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Cry of Fear
Work In Progress This article is still under construction. It may contain factual errors. See Talk:Cry of Fear for current discussions. Content is subject to change. |
Cry of Fear is a stand-alone mod developed by the independent game studio Team Psykskallar (Psykskallar is swedish and can be roughly translated as "psychoheads"), the same studio behind the game Afraid of Monsters. Cry of Fear runs on the GoldSrc (or GoldSource) engine, which is a heavily modified version of the Quake engine that was made for and powered Half-Life. Unlike their previous game, Afraid of Monsters, Cry of Fear was built completely from scratch and doesn't share any assets with Half-Life. Development for the game started in 2008 and after four troubled years of development, it had its first release in 2012 on the popular modding site Moddb. After being put up on and successfully being voted for release through Steam Greenlight, it hit Steam in 2013.
The game follows the character of Simon Henriksson (whose apparence is based of the main dev and writer of the game, Andreas "ruMpel" Rönnberg) as he wakes up in an alley following an accident. He can't remember how he got there and as he makes his way through the unnamed city (which bears a very strong resemblance to Stockholm, Sweden) he encounters monsters trying to kill him and hallucinations that makies him question his sanity. Simon tries to find answers for what is going on and why as he makes his way through the night.
Cry of Fear is significantly more complex than Team Psykskallars previous game. It has cutscenes, voice acting, a more complex inventory system, more advanced graphics and different gameplay modes. While Afraid of Monsters was more of a straight up shooter, Cry of Fear plays more like a Survival horror, similar to Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Cry of Fear also features a deeper plot than Afraid of Monsters, having a story that follows themes similar to the aforementioned Silent Hill and movies such as Jacob's Ladder, relying heavily on symbolism.
The game is available for free on Moddb and Steam and doesn't require any other game to run it.
The following weapons appear in the video game Cry of Fear:
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Cry of Fear is a survival horror game and not a straight up shooter. The player has limited inventory space, must use morphine to regenerate health, can only save via the use of a tape recorder (on Nightmare difficulty one must have a tape that can only be used five times in order to save, somewhat similar to the use of typewriters and ink ribbons in the earlier Resident Evil games). Ammo and firearms are also fairly rare, and the player will probably end up using more melee weapons than firearms throughout the story, similar to the Silent Hill games.
The game has three modes, the first being the main story line following Simon.
Completing that unlocks the "Doctor Mode" where one gets to play as the Doctor character from the main story. While short, the Doctor mode is also significantly harder than the main storyline.
The third mode is a co-op campaign where up to four players can team up as Police Officers trying to find Simon. The co-op has a much bigger focus on action than the other modes.
While the extra modes has their own stories that tie into the main narrative, they are seen as non-canon.
The game features an enemy players should be weary of using firearms around called "Drowners". If one has a firearm equipped close to them, they will force the gun to Simon's head, with the player having to click the mouse button to resist the urge to pull the trigger.
A small but interesting detail is how the game handles ammo. When reloading a firearm with a removable magazine that still has ammo in it, those rounds will be lost instead of magically added to the players reserve ammo pool as in most video games. Weapons with internal magazines that are reloaded one round at a time, however, will also usually lose all the ammo currently loaded (exception being the Remington Model 870). This means that one must consider potentially wasting ammo in favor of a faster reload and ensuring one won't run out early into a fight.
All handguns except for the Taurus Model 605 and, after a patch, the Heckler & Koch VP70, can be dual-wielded with any other non-handgun item such as melee weapon or some type of light source. However, it is not possible to reload or aim a handgun when it's being dual wielded. While Simon will hold any weapon in his right hand and support it with his left when using it alone, he will hold weapons in his left hand when dual-wielding any other item, indicating that he might be ambidextrous.
Glock 17
The Glock 17 is the most common firearm in the game, being the very first gun Simon gets his hands on. It's incorrectly labeled as a Glock 19 in-game (it even has Glock 19 markings), which includes holding 15 rounds in the 17-round Glock 17 magazines. It can however be identified as a Glock 17 due to its size. The Glock 17 is also used by the "Suicider" enemy type, making them the only non-boss enemy to use firearms.
Heckler & Koch VP70M
The Heckler & Koch VP70M with its distinctive stock is a fairly rare weapon in-game. Due to the fact that it can't be dual-wielded with a light source (it could be initially, but the feature was removed in a patch), is locked to fire in three-round bursts (leading to strong recoil) and its ammo being somewhat rare, it is a rather impractical weapon.
Ruger P345
The Ruger P345 is first seen in a bowling alley in the mental hospital. When first picking it up, it's empty and there's no ammo around for it. Simon must bring it to the Doctor were he's given the choice of either keeping it for himself or giving it to the Doctor. If one chooses to keep it, it's not possible to acquire Taurus Model 605 later on. The P345 is also the starting weapon in co-op mode, as all four Swedish cops will have one with a few extra magazines for it. While it has more stopping power than the Glock 17, it's overall a worse weapon, having a slower reload, smaller magazine capacity, rarer ammo, and more recoil.
