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User talk:Thejoker

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Revision as of 19:01, 15 July 2016 by StanTheMan (talk | contribs)
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I deleted the picture of the P228 you posted for a reason: We already have a picture of a standard P228 that we use for our pages and do not need another. Please stop trying to post it. -MT2008 21:08, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

Again, please do not upload those pictures. Use the P228 picture we have. Our photographer goes to lots of trouble to take those pics (the ones that are ours, not jacked from the web). -MT2008 21:20, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

Fixing Mistakes

If you see an error, just fix it. If you think others might disagree with you, post the reason you made the changes on the talk page. Simply putting "it's this, not this" in the article without actually fixing it makes it look sloppy and is, to be honest, rather lazy.--PistolJunkie 20:14, 1 November 2010 (UTC)

The Dark Knight

Please reserve the main movie page for firearms-related weapons. Your section regarding the Joker's knives has been moved to discussion page. --Ben41 08:36, 27 November 2010 (UTC)

Want to deleate a uploaded file

How do I deleate a uploaded file of mine? It got wrong so I can't use it, I want to deleate it and try again. Please tell me how to deleate it/them

Files can only be deleted by mods. Just indicate which file needs to be deleted. --Ben41 14:58, 26 April 2011 (CDT)

Files: Vlcsnap-0000211.jpg/Vlcsnap-0000222.jpg/Vlcsnap-0000112.jpg and Vlcsnap-000011.jpg, These I would want to be deleated please :) also Vlcsnap-0000233.jpg

Don't use default VLC filenames

I'm having to revert a bunch of your uploads because there were already files with the same names from other people forgetting this. Always change the filename to something to do with the movie in question, and don't ever have "ignore any warnings" ticked when uploading. Evil Tim 06:57, 6 June 2011 (CDT)

  • You are saving new files over images that are used on existing pages, which is basically vandalism. Stop it. Evil Tim 07:16, 6 June 2011 (CDT)
  • Argh, my bad, this thing's showing me the wrong preview images for most of these. Evil Tim 07:18, 6 June 2011 (CDT)

Response to Don't use default VLC filenames

Sorry for screwing things up, please help me fix it by reverting it to the old ones, I will reupplode my images under different names from now on, Sry i did'nt know this would hapen!

  • Yeah, you should never have the "ignore warnings" box ticked, you never know when someone's used the same filename for something totally different and it warns you if you're uploading over an existing file. No harm done, I just thought when you were reverting you were taking them back to your images because the thumbnails hadn't updated properly. Evil Tim 07:23, 6 June 2011 (CDT)
  • Okej, well Im not very used to do this and I did'nt understand how to do correctly, but Now I know so thanks!

Batman: Year One

I would recommend against doing it due to it being animation. --Ben41 13:25, 12 October 2011 (CDT)


As stated in the Rules, Standards and Principles, Absolutely no screenshots of bootleg films may be uploaded. --Ben41 01:02, 1 February 2012 (CST)

Okey sorry, did'nt read that so I did'nt know that, wont do it again, thanks for the info!

RE:The Dark Knight Rises

Below is a picture a C8CQB, note the butt, proprietary A1-sights detachable carry handle, vortex flash hider and triple rail around front sight. I haven't seen the prologue but I doubt that it is a genuine C8CQB as that is I don't think it is sold to civillians. MK 18 is used as a general catch all term for 10.5" barrelled carbines with an M4 receivers. The picute you posted as a C8CQB is a weapon that is sold as a "MK 18" by Specialized Armaments. --commando552 04:43, 3 February 2012 (CST)

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Colt Canada C8CQB - 5.56x45mm

Okey, thanks for the information on those weapons, I've tried to find info on them but could'nt find anything on the real firearms, only soft air guns, wich i did'nt read/care about because they're usaly not so informative about the real thing, it was'nt ment to be a upnosed comment or anything, just wanted it to be the right info and description on the right picture. Thanks!

