Savages is the upcoming 2012 drug, thriller movie, directed by Oliver Stone ([[1]]). The film follows two successful drug dealer friends, former NAVY Seal, Chon (Taylor Kitsch) and Berkley graduate Ben (Aaron Johnson). The film is based on Don Winslow's novel of the same name Savages, and follows Ben and Chon as they fight back against the Baja Cartel, run by Elena La Reina (Salma Hayek) and Lado (Benicio del Toro), and as they try to rescue their kidnapped, shared girlfriend O (Blake Lively).
Both Dennis (John Travolta) and Lado (Benicio Del Toro) use what seem to be Glock 22s or some other variant of Glock.
Ruger LCR
Chon (Taylor Kitsch) is seen spinning the cylinder on a Ruger LCR in the trailer. In the novel it is written that he pulls out a .38, when the Cartel asks him if he has a gun on hand. It is likely that this is the same gun, since the LCR comes in .357 and .38.
M1911 Variant
In a few shots, both from the trailer and in publicity stills, some of the characters are seen with what resembles variants of 1911s. O is seen with one in the trailer and Chon in a publicity still.
Walther PPK
Chon holds what seems to be a Walther PPK in the climax of the trailer.