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Counter-Strike Online
The following weapons are used in the video game Counter-Strike Online:
Glock 17
The Glock (retextured model from Counter-Strike) is named "9x19mm Sidearm" in game. It is the spawn weapon of the terrorist faction. The weapon comes with a red edition and a variant called the "Battle Glock 18C" which can be fired in full-auto.

Heckler & Koch USP45 Tactical
The USP returns from Counter-Strike and named "KM .45 Tactical Pistol" in game. It is the spawn pistol for the counter-terrorist faction and comes with a detachable silencer. This weapon has two variants, the red editon and the "Battle" edition.

SIG-Sauer P228
P228 is the same model from Counter-Strike and is called ".228 Compact" in game. Oddly fires .357 SIG rounds.

IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX
Named "Nighthawk .50 C" in game. Appears as the one of the most powerful sidearm in the game. Its model is almost identical to Counter-Strike Source. The weapon comes with a gold-plated variant, a red edition and an akimbo variant which is only available in Zombie modes.

FN Five-seveN
Named "ES Five-Seven" in game, a weapon exclusive to the counter-terrorists. The model is from Counter-Strike.

Beretta 92G Elite II
Named ".40 Dual Elite" in game. Probably a homage to John Woo or Chow Yun Fat. The dual pistols are purchasable by the terrorists, as a equivalent to the CTs’ FN Five-seveN. The model is the same as in Condition Zero.

Colt Anaconda
Named simply "Anaconda" in game and modified to fed with seven .50 AE rounds. Appears as the first revolver in the game.

SVI Infinity
The Infinity comes with some color variants and three akimbo configurations. Appears as one of the most diverse weapon and the most accurate pistol in the game. The akimbo variants have secondary firing mode (gangsters firing style) which does high rate of fire like the SMGs, although the pistols are extremely inaccurate when firing in bursts. Interestingly, the models shows the Infinitys have uncocked hammers, which means they couldn't be fired in real-life.

Luger P08
Named simply "Luger" in game, it also comes with gold and silver finishes as well as two upgrade variants. It is the most powerful 9mm caliber pistol in the game, but it has low capacity and is not very accurate. It's one of the WW2 classic weapon in the game. The Silver Luger is only available in Zombie Mode 3 and usable by Blair only. It is effective against zombies due to its high knock-back power and higher capacity (15 rounds).
Interestingly, the Luger has the distinction of being the only handgun in the game actually held correctly, rather than using the default "Valve character" stance (also known as teacupping).

Flintlock Pistol
A flintlock pistol is featured in the game and it is called “Musket”. With this weapon the player can usually kills an enemy with one shot (except for zombies and monsters) , although its projectile velocity is quite slow and the weapon is very inaccurate due to the lack of riflings, as well as it has lower rate of fire than many “normal” sidearms in the game (firing a shot then reload), making it very inconvenient to use in any game modes. The model is based on the KTW Flintlock Pistol (G.Washington) airsoft spring pistol. (note the “ASGK” marking engraved on the gun)

Izmesh MP-412 REX
The MP-412 REX appears in the game is called "Skull-1". It's a break-frame double-action revolver designed for anti-zombie purposes and available to fire in "sharpshooting mode" or "burst firing mode". The weapon is chambered in .50 Anti-Zombie rounds and has 7 rounds in its cylinder. It features shells auto-ejecting via reloading.

AMT Automag V
Named "Automag V" in game. It has lower accuracy and rate of fire than the Desert Eagle, as well as its cheaper. Unlike the real one, the Automag in game is incredibly reliable and it will never jams. Comes with an anti-zombie variant called "Balrog-I", which can fire incendiaries via a pump-action mechanism in secondary firing function.

Colt King Cobra
The King Cobra in game is modified to chambered for 7 rounds of .50 AE cartridges, its equiped with a scope. Comes with a gold-plated variant.

Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer
Named "Mauser C96" in game, fires in full auto, it comes with a 10 round magazine but oddly fires 9mm round.
Colt M1911A1
Named “M1911A1” in game, comes with a 7+1 round magazine.
Calico M950
Called the “M950” in game, semi-automatic and fed with 50 rounds. Comes with two upgraded variants.
As the “FNP-45” in game.
Benelli M3 Super 90
The M3 is returned from Counter-Strike and named "Leone 12 Gauge Super" in game. It is the cheapest shotgun in the game and suitable for close-quarter battle.

Benelli M4 Super 90
The XM1014 (using Condition Zero model) is named "Leone YG1264 Auto Shotgun" in game. It does lower damage but has the highest rate of fire than any other shotguns. Comes with a red edition and a variant called the "Balrog-XI".

Daewoo USAS-12
A fully automatic shotgun with a 20-round drum magazine which available for the terrorists only. Although it’s considered powerful in close range, however it's unstable. Comes with a variant called the "USAS12 Camo". This variant does higher damage, higher rate of fire and has lighter weight, suitable to use in Zombie modes. The Shotgun also has a anti-zombie variant called the "Skull-11". It comes with a 28 round drum mag, a pairs of tactical lights and a un-usable Aimpoint Comp M3 red rot sight. The Skull-11 have two functions, "Buckshot mode" and "Slug mode". When using “Slug mode”, the user could hit targets at longer distances, but the rate of fire will be greatly reduced, turning it to an semi-automatic weapon.

Winchester Model 1887
Named "Winchester" in game. It is quite effective for hunting zombies and has high knock-back power. The weapon also comes with a gold-plated variant and two upgrade variants. In game, it can be fed with 8 rounds (or even higher for gold-plated variant). The “M1887 Maverick” is an sawn-off variant of the M1887, it makes the weapon shorter, lighter and has lower capacity, it is belongs to the “pistol” category. Most variants of M1887 in game features Terminator 2 style flip-cocking while firing.

Sawed-off Double Barreled Shotgun
An unknown model of sawed-off double barrel shotgun is called “Double-Barrel” (also known as the “DBarrel”) in game. It does high damage even in middle-range although it has the lowest capacity. It's also the weapon which has the highest knock-back power in the game. There's a variant called the "Quad Barrel". The "Quad Barrel" is a shotgun with four barrels, it's only available in Zombie mode 3 and usable by the heroine only. The Quad Barrel could fire 4 shells each time when the user hold on the secondary fire key. Another variant is called the "Triple Barrel", it shares most performances as the "QuadBarrel" except of the lack of a barrel only. The Triple Barrel is obtainable via upgrape events only.

Kel-Tec KSG
The Kel-Tec KSG 12 gauge is fed with 15 rounds in game. It's very effective at close range. This shotgun comes with two upgrade variants and a gold-plated variant.

Franchi SPAS-12
The SPAS-12 in game is a pump-action shotgun. Comes with two variant called the "SPAS-12 Deluxe" and "SPAS-12 Cobra" which has semi-automatic firing abilities. The “SPAS-12 Maverick” is another variant which uses 20 rounds detachable box magazine and available in semi-automatic only.

A Turkish-made bullpup pump-action shotgun is available in the game as the "UTS-15"; it has the highest rate of fire of all pump-action shotguns in-game. It is incorrectly reloaded by placing all the 15 shells in a single tube instead of both tubes. Comes with a few variations and a heavily modified version called the "Janus 11".

Pancor Jackhammer Mk3A1
As the “MK3A1”, 10 round mag.
Submachine Guns
Steyr TMP
Named "Schmidt Machine Pistol" in game. It is a low cost sub-machine gun with an integrated suppressor for the counter-terrorists. Model is from Condition Zero. The gun also comes with a variant called the "TMP Dragon" which is only obtainable in the Year of Dragon.