Batman Begins screenshots (Please crop black bars)

Thanks for the HD images, but you need to crop out the black bars on the top and bottom before uploading your screenshots. You can use Microsoft Picture Manager, Microsoft Paint, or Fast Stone Image Viewer to do this. Please crop and reupload your images. --Ben41 18:12, 28 February 2012 (CST)

Unlocking the Dark Knight

Before I unlock the page, could you please add one of your screenshots to the discussion page. It appears that your new shots for Batman Begins are still not completely cropped and I want to check your shots. If the page is unlocked and you do put the corrections, please state the specific reason why the handgun is a SIG PRO and not a SIG. --Ben41 20:55, 28 February 2012 (CST)

I will recropp my images again, you're right they werent compleatly cropped. I'm using GIMP and I'm not quite shure how it works, but I think I have got it now. Shure I'll post the TDK pictures on the discussionpage when I've cropped them correctly, thanks! --Thejoker

I'm unlocking the page, but I would ask that you limit the amount of screenshots per weapon. As stated in the Rules, Standards and Principles, For a single character using a single weapon, the limit should be 7 screenshots. The page doesn't need a frame by frame analysis of every weapon of the movie. Please keep this mind and I reserve the right to remove excessive images. --Ben41 23:15, 29 February 2012 (CST)

The Democratic Terrorist

Why do you think it's a PPK? The barrel's much too long to be a PPK. --Funkychinaman 11:48, 13 July 2012 (CDT)

Because the cocked hammer is bigger then that of a SIG P230 and the overal shape looks more like a Walther.

I can't even see the hammer. I'll see if I can get better shots. --Funkychinaman 12:04, 13 July 2012 (CDT)

Okey good.

I was going to ask you about the P5. How did you arrive at that? All I can tell from that show is that Monica is indeed holding a gun, nothing more. --Funkychinaman (talk) 17:35, 11 December 2012 (EST)
If anything the pistol in her hand appears to have a rectangular profile, like a Glock. As for the bank robbery scenes, I'm not seeing it. I can't even see any slide serrations, and I've blown up and enhanced the image dozens of times. --Funkychinaman (talk) 19:28, 11 December 2012 (EST)
I've glanced through it. I'm actually working on something else right now, but I will get back to you. I've asked others to chime in. I think some outside opinions would be helpful. --Funkychinaman (talk) 23:25, 12 December 2012 (EST)
Sorry, as you can see, I've been busy. The allusion of a safety/decocker? It's either there or it's not. One of the reasons I've asked others to come in is because I don't think either of us can make completely objective observations about this anymore. --Funkychinaman (talk) 11:41, 17 December 2012 (EST)
Based on the lack of responses, I'm guessing others think it's a bit vague as well. As long as we get it right in the end. --Funkychinaman (talk) 15:58, 17 December 2012 (EST)

Coq Rouge

Can you crop the black bars from your caps.? --Funkychinaman 14:41, 24 July 2012 (CDT)

Shit I forgot! Yes sorry; I will do that

You can just upload new versions using the same file names. It won't update immediately. --Funkychinaman 18:47, 24 July 2012 (CDT)

Code Name Coq Rouge

Are you still working on the page for Code Name Coq Rouge?? If so you need to place {{WIP}} at the top of the page. You also need to fix that page asap because it doesn't currently conform the the Rules, Standards and Principles. --Zackmann08 15:34, 24 July 2012 (CDT)

Yes I'm still working on it. I have placed {{WIP}} on top now, but why? No other page I've seen has that written on them.

Ok. Couple of things. 1) Any page that is currently being worked on should have the work in progress template on it. 2) The <nowiki> tags were only for here so that the template doesnt show up. 3) you need to sign your post. 4) when you respond to someone's post do so on their page, not your own 5) the page is severely lacking. If you are not going to fix it in the next few hours it will be deleted and finally 6) You are REQUIRED to read the Rules, Standards and Principles. It is thus far evident that you have not. --Zackmann08 18:02, 24 July 2012 (CDT)
About changing the title, I would not, but just make a redirect to the current page. --Ben41 (talk) 17:05, 3 February 2013 (EST)
The title change was made by one of the admins, so I'm electing to keep it the way it is. --Ben41 (talk) 02:05, 4 February 2013 (EST)

The standard for this site is to use the US release title. If a film with a foreign language title does not have a US release, than the translated title is the name of the article with the original title after it in parentheses. As far as I can tell this film has never been released in the US, or anywhere else for that matter with an English language title, so the page name is the translation of the original title. To only translate half of the title seems arbitrary to me. IMDB does list Code Name Coq Rouge as an alternate title, but says it is "undefined", which suggests that it is not an official title in any country. --commando552 (talk) 11:36, 4 February 2013 (EST)

I know nothing about this franchise, but if it universally uses the original "Coq Rouge" for other media than I can understand changing it. However, I would recommend that you put something on the talk page before you change it explaining your reason, so that if someone knows more about this than me they can have their say. If nobody has any objections then change it. --commando552 (talk) 05:05, 5 February 2013 (EST)


