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Resident Evil 5
Chris uses a HK USP in the teaser trailer. It's been confirmed this weapon is in the final game but is labelled the H&K P8(The P8 is used by the the German Army which is actually a USP with small differences such as the safety). It appears to be fitted with a custom compensator in the trailer but is not equipped with one in-game.
The weapon is very much similar to the "Punisher" in Resident Evil 4, in that the weapon has a piercing ability able to penetrate 2 or 3 enemies at a time and flawlessly penetrate wooden shields. The weapon, like most handguns is fitted with under barrel laser sight and can be upgraded to hold more ammo than is realistically possible.
Beretta 92FS
The Beretta 92FS's are Chris's and Sheva's handguns. It's also used by Irving in a few cut scenes and Wesker wields a custom version called the "Samurai Edge". Jill also wields one in a cut scene during the raid on the Spencer mansion estate.
It can be upgraded to hold an impossible number of rounds for the real firearm, close to 100 bullets a magazine! The weapon in-game has the ability to perform critical hit headshots which deal alot more damage than usual.
Beretta M93R
This weapon hasn't been seen in any pictures or trailers but has been confirmed by the Resident Evil Wiki. [1]
It's likely similar to Resident Evil 4's "Matilda" which is a burst firing pistol but can be bought like any other weapon. A stock is featured on it, however, unlike the Red 9 where it had to be purchased seperately it comes with the gun. according to it is unlocked when the beretta 92fs is fully upgraded.
Beretta PX4
Like the M93R, this weapon hasn't been seen but has been confirmed. This weapon is available only in the Mercenaaries game.
SIG-Sauer P226
The SIG P226 is labelled as the most powerful handgun with the exception of the magnum's. It is perhaps the most realistic weapon available when fully upgraded as the maximum ammunition it can hold is 16 rounds.
Samurai Edge
Possibly a secret weapon, this weapon is wielded exclusively by Albert Wesker which he kept presumably after the events of Resident Evil (2002). It is used primarily in the cut scenes during the main game but can be equipped in the "Mercenaries" mode by equipping Wesker with the S.T.A.R.S. Outfit. It is unknown as to whether this weapon can be unlocked for the Main game, however this weapon functions nearly identical to the standard 92FS but with a meatier firing sound and more damage with each shot, it's also got a 90% increased criticals available for headshots. Unlike the previous S.T.A.R.S. Samurai Edge pistols, Weskers features a two chrome finish with Black and Inox Finish.
S&W M29
The Smith & Wesson M29 Revolver is a .44 Magnum calibre weapon and is found in Chapter 3-1 on a corpse of a BSAA member in a hut. It can later be purchased for 3000 gold.
Desert Eagle
The Desert Eagle appears in the game marked under the name Light Hawk. Calibre is unknown.
S&W M500
Another confirmed magnum.
Possibly similar to the "Handcannon" of Resident Evil 4 only being able to be bought at a high price. Like the beretta 93r, it is unlocked by fully upgrading the M29.
Ithaca 37 shotgun
Chris has been shown with this weapon. It has an Ithaca magazine tube cap but features a Mossberg 500 tang safety, making it a video game combo gun.
The second picture seems to indicate that this is an Ithaca 37- the "tang safety" looks like a sling attachment point from that angle.
Yes, it most certainly is. I downloaded the demo for this game on my PS3 and since you fire from an over the shoulder view, it is clearly visible as a sling swivel. If you check your inventory ingame, it even calls it an Ithaca M37 shotgun.
Sako M75
A screenshot featured in a magazine shows Sheva holding this rifle, .223 calibre.
- Depending on the version of this M75 it's hard to say what calibre it is, it's most likely .223 Remington sticking to the theme of resident evil 4, as the Springfield, originally chambered in .30-06 Springfield was featured as firing .223 calibre rounds. It's also difficult to tell what model variation it is without knowing the ammunition used. It is likely a M75 Model I but other existing models include II, III, SM, IV and V models which dictate the ammunition used.
Benelli M3 Super 90
You can purchase this shotgun later in the game
Found in the tanker and can be bought later in the game. Called the 'Jail Breaker' in the gane
Sawed off shotgun "Mad Max" Style
A possible secret weapon. Called the 'hydra' in game, it is supposedly a triple barrel shotgun that is unlocked when the M37 is fully upgraded.
Vz 61 Skorpion SA
Found very early in the game with a 30 round magazine capacity for starters and like all the other guns, it can be "upgraded" to hold a larger capacity and firepower.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
Found early in the game and can be bought after that. It like all the other "machine gun" type weapons fire their own set of ammo for the sake of balanced gameplay. In the game, the "ammo" of the MP5 is the same for the AK and the SIG 556. It is seen with a red dot sight, flashlight attachment, though never turned on even in dark places and of course a laser pointer.

In one of the gameplay trailers it looked like a variant of an AK 74 or something similiar
SIG SG 556
B.S.A.A. agents are seen with this as their primary weapon. You can find one later on and also buy one. It is equiped with an EOtech style sight.

SVD Dragunov
The first semi-auto sniper rifle found in the game. Like all the weapons in the game, the ammo capacity can be upgraded beyond the real one.
Heckler & Koch PSG-1
Found later in the game on the tanker and can be bought after you find it. Starts out with 5 round capacity, but it can be upgraded beyond the capacity of the real rifle.
Milkor MGL
A grenade launcher has been confirmed as the MGL, can fire conventional explosive rounds, and incedinary as well an assortment of other rounds like acid, liquid nitrogen freezing rounds, and electric rounds(how the last two are possible I do not know).
Flash, Explosive, Flame grenades have been confirmed.
In several magazines, Chris is shown firing what appears to be a Kalashnikov PKM mounted turret style on a military Hummer.
PKM Machine gun
Used in hummer chapter, is operated by Chris and is used to take out the giant.
Browning M2
In a recent trailer Sheva is seen using a truck mounted Browning against motorcycle riders and other trucks.
In the same trailer as above Chris is seen using a GAU-17 mingun against enemies in what looks like an oil drilling platform. Sheva is shown firing this weapon mounted on a tripod on the trunk section of a military Hummer. It is unlocked when the skorpion is fully upgraded.
A terrorist is seen using one to shoot down a helicopter in the trailer. It is also used by a BSAA grunt in a helicopter.
Mercworx Goliath
Chris Redfield uses a Mercworx Goliath as his combat knife. This knife is easily recognizable by it's length and the unique "chili" handle exclusive to the mercworx line of knives.
Rocket Launcher
Two possibly secret rocket launchers have been confirmed.
Noctovision Rocket Launcher
Infinity Rocket Launcher
unlocked exclusively for the charachter Seeva, awarded when the sako is fully upgraded.