Ingram Mac-10
Unlike most of other guns, the MAC-10 retains its name because the company holding the rights to the name went bankrupt. It's the same level as the TMP, as the low cost sub-machine gun for the terrorist faction. The weapon model is from Counter-Strike, it has erroneously shown the gun as a closed-bolt weapon.

Heckler & Koch MP5A5
The MP5 is returned from Counter-Strike (with different front sight) and named "KM Submachine Gun" in game. Appears as the most flexible sub-machine gun in the game. It comes with a "Chinese Year Edition", a gold-plated variant and a "Battle" variant. These variants have higher knock-power than the original weapon. The extractor is at the wrong side, it shouldn’t be on the same side which the charging handle is located .

Heckler & Koch UMP45
Named "KM UMP45" in game. Appearing to filled the lack of firepower of the MP5. It's a weapon from Counter-Strike. The weapon also comes with a Anti-zombie variant which called the "Skull-3".It is chambered in .45 Anti-Zombie rounds and featured with an 35 round mag, Aimpoint Comp M2 Scope, undetachable suppressor and also can be dual-wielded. Another variant is called the "UMP45 Snake" which can be obtained via special events only. Just like the MP5, the extractor is at the wrong side, it shouldn’t be on the same side which the charging handle is located .

FN P90
The P90 is returned from Counter-Strike named "ES C90" in game. It has high penetration power, high rate of fire and also high capacity but it does low damage and is expensive. It also comes with a "Chinese Year Edition". The model is the original Counter-Strike P90 with front ripped from Counter-Strike Source model.

Heckler & Koch MP7A1
The MP7A1 in game can switch between "pistol mode" and "SMG mode" (which changes the firing stance to teacupping, an extremely dangerous way to fire the weapon). Appears as the most compact SMG in the game. But It is only fed with 20 rounds magazine. The weapon comes with a high-capacity variant called the "MP7A1 60R" which fed with a 40 round magazine (60 rounds in game) and a akimbo variant which only available in Zombie modes.

M1928 Thompson
Named "Thompson Chicago" in game. Also comes with a gold plated variant. It's powerful and has high capacity, also has lower price than many SMGs. It's also one of the WW2 classic weapon in the game but has erroneously shown as a closed-bolt weapon. The gun is also comes with two upgrade variants. The Janus-3 is a heavily-modified variant of the Thompson, it comes with a fake holographic sight, and a M1A1-like charging handle. Interestingly, “Public Enemies” inscriptions can be seen on these weapons’ receivers.

Kriss Vector
Named "Kriss Super V" in game, comes with a unusable holographic sight, a detachable suppressor and an akimbo configuration. Its firepower is equal to the UMP45 and the Thompson. Although it's cheaper, low recoil, accurate and has very high rate of fire.

Heckler & Koch MP5K PDW
The Balrog III is based on the HK MP5K PDW. The model comes with an EO-Tech holographic sight.
Named "MP40" in game. It has a incredible high rof than the real one and erroneously shown as a closed-bolt weapon.
Sten Mk II
The Sten Mk II retains its name in game. The model erroneously shown it as a closed-bolt weapon.
IMI Mini-Uzi
Appears as the “Uzi”.
Semi-Automatic Rifles
M1 Garand
Assault Rifles
The AK is returned from Counter-Strike and named "CV-47" in game. As the most favourable rifle for the terrorist faction. Just like its real-life counterpart, It's powerful and cheap, but inaccurate when fired fully-automatic. It comes with a gold-plated variant and a "special dragon edition" which can perform tactical reloads. In Zombie Modes gameplay, an high-capacity variant of the AK is also available. It is fed with a 60 round magazine (a U-shaped magazine never being standard issued in the Soviet/Russian Armed Forces, but in reality, it can be fed with 100 rounds) , fitted with black furnitures and with ACOG scope attached on the rifle’s upper handguard , also it does very high damage against zombies and has higher rate of fire than the original AK.