Don't we already have an image of a Type 3 AKS-47? Also, the one you're adding has a bit too much white space at the top and bottom. Evil Tim 10:07, 13 August 2012 (CDT)

Sure, try to get it so the borders are in line with the other AKS-47 images if you can. If you re-upload you'll have to change all the image sizes by 1 pixel or they won't update, unfortunately. Evil Tim 10:22, 13 August 2012 (CDT)

I think the existing T3 image is better and should be used over this one, as it is larger, and shows the right side of the weapon so is more in keeping with other gun images. Also, as this shot is from the left it hides some "Type 3" features such as the different selector switch. It is fine to have it on the AK page and I suppose to use it on pages where only the left side is seen, but I think the go to image should be the one that was already there. --commando552 11:18, 13 August 2012 (CDT)

Quite a few of the ones you replaced (e.g. City Hunter, Nokas, Fast Five, Guns, Iron Eagle, Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei, Navy SEALs ...) were already a picture of a Type 2 that you replaced with this smaller one though. As for how to force the thumbnaol to update, as this is a relatively small image (449 pixels) this is the largest the thumbnail can ever be, so the value you put in has to be smaller such as 448px (have done it on the AK page as an example). Also just FYI, your signature is not going to your user page as you are putting in a capital "J". It is easier if you just hit the signature button (second from the right button above the editing box) or put in four tildes (~~~~) as this will do it automatically and add a timestamp. --commando552 12:39, 13 August 2012 (CDT)

Look, much as it's nice you want to help out, that Type 3 image you're trying to upload is tiny and of distinctly lower quality. Please discuss any replacement of a widely-used gun image before actually doing it, perferrably on the article talk page. Evil Tim 12:09, 19 August 2012 (CDT)

I'll go through them one at a time:
"Kalashnikov-AK-assault-rifle-T3-underfolder.jpg" - Other side of a rifle we already have an image of, inferior quality.
"AKC.jpeg" - Extremely low quality image of a weapon we already have (we don't need one with the stock unfolded if it's not going to be a very good image).
"Replica-russian-assault-rifle.jpg" I don't really see what the difference is between this and our current AKS-47.jpg aside from that it's a lot smaller and isn't as good.
SIG image: it's at the other end of the scale; over 1 megabyte is absurdly large for a gun image and you should re-upload it with the resolution cut in half. Post it on the talk page for the P228 first and see if there's consensus to replace it. And MPM has said he's going to replace that image now, so hold off until he posts again please.
Also, generally you altered the image sizes by too much. You only have to change them by 1 pixel to generate a new thumbnail, and gun images are usually shown at 350-400 pixels for anything except grenades, some of them you had changed to less than that. Evil Tim 12:31, 19 August 2012 (CDT)
I don't want you to be discouraged by this as your contributions have been positive; just please, before making big changes that affect a lot of pages, discuss it. It'll save you a lot of wasted effort in the long run, believe me. Evil Tim 12:37, 19 August 2012 (CDT)
I'll reply to you more fully when I wake up (bedtime for me), but just to note you can auto-sign your posts by typing four tildes (~~~~) which saves a lot of effort doing it manually and also timestamps it. Evil Tim 12:51, 19 August 2012 (CDT)


The Sig image you uploaded is the same type as one licensed to this wiki by MoviePropMaster2008. We don't replace those. Evil Tim 12:09, 19 August 2012 (CDT)

You really need to stop replacing images in general. --Zackmann08 13:57, 19 August 2012 (CDT)
You are uploading redundant images. Pages like The Unit have been around for years and are fine. They do not need any additional images. Most of your "additions" have been undone. --Zackmann08 16:21, 19 August 2012 (CDT)
Rather then uploading additional images to pages that already have images, what would be nice is if you could work on pages that really need work. Any page listed as Incomplete could use help. Why not work on those rather then trying to replace images. I agree that not all of these images are perfect, but they work. There are a lot of things that could use work. It would be nice to see time spent there instead. I'm not getting into a pissing match with you though. Do what you want (as long as you abide by the Rules). --Zackmann08 16:36, 19 August 2012 (CDT)


I totally forgot that she had the same pistol in the final scene. And for the record, I only used the stainless pistols because at the time, those were the only pair of PP and P230 images that pointed to the right. --Funkychinaman 18:33, 19 August 2012 (CDT)

I'm still thinking P230. --Funkychinaman 19:10, 19 August 2012 (CDT)


