Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Czech VZ52 rifle, sometimes called the CZ52 or the S.H.E. rifle, is a carbine that was chambered in both 7.62x45mm and 7.62x39mm
The VZ-52 rifle is officially called the Samonabíjecí puška vzor 52. VZ is an abbreviation of VZOR which means "Model", thus VZ-52 means "Model 1952". Throughout firearms literature this rifle is constantly and erroneously referred to as the CZ-52 S.H.E. rifle or SHE rifle). CZ-52 officially denotes the pistol only. The VZ-52 is a carbine that was originally chambered for the 7.62x45mm (VZ52) cartridge, but was rechambered for the more ubiquitous 7.62x39mm AK/SKS round in later manufactured versions. The rifles rechambered for the AK47 ammunition were designated the VZ52/57 rifle. This unique rifle was replaced entirely when the Vz-58 Czech AK styled rifle came into service. The Warsaw pact provided surplus VZ-52 and the later VZ52/57 rifles to Grenada, Somalia, Cuba and Afghanistan. So due to arms dealers, this rifle can plausibly be seen in Central/South America, Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East as a surplus weapon.