The Galil is returned from Counter-Strike and is named "IDF Defender" in game. Has the stats of the 5.56x45mm variant. This weapon is available for the terrorist faction only and is the cheapest rifle in the game. It is very effective in close and middle ranges. The weapon has a Condition Zero model on original Counter-Strike animations. Comes with a variant called the "Battle Galil" which has a correct arc magazine. The “Galil Maverick” is a variant which uses “jungle-style” magazines, it has faster reload speed than any other variants.

Daewoo K1A
A Korean Carbine classified as SMG in game which available for the counter-terrorist faction only. It has similar firepower and high rate of fire which equal the assault rifles. It can also effect at long range. It has a Dragon painted variant called the "K1ASE" which does higher damage and has better accuracy plus rate of fire. Another variant is called the “K1A Maverick”, it features a foregrip and uses jungle-style magazines.

Renamed as "Clarion 5.56" in game, it is one of the cheapest rifle for the counter-terrorist faction and a equivalent to the Galil. It's able to fire in 3 round burst, has low recoil and also high rate of fire. Retextured model from Counter-Strike. Comes with a variant called the "Battle FAMAS".

SIG SG552 Commando
Named "Krieg 552" in game and available for the terrorist faction only. Appears as the assault rifle with the highest rate of fire. Effective in close to middle ranges but has low accuracy. It has an original Counter-Strike model with Condition Zero scope.

Steyr AUG A1
Renamed "Bullpup" in game. Available for the counter-terrorist faction. Appears as an assault rifle which equal the SG552. It has high rate of fire and good accuracy. Effect in middle range to long range. It's a weapon from Counter-Strike.

Colt M4A1 Carbine
The M4A1 is returned from Counter-Strike and named "Maverick M4A1 Carbine" in game, comes with variations that all feature a detachable suppressor (except the Camouflaged M4). It is the most favourable rifle for the counter-terrorists and a equivalent to the terrorists’ AK-47. This rifle is accurate, powerful and inexpensive, effective in any ranges. The Camouflaged M4A1 is equipped with a ACOG scope. The gold-plated variant has a foregrip and tactical light installed via RIS tactical rails. The M4A1 Dragon has "speed reloading" feature. Model is ripped from Counter-Strike Source. As in Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike Source, the user will chambers the weapon by pulling the forward assist instead of the charging handle. And the dust cover will closed automatically after firing a shot, such error has also occurred in most of the AR-15 based weapons in the game.

Heckler & Koch XM8
The XM8 in game can be convert freely between the carbine variant and the sharpshooter variant, as the free-edition rifle for the terrorist faction. It has high rate of fire and light weight, although it's not accurate. Comes with a usable scope.

The FN SCAR in game can be convert freely between the SCAR-L and the SCAR-H. It's available for the counter-terrorists as a free-edition rifle and is a equivalent to the terrorists’ XM8. The SCAR L has higher rate of fire and accuracy, effect in middle range. The SCAR H is powerful but has a low capacity and heavy weight, mostly effect at close range.

Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR
Named "M14 EBR" in game. Appear as the most powerful "assault rifle" in the game. The rifle is accurate when single-fire, but it's bulky and has low rate of fire plus low capacity. It also comes with an Anti-Zombie sniper rifle variation which called "Skull 5", the rifle fires 5.56 Anti-Zombie round and fed with 24 rounds in “jungle-style” magazines. Another variant which called the "Skull-4" is also based on the EBR. The Skull-4 is an dual-wielded weapon which chambered in 5.56 Anti-Zombie round, with EO-Tech holographic sights installed and fires in semi-automatic only, these rifles were fed with 48 rounds. Those anti-zombie variations are seems to be inspired by the Ruger Mini-14, which is also based with M14 pattern rifles.

FN F2000
Named simply as "F2000 in game. It's the most low recoil rifle in the game. Comes with a zoomable scope.

IMI Tavor TAR-21
Named simply as "TAR-21" in game. Comes with a EO-Tech holographic sight. This rifle has high rate of fire but low recoil, and has high knock-back power against zombies.

