Sniper: Weapons of Retaliation (Snayper. Oruzhie vozmezdiya)Sniper: Weapons of Retaliation (Snayper. Oruzhie vozmezdiya) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesSniper: Weapons of Retaliation (Snayper. Oruzhie vozmezdiya)
Sniper: Weapons of Retaliation is a foreign film made in Russia about Yashin, a Russian soldier in World War II assigned to first lead a
group of Russian snipers to fight off the German onslaught in Stalingrad and, later, to combat a German sniper team hidden inside the Soviet Union guarding Hitler's secret weapon.
The following firearms were seen in the film: Sniper: Weapons of Retaliation.
Yashin has a TT-33 with him. Osipov can be seen with a TT-33 as well. These Tokarevs are postwar productions noted by the straight slide grooves, anachronistic for the time period the movie is set in.
The Russian Snipers are all armed with Mosin Nagants M91/30 with the Russian PU 3.5x Scope. They cover their Mosins with burlap camouflage to enhance their concealment. Russian soldiers are also equipped with M1891 Mosin Nagants.
Karl's partner/apprentice, Berta, uses a Mauser 98 Sporter as her sniper rifle, unique compared to the Karabiner 98ks the other German snipers are using.
In the opening scene, German soldiers use the MG42 in an attempt to kill the Russian snipers. The film depiction of the rate of fire is somewhere closer to a M60 rather than its usual ~1200 RPM rate.