Spy is a UK sitcom series that premiered in 2011 and was created by Simeon Goulden. Spy revolves around the life of Tim Elliot (Darren Boyd), a ordinary guy who mistakenly takes a test to become an M15 agent and finds himself passing and reluctantly joining the agency. The second series started on October 19th 2012.
The following weapons were used in the television series Spy (2011 TV Series):
When Tim Elliot goes to his M15 job interview he gets the job and is given a Glock 17 as his service weapon.The Examiner his new boss then tells Tim "I know its a Glock 17 standard issue but you are free to supplement it as you see fit." Tim later chooses a Heckler & Koch USP Compact as his primary side-arm. He occasionally switches between his Glock and his USP Compact.
USP Compact
A Heckler & Koch USP Compact is used by Caitlyn while on mission. She also uses her pistol to point at co-workers to prove she is ruthless. The Heckler & Koch USP Compact is Tim's primary sidearm for Season 2. It is used while his is on mission. It is seen when his Ex-wife Judith notices Tim hanging and takes the gun and questions him about it. The USP Compact is also the main side-arm of most of the un-named M15 agents throughout the series.
Colt Python
A stainless Colt Python is drawn by the Examiner when Judith wakes up from being knocked unconscious. It is seen as the primary side-arm of the examiner.
SIG-Sauer P226
The SIG-Sauer P226 with & without a rail is seen used by Tim Elliot and the Examiner. They first appear in the Special Christmas episode "Codename: Show Stopper" by most of the M15 agents.
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare
The AWM is used when The Examiner is playing around with the attached laser by pointing it at people in the office. He is then asked if it is loaded to which he responds. "Sure, its loaded Not loaded." The AWM fitted with a silencer is also used by Agent Caitlyn in an assassination attempt on Judith.
Beretta Cx4 Storm
While stalking Agent Tim Elliot's house, an assassin identified known as "Scorpion" is seen carrying a Beretta Cx4 Storm carbine of unknown caliber. The Cx4 carried by Scorpion has a vertical forward grip and a muzzle device.
Colt AR-15A2 Sporter II
Agent Portis is seen carrying what appears to be a Colt AR-15A2 Sporter II while on mission. This is also the weapon he is ordered to use to shoot Judith. Before he has a chance to shoot Judith he knocks her out by accident.