Colt M16A4
The M16A4 retains its name in game. Painted with desert camo and with foregrip installed. It is only available for the counter-terrorist faction. The weapon is only be able to fire in 3 round burst. It's effect in middle range battle.

The AN-94 retains its name in game. It is only available for the terrorist faction, as a equivalent of the M16A4. The weapon's only be able to fire in a fast 2 round burst. It's very accurate and effect in middle range.

Sturmgewehr 44
The StG44 is available in the game, as the first assault rifle in the world. The rifle is powerful as the AK but it's very unstable when firing in bursts and has lower rate of fire than many modern assault rifles, comes with two upgraded variants and a gold-plated variant.

Norinco QBZ-95B
The QBZ-95B is an shorten barrel assault rifle of the PLA’s standard issue rifle, the QBZ-95. It is oddly fed with 35 rounds and chambered for 5.56 NATO instead of 5.8 mm (perhaps its a weapon derived from the Galil in game). The weapon has high rate of fire but also high recoil, suitable to use in close-quarter battles. It is also the one of the cheapest rifles in game after Galil, which costs about $2,100.

Norinco QBZ-95
The QBZ-95 is fed with a 75 round drum magazine, appears as the "QBB95" and belongs to the MG class in game. This “MG” has similar features as the assault rifles and also has cheap price. It comes with a high-capacity variant called the "QBB95EX". This variant is fed with 80 rounds and with 400 rounds spare ammo, suitable to use in zombie modes. Another variant is called the "Battle QBB95". It increases the magazine capacity to 100 rounds.

Heckler & Koch HK416
The HK416 retains its name in game and exclusive to the counter-terrorist faction. It comes with a usable suppressor and shares similar performances as the M4A1. Comes with a variant called “Janus-5” which features a foregrip and uses Magpul P-MAGs.

A version of the AKM (seems to be manufactured by some Ex-eastern bloc countries) also appears in the game and exclusive to the terrorist faction as a equivalent to the HK416. Appears with a synthetic furniture, similar to the post AK-74M models. The weapon is light, powerful and accurate.

Enfield L85A2
Named "L85A2" in game and exclusive to the counter-terrorist faction. Erroneously comes with a 3-round burst function.

Named "FN FNC" in game and belongs to the terrorist faction as their equivalent of the L85A2. This rifle is accurate and with high rate of fire.

Colt M16A1
Called the "M16A1" in game, as a exclusive weapon for the counter-terrorist faction. Comes with a 30 plus 1 round magazine and has selective fire function. The weapon is accurate but is hard to control when fire in burst, effective in middle ranges. The rifle has a "Expert" variant, which can perform buttstock-strikes in close-quarter combat. The first person model of the M16A1 (except its variant) has the same animations as the M4A1, implying that it has reused the incorrect drawing and reloading animations as the previous weapon.

Heckler & Koch G36C
The Balrog V is based on the HK G36C, it comes with a foregrip, a holographic sight and a tactial light.
Heckler & Koch G11
Named "HK G11" in game and fed with 50 rounds, comes with fast 3-round burst function. The rifle is very accurate and stable if compared to other rifles which have 3-round burst function.

Named "AK-74U" in game and exclusive to the terrorist faction, its equivalent to the M16A1. The rifle is powerful in close to middle ranges, but is not very effective in longer ranges due to its high recoil may lower its accuracy. Oddly, the model shows that the weapon’s safety is on.