Um, no, they're still there. Evil Tim 10:45, 21 August 2012 (CDT)

Image Sizes

I understand that you're resizing some of the images to make the guns appear to be on the same scale as other images, but please don't do that. When you have two stock gun images next to each other and one image width is noticeably smaller than the other, it makes the listing look sloppy.--PistolJunkie (talk) 13:29, 21 September 2012 (EDT)

Fatal Beauty AK-47

Okay that works. thanks.--Jcordell (talk) 17:32, 21 September 2012 (EDT)

Trivia update

Wow, that's quite extensive. Thanks. --Funkychinaman (talk) 23:10, 23 September 2012 (EDT)

Dark Knight Rises

Why did you change back my screenshots that were in HD back to the low quality shots? Also, please try to avoid spoilers in the captions, which I was trying to do before you changed them back. If you change these in the future, be prepared to give a reason why. --Ben41 (talk) 01:04, 10 December 2012 (EST)

For some reason, when you changed the Glock entry, you deleted all the edits I made and reverted it back to a previous state. Please be careful about this in the future. --Ben41 (talk) 23:44, 10 December 2012 (EST)

AKS Image in Mercenary for Justice

May I ask why you replaced the image of AKS-47 in Mercenary for Justice? The movie was filmed partially in Bulgaria and partially in South Africa, and in both cases the genuine AKS has more chance to appear than the Poly Tech semi-auto AK copy (AKS were in service in Bulgaria; and they were captured by South African army during the border conflicts with Angola and Mozambique). I think that the replacement of the image was wrong. Greg-Z (talk) 15:43, 13 December 2012 (EST)

To add to this, I think you are generally overusing that polytech AKS-47 image. Firstly, if the gun in question was a polytech it should have a two position selector, so if you are labelling a gun which has a 3 position selector with this image it is probably incorect. More importantly, you are using it on pages where there is no way they would have used a US import rifle, such as Gomorrah which was filmed in Israel. --commando552 (talk) 17:47, 13 December 2012 (EST)
The thing about the selector was just an aside (although if you convert a Poly Tech to FA I think it would still only have the two position selector unless you cosmetically machined the receiver, which isn't the case with the picture you are using), the main point is that for the most part, the ONLY time when you should be using a picture of a Poly Tech gun is if it is filmed in the USA. As you have just gone through and replaced the majority of the pages that use the "AKS-47 T3 unfolded.jpg" image with this Poly Tech one, most of them were not filmed in the US so will likely not have used a Poly Tech. You have even swapped out that image for pages where the AK is actually a converted South African Vektor, which makes no sense. Aside from the selector, there is actually a physical way to tell the difference between a Poly Tech and an AKS-47, which is the shape of the top cover. On the Poly Tech guns the bottom edge of the top cover bulges down above the stock pivot (or where this would be on fixed stock guns). If you look at the page for The Beast of War for example, on the AK-47 images you can see that the top cover doesn't bulge down at the rear, indicating that it is not a Poly Tech gun. More obviously, the fact that it is filmed in Israel means that they will not be US import exclusive guns. --commando552 (talk) 19:37, 13 December 2012 (EST)

A warning on changing images

You have recently taken it upon yourself to unilaterally change massive numbers of images. The AKS is just the most recent case. A brief scroll-through of your contributions history shows that this is not the first time you have done this. This is your warning. In the future, if you see a mistake of this nature, discuss it with the Admins BEFORE you make the change. Failure to do so will result in you being blocked from editing. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a message on my talk page. --Zackmann08 (talk) 20:51, 13 December 2012 (EST)

Also on a slightly related note, if you add an image of a different variant or configuration of a gun, can you make sure to add it either on the main page or the talk page of the gun in question. This way it can be found by other users i the the same variant appears and helps to prevent duplicate images. For example you posted a picture of the USP compact with a full size un-bobbed hammer on the Dark Knight Rises page (which is fine, that appears to be the gun that is used), but in the future make sure to also post it on the talk page under additional variants like I have. --commando552 (talk) 07:18, 14 December 2012 (EST)
You were warned, then warned again, then told not to make sweeping changes without getting permission from an admin. Your editing privileges have now been revoked for a month. --Zackmann08 (talk) 15:27, 24 December 2012 (EST)

Mercenary for Justice AKs

Well, it's an interesting version. The scene where these AKs can be seen was filmed in Bulgaria, and according to the fact that T-72 tanks and MTLB APC are seen it looks like the Bulgarian Army made some help in filming. So the appearance of genuine Bulgarian AKs is very plausible. I have no info if Hungarian AKs were ever used in Bulgarian Army, but arsenals of Bulgarian movie prop masters can include these ones, of course. So I cannot object your version: yes, the AKs seen in the opening scene can include both Bulgarian and Hungarian models.