Taurus Model 605
A Taurus Model 605 with rubber grips, called the "Taurus .357 Magnum" in-game, is carried by the Doctor in the story mode and the unlockable "Doctor's Story" mode as well as being a obtainable weapon in Co-op mode. He will use it against Simon if he doesn't give the Doctor the P345 in the mental hospital. Simon can however procure it himself if he does give the Doctor the P345. Doctor's Story has him start with one in his inventory, with 25 rounds in reserve.
It is very powerful, being able to take down most smaller enemies with just one shot. It can't however be dual-wielded with any other item, limiting its use. It also only holds five rounds, has very strong recoil and a long reload time. Additionally, reloading will cause Simon to drop every round loaded into the weapon, without attempting to retain any unfired rounds, then reload them one at a time - although the second half can be interrupted after any number of bullets have been loaded if the situation requires it.
Browning Hi-Power Mark III
A Browning Hi-Power Mark III makes a brief appearance in the endings of the game. It is however only briefly usable in one of the endings.
Submachine Guns
Brügger & Thomet MP9
The B&T MP9, originally and incorrectly referred to as the earlier TMP, is only available to people who donated money to the game's development; it and its ammo take the place of some spawns for the VP70. It is not a particularly useful weapon as the recoil of firing in full-auto leads to very poor accuracy.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
To get the Heckler & Koch MP5A3 one must first make a "quality map" for the game, then they must contact ruMpel who will then invite the creator the Mapper's steam group, which will activate the weapon in-game for the player to use. Once activated, the weapon will be available early on in the game. However, it's locked to full-auto and while one gets nine magazines for it when picked up, there are no other ammo pickups in the game for it.

Remington Model 870
A Remington Model 870 with a 4-round magazine tube that somehow holds 5 rounds is the only shotgun in the game. While its ammo is fairly rare, its power more than makes up for it. Its ability to reload at any time without having to lose ammo (thanks to its tubular magazine) is also very helpful. As with all long guns, however, it's limited by the fact that it can't be wielded along with a light source, having to settle for what light shines through Simon's bag if he leaves the phone light on when putting it away.
Stag Arms AR-15
The Stag Arms AR-15, a civilian semi-auto rifle in reality, appears as the sole assault rifle in the game that does not require unlocking. The in-game model is a mix between Stag Arms' rifle and the military M16A2 - like the semi-auto rifle, it does not have a bayonet lug underneath the gas block and the first non-safe position for the selector switch is labeled as "fire" rather than "semi", but it also features the A2's upper receiver with built-in carry handle (the SA AR-15 features a railed upper with removable carry handle like the M4/M4A1 and M16A4) and an additional 3-round burst mode. It is a powerful weapon, though one should stick to semi-auto unless they've got a damn good reason, as the weapon has high recoil when firing in bursts. It's generally better to go for one shot to the head instead of three in the chest. It is loaded with 20-round magazines that correctly hold 20 rounds.
Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk.III* (HT)
The Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk.III* (HT), the sniper variant of the No. 1 Mk.III*, is the only firearm in the game with some sort of optic/scope. While it's powerful, it has limited use as most of the combat in the game takes place at close ranges. Its 10-round magazine is always loaded with only 5 rounds, and for some reason triggering a reload will make any rounds left in the magazine disappear as if Simon is detaching and replacing the magazine like the other weapons.
The FAMAS G2 is only available to players who have completed the game on Nightmare difficulty, which is no easy feat. The effort is however worth it, as the weapon has infinite ammo. Its presence is possibly a reference to the team's first mod, Afraid of Monsters, wherein completing that game by seeing every possible ending unlocked the "gm_general", an Enfield L85 with infinite ammunition (Cry of Fear even recycles the infinity-symbol HUD icon from AoM for the FAMAS).
Gewehr 43
The Gewehr 43 is only available in the co-op mode. The weapon deals slightly less damage than the SMLE with similarly high recoil, but has the obvious advantage of semi-auto fire and using sights more suited for the close ranges of the majority of the game's combat. Unlike the SMLE, the G43 correctly holds 10 rounds per magazine.
Cut Weapons
These firearms were cut or replaced before the game's final release.
Taurus PT92AF
A Taurus PT92AF was initially supposed to be the main handgun in the game, later being replaced by the Glock 17 for unknown reasons.
Smith & Wesson M76
The Smith & Wesson M76 was cut early into Cry of Fear's development for unknown reasons. Only a world and first-person model of the weapon remains. It is possible to spawn the model in-game via the command console, but the weapon is not usable in any way.

AK Variant
A unknown AK variant with black synthetic furniture was cut early into Cry of Fear's development for unknown reasons. It's possible to find it in the game's files as "AK47".