Beretta ARX-160
Named "ARX-160" in game, comes with a Leupold Mark 4 CQ/T optical sight and a foregrip.
OTs-14 "Groza"
Named "Groza" in game.
Silver Shadow Gilboa Shorty
Named “Gilboa Carbine” in game.
Silver Shadow Gilboa Snake DBR
Named “Gilboa Viper” in game, appears as the upgraded variant of the Gilboa Carbine in game. Comes with a pair of laser designators and a red dot sight.
Norinco Type 86S
Machine Guns
FN M249-E2 SAW
The SAW is returned from Counter-Strike and retains its name in game. It's suitable used for cover teammates in front line. It comes with a Anti-Zombie variant called the "Skull-7". The Skull-7 is chambered with 120 rounds of 5.56 Anti-Zombie cartridge and equipped with a zoomable M145 machine gun optic. It has its front ripped from CSS model and positioned too high. The weapon also has five more variants: the red edition, camouflaged edition, the "Expert" variant which can perform buttstock-strikes in close-quarter combat. As well as the "Skull-8", it has a usable axe-type bayonet and fed with 120 rounds of 5.56 Anti-Zombie cartridge. The “Skull-6” is another variant which equipped with a optic.

Rheinmetall MG3
The MG3 retains its name in game. Comes with 200 round ammunition box. It's very effect in zombie modes due to its high rate of fire and suppression power. The weapon also has gold-plated, Christmas special edition and upgrade variants. The “Janus-7” is another heavily modified variant.

GE M134 Minigun
The Handheld GE M134 Minigun is named simply as "M134" in game. Comes with 200 round belt. It has the highest rate of fire than any other MGs. But it needs 1.5 seconds static time before you fire it. Also, it is extremely heavy, the user’s moving speed will be greatly reduced when firing it. It comes with a modified variant (M134 Predator) which could reduce the static time.

Heckler & Koch HK23E
Named simply as "HK23" in game. Comes with 100 round ammunition box. It has high flexibility and effect for engage the zombie bosses in Zombie Scenario Mode. It comes with a gold-plated variant and two upgrade variants. Oddly, the model shows the weapon’s selector is on 3 round burst position, and the extractor is at the wrong side, it shouldn’t be on the same side which the charging handle is located.

Saco Defense M60E4
The M60E4 retains its name in game. Comes with 100 round ammunition box. It is powerful and has high flexibility, but it has lower rate of fire. The weapon also comes with gold-plated and “Maverick” variants.
A variant called the Balrog VII is also based on the M60E4, it fires explosive rounds and fed with 120 rounds. The weapon features a M145 machine gun optic.

Heckler & Koch MG36
The MG36 retain its name in game. As the most flexibility machine gun in the game. Comes with 100 round C-MAG drums and a usable optic. It comes with a gold-plated and a Chrismas Special variant. The Christmas Special variant shoots ice bullets instead of live rounds.

The PKM is fed with 150 rounds 7.62mm cartridge in a ammo box. It has similar firepower as the MG3 and the M60 and could be switched between "automatic mode" or erroneously "3-round burst mode". It also comes with gold-plated and upgrade variants.

FN MK 48 Mod 0
Simply named "MK48" in game. Comes with a EO-Tech Holographic Sight, a foregrip and a 120 round ammo box. It has a variant called the “Thanatos-7” which can shoots a propeller-like blade in secondary firing mode.

Daewoo K3
Simply named "K3" in game. Comes with a 150 round ammo box. Appears as a free-edition machine gun for players to use. It is also the spawn weapon in Zombie Scenario maps.

Browning M2HB
Appears as "M2" in game and portable. Unusable M2s are also seen mounted on Humvees in some maps (Reused from Counter-Strike: Condition Zero).
Named "MG42" in game, comes with a 95 round drum magazine.
Browning M1918 BAR
Named “M1918 BAR” in game. Classified to the rifles category and shown as a closed-bolt weapon.
Maxim Gun
The "Oz Tin Robot Machine Gun" is a heavily-modified version of the Maxim gun.
Sniper Rifles
Steyr Scout
Renamed to "Schmidt Scout" in game. Has Counter-Strike model but with a scope from Condition Zero. Comes with a red edition.