BTW, what will you say about an AK in Shadow Man? It has black furniture and AK-47 style muzzle brake. It also seems to me that this AK has a shorter barrel than the standard models but it can a visual error. The movie was filmed in Romania but Bulgarian, Hungarian and even genuine Soviet AKs can appear in Romanian movie arsenals. I would be thankful for any idea. Greg-Z (talk) 14:50, 27 January 2013 (EST)

I agree with you. You are welcome to make the appropriate changes on the page. Thanks for help! Greg-Z (talk) 23:33, 27 January 2013 (EST)

What specifically about these guns makes you think they are FEG AK-63 F/Ds? The distinctive features as far as I am aware is the different pistol grip with the flared base, an AK-47 style gas tube with the gas relief holes, and lighter "blonde" wood furniture. From what I can see none of these features are visible on these guns, so why have you gone with this ID? --commando552 (talk) 09:14, 28 January 2013 (EST)

I thought that all FEG AK-63's had the light blonde wood, both export versions and domestic military versions. You do see some well used or dirty handguards which are darker, but these ones look more like the orange/red ones you see on Russian AKMS. Granted the handguards could have been replaced, but if so than they could just as easily be AKMs that have had the handguards replaced. To be honest I think there is a possibility that they may actually be AKM handguards, as depending on the year of manufacture and factory the palm swell can range from being a very obvious square edged protrusion, to a subtle round edged bump that doesn't disturb the grain of the laminate. For example on the AKMS picture you can only really see the palm swell on the left gun because the light is reflecting of of the top corner. As the right gun is in more in shadow this isn't happening, but to me it does look like there is a horizontal line on the handguard above the soldiers index finger indicating a possible palm swell. I am also fairly sure that those gas tubes do not have the relief holes that they should. Granted it is hard to tell as the picture is from a distance, but I think you would be able to see something (particularly on the FEG AK-63 F image) if the holes were there. This part is not easily interchangeable, so if the gun has an unported gas tube this means it is more than likely not an AK-63. The guns could be AK-63s, but as you cannot actually see any of the distinguishing features that would confirm this,then I think they should simply be listed as AKM's and AKMS's. On a related topic, do you know what an AK-63 E is? The designations seem a bit confused online as depending on where I look it either says that the fixed variant is the E and the folding is the F, or like you said that the fixed is the F and the folding is the D. --commando552 (talk) 13:23, 28 January 2013 (EST)


I'm okay with the picture, not necessarily so with the illustration. I'd run it by commando552 as well. --Funkychinaman (talk) 12:57, 28 January 2013 (EST)

As for the AKS image, is there any difference between this and the unfolded AKS picture that is already on the main page apart from the wood being a different shade? If not they don't both need to be there`as it will add confusion, but the other one can go on the discussion page and be used for a gun with a different wood shade. I would also not bother referring to it as being deactivated if there is no external physical difference (other gun image on here are probably of deactivated guns, but if there is no external modification it makes no difference). I would probably go for the image you added on the main page, as that wood is more typical of what i have seen, along with it being a slightly bigger image.
As for the illustration I don't see the value on having it on any page, as we already have real photos of the AK-47. The weapon may have originally been called the AK/AKC but as this is a Western wiki (along with the fact that it is pretty much globally known as the AK-47 at this point) this is what we refer to it as. --commando552 (talk) 13:40, 28 January 2013 (EST)
The only reason that the AKS-47 with the light wood is on the main page is that that was the only image I could find at the time for an unfolded stock. Like I said above (although I just realised not worded very well) the image of the deactivated gun you added is probably a better example as the wood is more typical so I think this should go on the main page with the old one with the light wood on the discussion, feel free to do that. There are lots of images in the AK-47 section, but they are all different to a greater degree than the shade of the furniture, so they are kind of justified in being there to some degree. As to why the Type 1 images have been overused I don't think it really has anything to do with the wood, but more to do with the fact that the Type 1 is the first image so lazy people or people that can't tell the difference will just go ahead and pick that one. --commando552 (talk) 18:16, 28 January 2013 (EST)
Don't worry about changing it, have swapped them around. --commando552 (talk) 18:22, 28 January 2013 (EST)

