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Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

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Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
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Theatrical Poster
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing United States
Directed by Frank Miller
Robert Rodriguez
Release Date 2014
Language English
Studio Dimension Films
Troublemaker Studios
Distributor Dimension Films
Main Cast
Character Actor
Marv Mickey Rourke
Nancy Callahan Jessica Alba
Dwight McCarthy Josh Brolin
Ava Lord Eva Green
Johnny Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Gail Rosario Dawson
Det. John Hartigan Bruce Willis
Senator Roark Powers Boothe
Joey Ray Liotta
Mort Christopher Meloni

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is the 2014 sequel to 2005's Sin City. The film was co-directed by Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller.

The following weapons were used in the film Sin City: A Dame to Kill For:

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Springfield Armory M1911A1

Several characters utilize Springfield Armory M1911A1 pistols throughout the movie, most notably Joey (Ray Liotta) and Dwight (Josh Brolin).

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Springfield Armory M1911-A1 "GI" Stainless Steel version with U.S.-marked grips - .45 ACP
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Joey threads a suppressor onto his M1911-A1.
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Dwight holds his M1911-A1 on Manute.
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Manute (Dennis Haysbert) holds two M1911-A1s on Dwight.
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Ava Lord (Eva Green) holds an M1911-A1.

Kimber Warrior

Gail (Rosario Dawson) uses a pair of Kimber Warrior pistols in the film.

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Kimber Warrior - .45 ACP
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Gail pulls her Kimbers on Dwight and Marv.
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Gail holds one of her Kimber Warriors.

Glock 17

Senator Roark (Powers Boothe) uses a Glock 17.

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Glock 17 (3rd Generation) - 9x19mm
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Senator Roarke aims his Glock 17.

Walther PPK

Senator Roark (Powers Boothe) uses a stainless Walther PPK.

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Walther PPK stainless - .380 ACP
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Senator Roark (Powers Boothe) uses a stainless Walther PPK.

Colt Mustang

Damien Lord (Marton Csokas) uses a Colt Mustang.

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Colt Mustang - .380 ACP
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Damien Lord pulls his Colt Mustang out of a drawer.

Colt Officers ACP M1991A1 Series 80

Roark Jr. (Nick Stahl) is briefly seen with a Colt Officer's ACP 1911 variant in a flashback to the events of the first film.

Colt Compact M1991A1 - .45 ACP
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Hartigan fires his Model 29 at Roarke Jr. in a flashback to the events of the first film.

Beretta 92FS

A young college punk tries to kill Marv with a Beretta 92FS. One of Senator Roark's henchmen is also armed with a Beretta 92FS.

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Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm
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The punk aims his Beretta 92FS.
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A henchman holds his Beretta 92FS after smacking Johnny in the face.


Smith & Wesson Model 29

Nancy Callahan (Jessica Alba) carries a nickel-plated Smith & Wesson Model 29, stated to be Hartigan's revolver from the previous film. Hartigan (Bruce Willis) also uses the Model 29 in a flashback from the first movie.

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Smith & Wesson Model 29 with nickel finish - .44 Magnum
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Nancy holds her nickel-plated Smith & Wesson Model 29.
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Hartigan fires his Model 29 at Roark Jr. in a flashback to the events of the first film.
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Nancy aims her Model 29 revolver.

Colt Python

Mort (Christopher Meloni) uses a Colt Python in the film. A couple of Pythons are also used by various henchmen in the film.

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Colt Python Stainless Steel variant with 4" Barrel - .357 Magnum
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A Colt Python (on the right) is seen used by a henchman.
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Mort sticks his Colt Python to Bob's (Jeremy Piven) face.
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A henchman holds his Colt Python.

Charter Arms Undercover

Ava Lord (Eva Green) uses a Charter Arms Undercover.