Heckler & Koch G3SG/1
Named "D3/AU-1" in game. Available for the terrorist faction. While it has a model from Counter-Strike its scope is ripped from Source. As most of the “HK slap” weapons in game, the extractor is at the wrong side, it shouldn’t be on the same side which the charging handle is located .

SIG SG550 Sniper
Named "KRIEG 550 commando" in game. Available for the counter-terrorist faction, a equivalent to the G3SG/1. It has a Counter-Strike model, with Condition Zero scope.

The VSK94 retain its name in game, comes with an integrated suppressor and exclusive to the counter-terrorist faction. Suitable to use for slient kills or use as an SMG due to its light weight and full-auto feature. The weapon has the highest rate of fire in the sniper rifle gategory, but it is extremely inaccurate when fire in bursts due to high recoil and does low damage as other 9mm SMGs (using the same ammo in game). Also, the scope can be zoomed once only. Interestingly, despite the fact that the model shows the VSK-94 has PKN-03N night vision scope attached, it still reuses the original sight reticle from Counter-Strike and the scope does not feature any night vision functions.

SVD Dragunov
Named simply "SVD" in game, as a terrorists’ equivalent to the VSK-94. The user could usually kills an enemy with one shot, although the rifle would became inaccurate when firing the second shot due to the high recoil. Comes with a variant called "SVDEX" and only available for VIP player in Zombie Mode 3. It has featured a Barrett style muzzle brake, 20 round magazine, an sawn-off M203 and a unusable EOTech Holographic sight. Interestingly, despite the fact that the model shows the Dragunov has PSO-1 scope attached, it still reuses the original sight reticle from Counter-Strike.

Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Super Magnum
The “AWP” is returned from Counter-Strike and named "Magnum Sniper Rifle" in game, with a few variations. Model is slightly improved of Counter-Strike and possibly Source scope. A variant called the "AWP-Z" is the zombie infected version of the AWP.

Sako TRG-42
Named "TRG42" in game, comes with a folding stock and fed with 10 round magazine. It shares most performances as the AWP, but this rifle has different sight reticle. Comes with a variant called the "TRG42 White Gold".

Heckler & Koch SL8-1
Named simply "SL8" in game. Comes with 20 round mag and 25 round for the gold-plated version and high capacity variant. Even though this is the single stack SL8-1 variant, it erroneously uses the shorter double stack magazines of the European/Canadian variants. The high capacity variant feeds from AR-15 magazines, a possible modification for the SL8-1 done by replacing the magazine well and removing part of the receiver. The rifle is weak, but does high rate of fire and has high accuracy.

Remington M24 SWS
Called simply "M24" in the game, painted with urban camo. Erroneously comes with a 10-round detachable magazine. The user could usually kills an enemy with one shot in middle ranges.

EDM Arms Windrunner M98
Named as "M400" in game, feeds from a 10 round mag. These screenshots showing the weapon is chambered for .338 Lapua instead of .408 CheyTac , and the model doesn’t features a carrying handle (The barrel is different too), implying that the weapon is NOT an Cheytac M200 Intervention. It is an EDM Arms Windrunner M98 (but the model looks more like an Cheytac M100), which fire .338 Lapua Magnum rounds and feeds from a 5 round magazine in real-life. In game, this rifle has different sight reticle.

Walther WA 2000
The WA2000 retains its name in game and erroneously feed with 12 rounds. It is powerful and accurate. The rifle also comes with a gold-plated variation which fed with 15 rounds.

Barrett M95
The M95 retains its long name in game as "Barrett M95". Suitable to use for long range sniping and cleaning up hostiles behind walls and obstacles. In Human Scenario Mode, it is also used against enemy helicopters and bosses due to its high damage ammunition. However, like most of the high caliber bolt-action sniper rifles in game, the M95 is not easy to control due to its heavy weight. The weapon also comes with a Christmas special edition variant.