Director entries

The general rule is that directors and their films receive a category page, not an actor page. Take a look at the modified John Irvin category. Also, screenshots that are in square (4:3) ratio only get up to 500px display. --Ben41 (talk) 00:23, 3 February 2013 (EST)

Armour of God

I unlocked the page if you need to make an edit. --Funkychinaman (talk) 12:05, 15 February 2013 (EST)

DDT book guns

It's the discussion page, I don't think anyone has any objections to it, but if it really bothers you, I don't think anyone would object either. (I don't know if anyone else here has actually seen the movie or read the book.) --Funkychinaman (talk) 20:22, 19 February 2013 (EST)

The Spy Who Loved Me

It's a bit hard to tell how many rounds are in the chamber. The black and white photo shows six shots, but the other two look like only five. Are they both the same gun? --Funkychinaman (talk) 10:00, 19 March 2013 (EDT)

Have you run this by JCordell? He's the man to ask about wheel guns. --Funkychinaman (talk) 12:01, 19 March 2013 (EDT)
It does look a bit too small to be an M1911. --Funkychinaman (talk) 12:18, 19 March 2013 (EDT)
That'd be a good guess. --Funkychinaman (talk) 12:38, 19 March 2013 (EDT)


We only require the original foreign name in parenthesis when there is no official American release title, or a title in English. Always check IMDB. According to IMDB, The Olsen Gang in Jutland is the international release title, so you can drop the parenthesis. If you want to simplify searches, you can always just create a redirect. --Funkychinaman (talk) 10:07, 19 March 2013 (EDT)

You can always use the move tool instead of manually creating a new page and creating a redirect for the old page. The move tool not only does both, it always moves the talk page as well. --Funkychinaman (talk) 12:01, 19 March 2013 (EDT)

Jaws revolver

I agree with you. I think it's an Astra and it looks like they chopped it to make it look exotic - "science fictiony spy thing". The grips are some type of aftermarket target grips with an exaggerated thumb-rest. Look at the cylinder release latch. It appears to be the Astra cylinder release latch. Also the front of the trigger guard ,the lines of the frame, identifies it as an Astra. --Jcordell (talk) 12:39, 19 March 2013 (EDT)

Miscellaneous revolvers

Wow what a mishmash. Okay I'll do what I can.

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
U.S. Air Force Base Security Police Officer with his revolver drawn outside the circus tent. Officer in front of him has a revolver in his holster.

The revolver that is being held appears to be an older model Smith & Wesson Model 10. Looking at that front site and the tapered barrel leads me to believe that it's possibly a pre-Model 10. In 1957 S&W began numbering it's models. I think that it's probably a Military & Police - which is a pre-Model 10. The holstered revolver could be a Smith & Wesson. The grips appear to be what are known as S&W Magna grips. Some folks call them service grips in contrast to the larger S&W target grips. The grips on Dirty Harry's Model 29 are target grips. No I have no way of identifying if that airman is carrying a Model 10 or a Smith & Wesson Model 15. At the time that Octopussy was filmed the Air Force Security Police carried the Model 15 (Model 10 with adjustable sights), but I don't think the movie concerned itself with being technically accurate. More later. --Jcordell (talk) 15:46, 19 March 2013 (EDT)

The other revolvers in Octopussy. I'm leaning to either the Astra 960 or the Llama Comanche. I'm really starting to think that they might have been carrying Llama revolvers in genreal instead of Smith & Wessons. the other possibility is that they are using one of the Arminius HW Revolver Series. It makes sense. The Air Force base sequences were filmed in England and it might have been easier to get hold of Spanish and German revolvers in large numbers instead of S&W revolvers. It's a tough call and the details just aren't good enough. I'm having to go off of the trigger guards and simple logical guessing--Jcordell (talk) 15:25, 19 April 2013 (EDT)

Sa. vz. 58 assault rifle / Sa. vz. 48 submachine gun series / Sa. vz. 61 Skorpion

First off, I don't think there should be a period after the "Sa". I don't know why not, but this is how it is on the CZ and CSA web pages who manufacture the guns. Also, I'm not sure the Sa should be in the Skorpion title at all, as I don't think this was originally part of its designation. I think it was just called the Skorpion vz. 61 and the Sa has only become associated with it recently, as that it what CSA have started marketing it by. I'm not really an expert on Czech weapons though, you might want to put something on the main page or on the forum before you change anything to check if anybody who knows more about them that me has a problem with it. --commando552 (talk) 13:57, 20 March 2013 (EDT)

RE:New Version of Photo?

