River of Death
Theatrical Release Poster
River of Death is a 1989 screen adaptation of the adventure novel by Alistair MacLean , directed by Steve Carver . An expedition in Amazonian rain forests searches for a legendary "Lost City" but finds something quite different: a secret laboratory of escaped Nazi scientist who works on bio warfare.
Note: while the story takes place in Brazil, the movie was filmed in South Africa, hence the choice of screen guns.
The following weapons were used in the film River of Death :
Tranter Revolver
Tranter Revolvers are Eddie Hiller's (L.Q. Jones ), Tracy's (Norman Anstey ) and Col. Ricardo Diaz' (Herbert Lom ) personal handguns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tranter M1868 - .450
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tracy fires a revolver when his G3 runs dry.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The grip of the revolver is seen when Tracy falls overboard, hit by several arrows.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close view of Hiller's revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hiller fires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Diaz runs with a revolver in hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view of Diaz' revolver from the muzzle.
Varan PMX-90
Varan PMX-90 pistols are used by John Hamilton (Michael Dudikoff ) and Pare (Rufus Swart ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Varan PMX-90 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton draws his pistol when Pare and Dalia enter his room.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close view of the pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pare draws his pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton fires during the shootout with river pirates.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pare fires during the night scene.
Luger P08
A Luger P08 is a personal handgun of Dr. Wolfgang Manteuffel (Robert Vaughn ). In the final scene his pistol is seen in hands of Heinrich Spaatz (Donald Pleasence ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Luger P08 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manteuffel aims his Luger in the opening scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Spaatz disarms Manteuffel in the final scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Spaatz aims the pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Luger on the floor.
Walther P38
Heinrich Spaatz (Donald Pleasence ) carries a Walther P38 . What appears to be a P38 is seen in holster of Captain Schuster (Crispin De Nuys ) in the opening scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P38 WWII dated with black grips - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A pistol is seen in Schuster's holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Spaatz fires his Walther.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of Spaatz' pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton attacks a Walther-wielding Aryan Guard.
Browning Hi-Power
A Browning Hi-Power is used by Spaatz' assistant Fanjul (Gordon Mulholland ). During the night attack on river pirates base John Hamilton's (Michael Dudikoff ) Varan PMX-90 switches to a Hi-Power, and later Hamilton is seen only with this pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning Hi-Power "Type 73" - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton fires a Hi-Power during the night attack.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fanjul draws his pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close view of the gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view from muzzle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton's weapons for the final battle: a Hi-Power in holster, a Heckler & Koch P2A1 flare pistol and a pair of Mk 2 hand grenades .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton in the final battle.
Webley & Scott Metropolitan Police Pistol
Dalia (Foziah Davidson ) carries a Webley & Scott Metropolitan Police Pistol .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Webley & Scott Metropolitan Police Pistol - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dalia fires her pistol during the shootout with river pirates.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dalia fires at natives in boats.
M1911-style pistol
A river pirate draws an M1911 -style pistol in the night scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pre-War Colt M1911A1 Pistol - Commercial Model known as the "Colt Government Model" - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A pirate has a 1911 tucked at his belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He draws the pistol.
Submachine Guns
Vigneron M2
Col. Ricardo Diaz (Herbert Lom ) carries a Vigneron M2 SMG during the events in the Lost City. His SMG is briefly hold by John Hamilton (Michael Dudikoff ). While used by Wehrmacht soldiers in April 1945, Vigneron SMGs stand for MP40s .
File:1287829141.jpg Vigernon M2 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Wehrmacht soldier fires a Vigernon, standing for MP40.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Diaz carries a Vigernon on sling.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Diaz fires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close view of the barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton aims Diaz' SMG.
Heckler & Koch MP5
What appears to be some version of Heckler & Koch MP5 is briefly seen in hands of a river pirate during the night scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5A2 with early "slimline" handguard - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Supposed MP5 is seen at the left...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and at the right.
MagTech MT 586
During the expedition Pare (Rufus Swart ) uses a MagTech MT 586 shotgun with synthetic furniture. It seems to be the same gun that is seen in Red Scorpion , also filmed in South Africa the same year.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MagTech MT 586P.2 with 19" barrel - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pare with a shotgun and Dalia with a Webley & Scott pistol in shootout with river pirates.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pare holds his shotgun on board of the former pirates ship. Next to him the mortar is seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pare in shootout with attacking natives.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He runs out of ammo.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pare's shotgun and Hamilton's FN FAL .
Sporterized Lee-Enfield
When John Hamilton (Michael Dudikoff ) participated in expedition of Doc Blakesley, he carries a sporterized Lee-Enfield rifle. Due to the shape of the stock, it appears to be a converted military SMLE rather than Lee-Speed Sporter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton holds his rifle. The shape of the buttstock matches military SMLE.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The bolt handle is seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton grapples with natives. The typical Lee-Enfield magazine is seen partially.
Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III*
What appears to be a Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III* is seen in hands of river pirates during the night scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III* - .303 British
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A pirate at the right holds an SMLE (marked with a green arrow).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An SMLE is seen at the left.
Karabiner 98k
Karabiner 98k rifles are used by Wehrmacht soldiers in April 1945. During the main events 98k rifles are used by Manteuffel's Aryan Guards. They are also seen in hands of a Diaz' helicopter pilot and a policeman.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Karabiner 98k - German manufacture 1937 date - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Wehrmacht soldier with a 98k rifle in the opening scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A policeman behind Col. Diaz holds a 98k rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A policeman and helicopter pilot hold their rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The helicoper pilot holds his 98k.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close view of the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aryan Guards with 98k rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aryan Guards with 98k rifles guard the entrance of Manteuffel's headquarters in the ancient temple.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aryan Guards with G3 and 98k fire at attacking natives in the final scene.
Vz.24 Czech Mauser
In the opening scene a German soldier holds a rifle that looks similar to Karabiner 98k but has a groove on the stock and a different rear sight. A Czech Vz.24 seems to be a good guess.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Czech vz. 24 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Assault Rifles
John Hamilton's (Michael Dudikoff ) main gun is an FN FAL . During the encounter with river pirates Hamilton uses his rifle to fire a rifle grenade at pirates ship. Several pirates also carry FALs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN FAL 50.00 - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton aims his FAL with rifle grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A second after the grenade is shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A pirate at the left holds a FAL (marked with a red arrow).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton gives his FAL to Pare (Rufus Swart ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pare's shotgun and Hamilton's FAL.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton is surrounded by natives.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He fires the FAL.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Spaatz (Donald Pleasence ) grabs Hamilton's FAL while Hamilton himself holds Diaz' Vigneron M2 .
Heckler & Koch G3
During the expedition Eddie Hiller (L.Q. Jones ) and Tracy (Norman Anstey ) carry Heckler & Koch G3 rifles. G3s are also used by Aryan Guards and river pirates.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch G3A3 with slimline handguard - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tracy fires his G3 during the battle against river pirates.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hiller fires in the same scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tracy with a G3 during the night attack on pirates base.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A pirate holds a G3.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close view of Hiller's G3.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aryan Guards with G3s and Karabiner 98k rifles ambush the remains of the expedition.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aryan Guards escort Hamilton, Spaarz and Maria.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aryan Guards with G3 and 98k fire at attacking natives in the final scene.
Machine Guns
A Browning M1919A4 machine gun is used by Aryan Guards.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M1919A4 on an M2 tripod - .30-06 Springfield
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1919 on position.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The gunner fires at attacking natives.
Other Weapons
Mk 2 Hand Grenade
During the battle in the Lost City John Hamilton (Michael Dudikoff ) uses Mk 2 hand grenades .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 2 "Pineapple" World War II-made High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade (sometimes written Mk II)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton's weapons for the final battle: a Browning Hi-Power in holster, a Heckler & Koch P2A1 flare pistol and a pair of Mk 2 hand grenades.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Mk 2 grenade in a second before explosion.
Unidentified Hand Grenade
During the encounter with native tribesmen John Hamilton (Michael Dudikoff ) uses an unidentified cylinder-shaped hand grenade. Its general outlook matches several smoke grenades of British and American origin. The grenade lacks any inscriptions on its body.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton takes a grenade...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and throws it.
Energa Rifle Grenade
During the encounter with river pirates John Hamilton (Michael Dudikoff ) uses his FN FAL to fire an Energa rifle grenade at pirates ship.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton aims his FAL with rifle grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fire!
Heckler & Koch P2A1
A Heckler & Koch P2A1 flare pistol is seen among the belongings of the expedition. John Hamilton (Michael Dudikoff ) uses it during the battle in the Lost City. In the final scene the flare pistol is used by Maria (Cynthia Erland ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch P2A1 Flare Pistol - 26.5mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton and Pare prepare weapons for expedition. Hamilton holds an open flare pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Serrano (Alain D. Woolf) finds a flare pistol after the shipwreck.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton's weapons for the final battle: a Browning Hi-Power in holster, a P2A1 flare pistol and a pair of Mk 2 hand grenades .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hamilton aims the flare pistol after he runs out of ammo for the Hi-Power.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maria holds the flare pistol.
Unidentified Mortar
A mortar of supposedly 81mm caliber is mounted on the river pirates ship. After the adventurers capture the ship, Eddie Hiller (L.Q. Jones ) mans the mortar.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The mortar on the bow of pirates ship.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The mortar is seen when the adventurers capture the ship.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close view of the muzzle of the mortar at the left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hiller loads a shell during the attack of natives in boats.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He corrects aiming...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and loads another shell.