The Strayer Voigt Infinity handgun is featured prominently throughout Heroes. The pistol is seen carried by several characters in Season 1, notably Noah Bennet a.k.a. The Man in the Horn-Rimmed Glasses (Jack Coleman), Mr. Linderman (Malcolm McDowell), and Mr. Thompson (Eric Roberts). Essentially, if a character is associated with The Company there's a good chance they'll be packing this pistol.
LAPD Officer Matt Parkman (Greg Grunberg) carries a police issue Beretta 92FS that he draws in several episodes of Season 1. In "One Giant Leap" (S1E03), Matt uses his Beretta to save FBI Special Agent Audrey Hanson (Clea DuVall) by firing a few shots at Sylar (Zachary Quinto) when he has her gun turned on her, to which the villain gets back up seemingly unharmed. Disguised as a security guard, Ando Masahashi pulls a Beretta on a future version of his friend Hiro in ".07%" (S1E19).
In "One Giant Leap" (S1E03), FBI Special Agent Audrey Hanson (Clea DuVall) draws a Glock 19 handgun during a confrontation with Sylar (Zachary Quinto). She tries to arrest him, but the villain uses his Telekinesis to turn her own gun on herself.
In "The Hard Part" (S1E21), Peter Petrelli (Milo Ventimiglia) hands Claire Bennet (Hayden Panettiere) a Colt M1911A1 Government with brown plastic grips and provides her with instructions to shoot him in the head if he is going to explode.
Noah Bennet owns a Smith & Wesson Model 36. He uses this gun when Matt Parkman and Ted Sprague break into his home, though Ted manages to take it from him. Noah later lends this gun to his wife Sandra, who points it at Bob Bishop when he comes to her home.
Jessica, Nikki's alternate personality, is seen purchasing a sniper rifle and uses it in an attempt on D.L.'s life. While the dealer identified that the rifle as a "Kinsella 320Z", in reality the rifle is Blaser R93 LRS2 Sniper Rifle. The dealer also mentions that the rifle can punch a hole through body armor at 400 yards and the price ($2000) she paid for it would not worth it for the seller.