The Collection is a 2012 action-horror film directed by Marcus Dunstan. A few weeks after the previous film "The Collector", Arkin O'Brian (John Stewart) manages to escape the Collector (Randall Archer), only to witness a girl named Elena (Emma Fitzpatrick) to be kidnapped by the killer. While recovering in a hospital, Arkin is coerced into helping a group of mercenaries, led by a man named Lucello (Lee Tergeson), a friend of Elena's father (Christopher McDonald). Arkin leads the mercenaries to the Collector's lair (an abandoned hotel), to rescue Elena, and to kill the Collector. The film stars Josh Stewart, Randall Archer, Emma Fitzpatrick, Lee Tergeson, Shannon Kane, Tim Griffen, Andre Royo, Brandon Molale, Erin Way, and Navi Rawat.
The following firearms are used in The Collection:
Lin (Brandon Molale) is seen with a Glock 17 while disguised as a police officer. Several Springfield Police Department officers towards the end of the film draw Glock 17s.
Colt M1911A1
Lin's primary weapon in the film is a Colt M1911A1, where he pulls it on Arkin. He never fires it in the film.
Taurus Tracker
Lucello's (Lee Tegreson) primary weapon throughout the film is a Taurus Tracker. Later in the movie, Arkin uses it to shoot a homeless man to attract attention.
Unknown Handgun
Paz (Shannon Kane) primary weapon is an unknown handgun.
Colt Detective Special
Arkin (Josh Stewart) is seen at the end of the film with a Colt Detective Special. It seems to have rubber bands on the grip.
Assault Rifles
Colt M4A1 Carbine
Wally (Andre Royo) uses a Colt M4A1 Carbine fitted with a retractable stock, holographic sight, and foregrip throughout the film. After killing Wally, the Collector (Randall Archer) then takes the rifle. Some SWAT members can be seen with M4A1 Carbines.