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Charter Arms Undercover Early Model (1970's) Blued with 2" barrel - .38 Special
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Promotional image of Ava Lord (Eva Green) holding the revolver.
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Ava Lord fires her Charter Arms Undercover.

Smith & Wesson Model 460

Marv (Mickey Rourke) briefly uses a Smith & Wesson Model 460 in the film.

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Smith & Wesson Model 460V (5" barrel) - .460 S&W Magnum
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Marv holds his Smith & Wesson Model 460.

Smith & Wesson Model 640

Dwight McCarthy (Josh Brolin) briefly uses a Smith & Wesson Model 640 revolver.

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Smith & Wesson Model 640 Centennial - .357 Magnum
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Dwight holds his Model 640 after firing.

Ruger Blackhawk

An Old Town prostitute wields a pair of Ruger Blackhawk revolvers.

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Stainless Ruger Blackhawk - .357 Magnum
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The prostitute holds her Blackhawks (number 5).
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The Old Town prostitute fires her Blackhawks.

Taurus Model 85

A henchman briefly uses a Taurus Model 85.

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Taurus Model 85 Stainless - .38 Special
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A henchman holds a Taurus Model 85 (revolver farthest on the left).

Submachine Guns


Gail (Rosario Dawson) uses a full size IMI Uzi. Most of Senator Roark's and Damien Lord's henchmen use Uzis in the film. Marv (Mickey Rourke) also uses an Uzi.

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IMI Uzi - 9x19mm
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A henchman holds his Uzi.
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Gail fires her Uzi.
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Marv uses an Uzi as a crutch.

IMI Micro Uzi

Most of Senator Roark's and Damien Lord's henchmen use IMI Micro Uzis in the film.

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Micro Uzi with 15 round magazine - 9x19mm
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A Micro Uzi (left, on the foreground) is visible.
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A henchman holds his Micro Uzi on Dwight.
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An Old Town prostitute holds her Micro Uzi (number 4).
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A henchman goes down wielding two Micro Uzis.

Intratec TEC-9

Dwight (Josh Brolin) uses an Intratec TEC-9 in a flashback scene.

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Intratec TEC-9 - 9x19mm
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Dwight holds a TEC-9.


Franchi SPAS-12

A biker wields two Franchi SPAS-12 shotguns, before being disarmed by Marv (Mickey Rourke).

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Franchi SPAS-12 with stock folded and butt-hook removed - 12 gauge
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The biker holds his twin SPAS-12s.
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Marv fires his newly-acquired SPAS-12.

Mossberg 590 Cruiser

An Old Town prostitute uses a Mossberg 590 Cruiser.

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Mossberg 590 "Cruiser" with extended magazine tube and bayonet lug - 12 gauge
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The prostitute holds her Cruiser (number 3).
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The prostitute fires her Cruiser.

Mossberg 500

An Old Town prostitute uses a Mossberg 500 with a heat shield and a custom stock.

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Mossberg 500 "Persuader" with standard five-shot magazine tube - 12 gauge
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The prostitute fires her Mossberg 500.

Remington 870

An Old Town prostitute uses a Remington 870 fitted with a vertical Tac-Star foregrip.

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Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot Shotgun - 12 gauge
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The prostitute holds her Remington (number 2).

Rifles / Carbines

Rocky Mountain Arms Patriot

A couple of Senator Roark's henchmen use Rocky Mountain Arms Patriot carbines.

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Rocky Mountain Arms Patriot - .223 Remington
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The kneeling henchman holds his Patriot.

M4A1 Carbine

One of Roark's henchmen wields an M4A1 Carbine.

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Colt M4A1 with 6 position collapsible stock and carrying handle removed - 5.56x45mm
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The henchman approaches Marv.

M16A1 with M203 Grenade Launcher

An Old Town prostitute uses an M16A1 fitted with an M203 Grenade Launcher.

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M16A1 (5.56x45mm) with M203 40mm grenade launcher
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The prostitute holds her M16A1 combo (number 1).