If you upload a new version of the photo it will change on all pages that the file appears on as you have changed what the file is. However the thumbnail for the image will not update immediately and takes a day or two for the database to generate a new one. Changing the resolution by one forces it to generate a new thumbnail from the newly updated file (this trick does not work if a thumbnail the exact size has been generated before, as this will already be there using the old file so sometime you have to change it by two pixels, or go the other way). If the image is used on a lot of pages I wouldn't bother forcing it to update as it isn't worth the effort, unless the new version is a vastly different aspect ratio to the original one, as the old thumbnail will be resized to the same proportions as the new one which can make it look odd. Regardless, it will automatically refresh in a day or two so it doesn't really matter. --commando552 (talk) 20:41, 25 March 2013 (EDT)


I agree with you 100% about the Model 19. The frame is a K Frame (mid-size) and the barrel isn't tapered. It's got the Baughman front sight (red insert and it's ramped for snag free drawing) and the cylinder is the correct size.

Now the second is tough. The barrel length appears to be 6.5 inches - which was a standard barrel length for both the Model 27 and 28 until 1979/1980 when S&W made the 6 inch barrel length the standard for all the N frame revolvers. I agree with you that it also appears to have a slight taper to the barrel which the Model 29 did not have. What makes it tough to really ID is I can't get a good look at the front sight. If that front sight is a Patridge sight then it's a Model 27 with the 6.5" barrel. That was standard on the longer barreled Model 27. But Smith did not make the Model 29 with the Patridge front sight. Instead the Baughman ramped sight was the standard on the Model 29 - especially on the 6" and the 6.5" barrels. I wish I could get a better perspective on the cylinder as well. The 44 magnum cylinder fills up the entire frame while the .357 cylinder is shorter.

But based on what we've got I would agree with you and go with the movie using a Model 27 to fill in for a Model 29.

No I haven't looked at Octupussy since the last time we exchanged messages. Sorry. I have a whole bunch of excuses if you're interested I'll be gald to play them for you. LOL. I'll get on it in the near future. Promise. --Jcordell (talk) 16:20, 1 April 2013 (EDT)

I think you can identify it as a Model 29 if you want. Who can say that the revolver wasn't modified over the years? It's been my personal observation that firearms (especially handguns) that are exported to Europe seem to experience more modifications than ones owned here in the U.S. Possibly because the various European gun laws make it more difficult to buy different fireams for different needs and also the import taxes makes American firearms just cost more so gunowners modify the guns they do own more heavily that most Americans. In the past when I've built pages and I'm not totally certain about the identification of a firearm I'll use the words "appears" or "while identifed as a Galaxy 67 Planet Killer revolver it appears to be a Colt Detective Special with some type of flash suppresor attached to the barrel". Not a big deal. However I'm always willing to help with revolvers. I'm old (45) and when I started shooting way back in the 1970's revolvers were my first handguns. I've always had a soft spot for the wheel-guns. Now I collect them. It's an illness. --Jcordell (talk) 10:27, 2 April 2013 (EDT)

CZ 75

You have changed CZ 75 to CZ Model 75 on several pages. What was the reason? The word "model" doesn't appear in the name of this pistol, it is simply CZ 75 (like other CZ pistols that also doesn't have the word "Model" or "M" in the name). Greg-Z (talk) 02:02, 2 October 2013 (EDT)

I didn't know it. Thank you for clarification. Greg-Z (talk) 11:50, 3 October 2013 (EDT)

AKS-47 image

Is there any particular reason that you are replacing a large number of instances of this image:

Error creating thumbnail: File missing

With this one:


It is or much worse quality and is hard to make out some of the details, and it is also non typical as it is loaded with a rare Bosnian two rib magazine. It doesn't matter that it is deactivated, as this makes no difference to the outward appearance of the gun. --commando552 (talk) 15:20, 8 October 2013 (EDT)

