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Duke Nukem 3D
The following weapons appear in the video game Duke Nukem 3D:
Glock 17
A Glock 17 pistol with an extended 'Buffer' and under-barrel laser sight appears in the game, simply called the "Pistol." Like a lot of 1990s FPS games it can be fired continuously like a fully-automatic weapon by holding down the controller's/keyboard's trigger button, albeit at a slow rate of fire.
It is the only weapon in the game that must reload magazines rather than drawing from a single ammunition pool, but instead of tracking remaining magazines, the game will instead make Duke reload whenever the ammunition count is a multiple of 12 (the weapon's magazine capacity). However, the gun's maximum ammunition count is 200, meaning Duke can carry 16 full magazines and a partially-loaded one with 8 rounds, and he will use up the latter first (unlike later FPS games which, after reloading a weapon using box magazines, will usually only load a partially-full one if it is the only one left).
Pistol ammunition can be found as loose magazines in the game's levels, and is often dropped by Assault Trooper enemies (the most common hostile NPC in the game), despite the fact that those NPCs don't actually use this weapon.
Given Duke Nukem's stature in official promotional artwork, the implied size and bulk of this gun sppears to be on the order of a Desert Eagle or larger.
A futurised M1911A1 with an under-barrel LEM replaces the Glock 17 in the N64 version.
Winchester 1300 Defender
The shotgun is a black Winchester 1300 Defender with front and rear Tacstar pistol grips and a heat-shield; this differs from the version shown in previews, which was described by unimpressed videogame journalists as resembling a grey banana.
Franchi SPAS-12
A SPAS-12 is used in the N64 version.
"Ripper Chaingun"
The Ripper Chaingun is a three-barrel "salvo rifle" loosely based on the Russian Pribor-3B assault rifle. It is equipped with a side grip and some sort of unusable radar display.
Duel-wielded MP5Ks replace the Ripper Chaingun in the N64 version.
Prosthetic Hand Held Minigun
A hand held minigun with 8 barrels are seen used by the Lizard Troopers.
Hand Held Minigun With Grenade Launcher
Again, a hand held Minigun but a heavier variant with an under-barrel grenade launcher is seen used by the Battlelords.
Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher
Belt-fed RPG launcher held like a Sten gun.
The Devastator guns are fictional dual wielded, rapid-fire rocket launchers capable of firing incendiary rounds.
Missile Launcher
This missile launcher replaces the RPG in the N64 version.