG-7 in an attempt to kill an Ajin.
Orion Flare Gun
An Orion Flare Gun is used by an African militia man to signal an attack.
Tranquilizer Rifle
US Special Forces capture the Ajin in Africa using tranquilizer rifles. It seems that these are the most effective weapons against Ajins, due to their immortality. The tranquilizer rifle has a high similarity to the Dan-inject air rifle.