What makes you say it is Bulgarian made? Don't they have a plastic pistol grip rather than this which has a wood one? As for the angle it would be preferable if it was fully side on, but a picture at a very slight angle is preferable to a smaller one that is or poor quality. --commando552 (talk) 16:23, 8 October 2013 (EDT)
I don't think that listing is correct, the oval with the "11" in is the marking for Polish Radom factory rifles, Bulgarian rifles have a double circle with the factory number inside which is normally "10". It still isn't a Russian gun but to be honest that doesn't really matter, more than likely the vast majority of both stock images and movie/tv appearances will not be of actual Russian made guns but rather externally identical (barring the markings) weapons manufactured from other countries, as these are what was more widely exported to the US and other countries. If the weapon has a particular characteristic that identified it as being made by a specific country (like bakelite furniture would suggest an AKK, or hooded front sight for Norinco rifles) then we identify it as such, but for anything else it is just an AK-47 as there is no way of telling otherwise. Without seeing the markings on the recent picture you uploaded there is no way of knowing its origin to ascertain if it is a true Russian gun either, but in my opinion the fact that it is using that non typical Bosnian magazine makes it a less desirable image, even before taking into account the much worse quality. --commando552 (talk) 17:40, 8 October 2013 (EDT)
Regardless of whatever the admins decide regarding this image change, I'm changing all the AKS-47 images on pages I built back to the previous hi-res version. Quite frankly, that image is horrible, and I have no intention of leaving pages that I put that much work into with a crummy low-res image when a hi-res stock image is available. Please do not do that again.--PistolJunkie (talk) 14:28, 9 October 2013 (EDT)

Batman revolvers

I noticed that you are trying to ID revolvers from Batman Forever. I believe they are Arminius revolvers of some sort, being most similar to Arminius HW-9ST's:

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Arminius HW-9ST - .22LR

--commando552 (talk) 19:21, 8 October 2013 (EDT)

Sorry, I'm not really a revolver guy, particularly the older ones. Was just a coincidence that I recognised the Batman one. --commando552 (talk) 20:37, 8 October 2013 (EDT)
No, I don't think it is the Windicator Allemagne as I think that only has a fixed rear sight. The stock image is not standard as it is fitted with combat grips rather than target grips, but it retains some of the HW-9ST's target features, such as the adjustable trigger and hammer spur, neither of whic hare on the Windicator (both of which can also be seen on the Batman guns too, along with the adjustable rear sights).--commando552 (talk) 21:05, 8 October 2013 (EDT)

Unused images

If you remove an image from a page so that it becomes unused (such as this one), remember to add the {{NUKE}} tag so that it will be flagged for deletion, otherwise it will just sit on the database unused. Also, generally if you want to replace an image it is better to upload a new version of it rather than create a new file as this way nothing needs to be deleted, it is easier to revert in there is a problem with it, and you will not have to change any of the media pages that it is listed on. Also, if you are unhappy with the current name of a file (such as it listing it as an incorrect variant or the name is generic), it can be moved the same as any other page. --commando552 (talk) 17:32, 10 October 2013 (EDT)

Re:Shadow Man AKS

This AK is really a riddle. Thank you for solving the problem at last. I agree that the Polish PKMS seems to be the best guess. The Bulgarian version is also possible but the Polish seems to me a more correct guess. Greg-Z (talk) 11:31, 13 October 2013 (EDT)

If it is a Polish rifle, I think it would be a PMKM, as it has a bayonet lug on the gas block and a fixed stock. Not sure it is this though as it looks to me like it might have a milled receiver which would suggest it is one of the Arsenal variants (also looks like it could be a 90 degree gas block), but is really hard to tell. --commando552 (talk) 12:12, 13 October 2013 (EDT)


Why did you take out all of the weapon links in Octopussy? It was fine the way it was. If you don't put them all back, I'll roll everything back myself. --Funkychinaman (talk) 13:29, 13 October 2013 (EDT)

Please use complete sentences with links rather than fragments without links. That's how pages are supposed to be formatted. And next time, just upload new version of the same image rather than just new images under new names. It saves the admins time to not have to delete all the old files. --Funkychinaman (talk) 13:36, 13 October 2013 (EDT)

RE: The Amazing Spider-Man

My apologies, you are correct. In the past, I've had so many people who make this kind of mistake that I jumped to conclusions too quickly. Use as many of those screencaps as you feel necessary. -MT2008 (talk) 22:11, 27 October 2013 (EDT)

No worries, bro, it's my fault for assuming. I understand the frustration of being observant and then having one's powers of observation questioned. -MT2008 (talk) 08:56, 27 November 2013 (EST)

Re: Octopussy

I had just always seen it referred with the Norinco name though - 'Colt M1911A1' or 'Colt M16xx' are often seen on pages, even though not all 1911A1s or M16s are made by Colt. I admittedly don't like doing that, though. That said, I had forgotten Norinco didn't actually get established 'til a bit later, so that is still my mistake there. You got it, sorry for that. StanTheMan (talk) 15:01, 15 July 2016 (EDT)