In Her Line of Fire
Her Line of Fire is a 2006 American-German action drama directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith . In Germany and in several other countries is known under the name of Air Force Two , which indicates a airplane with US Vice President on board. It is a story about how this plane crashed on the Pacific island controlled by several mercenaries in the service of the rebels against local dictator. The surviving crew begins to lead the struggle for life. Starring Mariel Hemingway , David Keith , David Millbern and Jill Bennett .
The following weapons were used in the film In Her Line of Fire :
Glock 17
SGM. Lynn Delaney (Mariel Hemingway ) used a Glock 17 as her sidearm. On the island also to colleagues she lent her gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 2nd Generation Glock 17 - 9x19mm
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Colt M1911A1
Among the mercenaries and also rebels on the island is very popular a Colt M1911A1 pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing World War II Colt M1911A1 Pistol - .45 ACP. This was an issued U.S. Army pistol with parkerized finish, thus the official designation of M1911A1
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Smith & Wesson Model 629 snub
Armstrong (David Millbern ), the commander of the mercenaries on the island, carries a Smith & Wesson Model 629 snub revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 629 Snub - .44 Magnum.
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Submachine Guns
"HK51" (custom shortened Heckler & Koch G3)
The mercenary Logan (Lee Tuson ) is armed with what appears to be an "HK51 " (the blanket term used for a custom shortened variant of the Heckler & Koch G3A3 ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing HK51 - 7.62x51mm
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Heckler & Koch MP5A3
The rebels leader Petelo (Robbie Magasiva ) is seen with a Heckler & Koch MP5A3 submachine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with "tropical" (wide) forearm and stock extended - 9x19mm
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Carl Gustav M/45
SGM. Lynn Delaney (Mariel Hemingway ) with Vice President Walker (David Keith ) looted the armoury in guerilla's camp. Lynn selects for self a Carl Gustav M/45 submachine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Swedish K / Carl Gustav M45 Submachine Gun - 9x19mm
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Micro Uzi
SGM. Lynn Delaney (Mariel Hemingway ) confiscated in arsenal of the insurgents also a Micro Uzi submachine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Micro Uzi with 15 round magazine - 9x19mm
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Sterling SMG
One of insurgents in jungle on the island owned also a British Sterling submachine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sterling Mk. IV Submachine Gun - 9x19mm
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The survivors from a plane on the island, seize a IMBEL M964 A1 ParaFAL assault rifle, which use alternately.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Imbel M964 A1 ParaFAL - 7.62x51mm NATO
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M16A1 Rifle
Armstrong (David Millbern ) and his mercenaries on the guerilla side (include a several insurgents) are seen with M16A1 assault rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A1 with 20 round magazine - 5.56x45mm
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Colt Commando
Also a Colt Commando assault rifle is seen in hands of some rebels.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing GAU-5/A aka Colt Model 610 - 5.56x45mm.
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Heckler & Koch HK91
SGM. Lynn Delaney (Mariel Hemingway ) uses a Heckler & Koch HK91 with a telescopic sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing HK91A2 Rifle with fixed stock (Note lack of third position for automatic fire ) - 7.62x51mm NATO
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Enfield L85A1
A insurgent (third from left) in camp holds in his hand a British Enfield L85A1 assault rifle fitted with a scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing L85A1 with SUSAT scope - 5.56x45mm NATO
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Norinco Type 56
Many rebels and also some of mercenaries are equipped by Norinco Type 56 assault rifles
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type 56-1 assault rifle (under-folding stock variant), early model with milled receiver - 7.62x39mm
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Karabiner 98K "Kriegsmodell"
Several insurgents in jungle on the island holds in his hand the rarity Kriegsmodell rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Karabiner 98k "Kriegsmodell" - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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Carcano M91/38 Short Rifle
Between weapons that the rebels leaned against a cask can be discerned also Carcano M91/38 carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Carcano M91/38 - 6.5x52 mm. Model 38 (Fucile di Fanteria Mod. 1938) in 7.35×51mm caliber is very similar.
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Mossberg 500
In hands of several guerilla fighters are seen Mossberg 500 shotguns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mossberg 500 with high-capacity magazine tube - 12 gauge
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SWD/Cobray Street Sweeper
Some rebels used a SWD/Cobray Street Sweeper . This shotgun seized also Vice President Walker (David Keith ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SWD/Cobray Street Sweeper with short barrel and top folding stock - 12 Gauge
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Machine Guns
Browning AN/M2
The rebels have mounted on their pickup truck a Browning AN/M2 machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning AN/M2, flexible mount - .30-06 Springfield
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Browning M2 Heavy Barrel
A guerrilla camp in jungle is defended by several Browning M2 Heavy Barrel machine guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HB on M3 tripod - .50 BMG.
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Mk 2 hand grenade
Mk 2 hand grenade uses SGM. Lynn Delaney (Mariel Hemingway ), when she freeing a Vice President.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 2 "Pineapple" World War II-made High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
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F-1 hand grenade
F-1 hand grenade SGM. Lynn Delaney (Mariel Hemingway ) used to liquidate insurgents and their vehicles.
F-1 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade.
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RGD-5 hand grenade
SGM. Lynn Delaney (Mariel Hemingway ) threw the RGD-5 hand grenades at rebels in the camp. One adds to the bomb on bridge
RGD-5 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
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DefTech 1315 Gas Gun
What appears to be a DefTech 1315 gas gun launcher is seen among the weapons on a table.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing DefTech 1315 37mm
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Harpoon Gun
SGM. Lynn Delaney (Mariel Hemingway ) kills by the harpoon gun the one of mercenaries at ship.
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Ordnance ML 3 inch Mortar
A part of defense of guerrilla camp in jungle was also a Ordnance ML 3 inch mortar.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing British Ordnance ML 3-inch mortar
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