Remington XM2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle
The Remington XM2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle is named the "XM2010", appears as the one of the most powerful sniper rifle in the game and fed with 5 rounds. It does higher damage then the M24 but has lower capacity, the rifle also share the same reticles as the M24 and the Parker-Hale.
(Note that compared to the similar-looking MSR, the XM2010 ESR has a differently shaped trigger guard, different butt-stock with longer cheek-rest, magazine release paddle, slightly longer barrel and is available only with 5-round magazines.)

Accuracy International AS50
The AS-50 is an anti-material sniper rifle which fires in semi-automatic and fed with 5 round magazine. Like the M95, the rifle is suitable to use for long range sniping and cleaning up hostiles behind walls and obstacles. In Human Scenario Mode, it is also used against enemy helicopters and bosses due to its high damage ammunition. It's also effect against zombies. As most of the high-caliber sniper rifles in the game, the user could usually kills an human target with a shot at any distances without any problems. The weapon also comes with two upgrade variants, a pink gold edition, and a “Vandita” variant.

Parker-Hale 1200
The Parker-Hale 1200 is an British-made bolt-action sniper rifle which shares similar performance to the M24, appears as the “M82” in game (Although its not actually an Parker-Hale M82, note the details of the buttstock). It erroneously has a 10 round (or even higher in upgraded variants) detachable box magazine plus its ZF-69 scope can be zoomed once only. Moreover, the rifle shares the same sight reticle as the M24 and the ESR.

Blaser R93 LRS2
Named simply as "R93" in game. It has lighter weight than the AWP and has higher rate of fire, comes with a 5 round mag.

Accuracy International AW50F
Named "AW50" in game. Comes with a 5 round mag.

Heckler & Koch PSG1A1
Named "PSG1A1" in game. Comes with a 5 round magazine.
Mosin-Nagant 91/30 PU
Named "Mosin-Nagant" in game.
PGM Hecate II
M67 Hand Grenade
Named "Fragmentation grenade" in game and unlimitedly supply to the players in the "Frag War" mode, it also has a flame grenade variant which available in the zombie modes.

Model 24 Stielhandgranate
Named simply as "M24 Grenade" in game.

M79 Grenade Launcher (Sawn-Off)
Named "M79 Saw-Off" in game. It's frequently used by players in earlier Zombie Scenario Mode gameplays due to the weapon could kill at least a dozen of zombies. It comes with a gold-plated variant and a variant called the "Shooting Star". The “Janus-1” is the heavily-modified version of the M79, it features a fake holographic sight instead of the original rear sight.

Milkor MGL
Appear as the "M32 MGL".

M203 Grenade Launcher (Sawn-Off)
Appear as a part of the "SVDEX". The user could blow off enemies with it. Some game posters have also shown a special force operative engaged a zombie boss with an M203 attached M4A1.
Mk 19 Grenade Launcher
The mounted machine gun in Zombie Scenario Mode is seems to be based on the Mk 19. However it doesn't fire explosive rounds and the hud icon showing the weapon is chambered for .50 BMG instead of 40x53mm grenade.
Bofors M136 AT4
Named "AT Lance" in game. Available only in the "Human Scenario" and "Metal Arena" modes. It's usually used by players in Human Scenario Mode to engage enemy helicopters and bosses. Comes with an AT4-CS variant which is available in all game modes. Interestingly, these launchers are reloadable in game.

The RPG-7 is comes with 5 spare rockets in game. It is also the only existing weapon in CSO featuring usable iron sights.
A heavily modified version of the Bazooka is the primary weapon for the players in "Bazooka mode". It comes with a 20 round ammo box and a usable scope.
Land Mines
The M14 landmine appears in the zombie union mode.
External links
- Korean Counter-Strike Online website
- Taiwanese Counter-Strike Online website
- Hong Kong Counter-Strike Online website
- Chinese Counter-Strike Online website
- Japanese Counter-Strike Online website
- Singapore Counter-Strike Online website
- Counter-Strike Online Official Trailer
See Also
Counter Strike (disambiguation)
Video Games: