Operation Flashpoint: Dragon RisingOperation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesOperation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising is the official successor to Operation Flashpoint, developed by Codemasters instead of Bohemia Interactive Studio. The game revolves around a fictional conflict between the United States and China over the oil-rich island of Skira, a fictional island based on the real life island of Kiska in the Aleutian Island chain.
The following weapons can be seen in the game Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising:
The standard issue sidearm of the Marine Forces in the game is the M-45 MEU (SOC). Although accurate for the Force Recon operators in the game, it is unrealistic for the front line Marine units, who would normally use the Beretta M9 or M9A1. The M-45 is noticeable for it's higher recoil in contrast to the primary weapons, on account of the heavy .45 caliber bullet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM-45 MEUSOC - .45 ACPFile:OFDR M-45.jpgAn M-45 MEUSOC in the hands of the player.File:OFDR M-45 3.jpgThe player slips a new 7-round magazine into the chamber of the M-45. Note that Dragon Rising is the first game in both the Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault series to feature full reload animations.
Two versions of the FN SCAR-L Mod 0, referred to as the Mk. 16, are known to be in the game: a "stealth" version with a suppressor and an "assault" version fitted with an FN40GL (Mk.13 Mod 0). Both variants are fitted with M68 Aimpoint Optics, and are primarily used by USMC Special Operative Capable (SOC) personnel.
Two variants of the FN SCAR-H Mod 0, referred to as the Mk. 17 in-game, are used in the game: a "Marksman" version with an Trijicon TA31F ACOG and a "Night Ops" version with an AN/PAS-13 Thermal Optic. Both variants are fitted with vertical foregrips and AN/PEQ-2 IR Designators. Like the Mk. 16, it is primarily used by SOC Operatives.
File:2fff2537c0.jpgThird Generation Fabrique National SCAR-H CQC - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingThe two variants of the FN SCAR-H available in-game.File:OFDR Mk17Assault.jpgA "Marksman" variant FN SCAR-H, fitted with a Trijicon TA31F ACOG and AN/PEQ-2 IR Designator.File:OFDR Mk17Nightops.jpgThe "Night Ops" version of the SCAR-H with an AN/PAS-13 Thermal Optic and AN/PEQ-2 IR Designator.File:OFDR Mk17Nightops 3.jpgReloading the SCAR-H with AN/PAS-13. Note the 7.62x51mm Full Metal Jacket round in the magazine and the vertical foregrip.
Six different variants of the M16A4 can be used in the game: one with standard ironsights, an "assault" variant with an M203 grenade launcher, a "CQB" version with an EOTech holographic sight, a "night ops" version with an AN/PAS-13 Thermal Optic and suppressor, a "marksman" version with a Trijicon TA31F ACOG and a "stealth version" with a suppressor and M68 Aimpoint Optic. The M16A4 is the standard weapon of the USMC regulars in-game. All variants are fitted with RAS rails, and the "assault", "CQB, "night ops" and "marksman" variants are fitted with AN/PEQ-2 IR designators.
Six different variants of the M4A1 Carbine can be used in the game: one with standard ironsights, an "assault" variant with an M203 grenade launcher, a "CQB" version with an EOTech holographic sight, a "night ops" version with an AN/PAS-13 Thermal Optic and suppressor, a "marksman" version with a Trijicon TA31F ACOG and a "stealth version" with a suppressor and M68 Aimpoint Optic. The M16A4 is the standard weapon of the USMC regulars in-game. The "assault", "CQB, "night ops" and "marksman" variants are fitted with AN/PEQ-2 IR designators.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4A1 Carbine with M68 Aimpoint reflex optic and Knight's Armament RAS railed handguard and vertical forward grip - 5.56x45mmFile:Operation Flashpoint Dragon RisingM4s.JPGA list of the six different versions of the M4A1 available in the game.File:OFDR M4A1Carbine.jpgThe standard version of the M4A1 Carbine with iron sights.File:OFDR M4A1CarbineReloaded.jpgThe player reloads an M4A1 Carbine, pulling back the bolt after slapping in a new magazine.File:OFDR M4A1CQB.jpgAn M4A1 Carbine fitted with an EOTech holographic sight and AN/PEQ-2 IR Designator - the "CQB" version.File:OFDR M4A1NO.jpgA "night ops" variant fitted with an AN/PAS-13 Thermal Optic and AN/PEQ-2 IR Designator.File:OFDR M4A1M.jpgThe "marksman" variant of the M4A1 Carbine, fitted with a Trijicon TA31F ACOG and AN/PEQ-2 IR Designator.
Sniper Rifles
Barrett M107
Two variants of the Barrett M107 are available in the game, used by USMC Regular and SOC Heavy Snipers: a standard rifle with a Leupold 4.5-14x50 Mark 4 scope, and a "night ops" variant with an AN/PAS-13 Optic.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBarrett M107 long range sniper rifle - .50 BMG. Noteworthy is the holes in the lower part of the buttstock and the rail that runs along the top spine of the rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTwo versions of the M107 available in-game. Although it's call a M82A1 it's actually modeled after the M107, note the full-length rail.File:OFDR M82A1.jpgThe standard Barrett M107 fitted with a Leupold 4.5-14x50 Mark 4 scope.File:OFDR M82Reload.jpgThe player chambers a new .50 BMG round into the M107.File:OFDR M82N.jpgThe "night ops" fitted with an AN/PAS-13 Optic.
M21 Sniper Rifle
The M21 Sniper Rifle is used by USMC Regular and SOC snipers. Like the Barrett, it is fitted with a Leupold 4.5-14x50 Mark 4 scope.]]
The M240 Machine Gun is mounted on the M1A2 Abrams and the LAV-25; the Abrams uses the M240C as the coaxial machine gun while the LAV-25 mounts a coaxial M240C and an M240G at the Commander's hatch.
Four versions of the QBZ-95 can be used in the game: a standard rifle with no attachments, a "marksman" version with a scope, an "assault" version with a grenade launcher, and a "night ops" version with an Infrared scope.
Four versions of the Type 81-I can be used in the game: a standard rifle with folding stock, an "assault" version with a grenade launcher, a "night ops" version with an Infrared scope and what appears to be a flashlight attached to the barrel, and a "marksman" version with a scope and folding stock.
The Type 67-II can be used as a portable weapon, or in stationary positions. It should be noted that the Type 67-II would not likely be used by the frontline Chinese units depicted in the game, but was likely chosen because it utilizes a heavier round than its successor, the 5.8x42mm QJY-88.
Is the standard portable anti armour weapon used for the PLA forces in the game. It is used by PLA in many parts of the campaign. The weapon is the counter part of the USMC SMAW launcher. It can be used by the player in the game.
The Type 91 grenade launcher is seen attached to the "assault" variant of the QBZ-95, and functions identically to the M203 (despite the real-life Type 91 being intended to fire 35mm less-lethal projectiles).