Mercenaries 2: World in FlamesMercenaries 2: World in Flames - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesMercenaries 2: World in Flames
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is an open-world third-person shooter video game developed by the now defunct Pandemic Studios (known for games like Full Spectrum Warrior or The Saboteur). It is a sequel to Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. The game takes place in the war-torn Venezuela. The player assumes the role of a betrayed mercenary trying to get revenge on his/her employers after a set up.
The game was released by Electronic Arts in 2008 for the PC, Xbox 360, PS2 and PS3 platforms.
The following weapons appear in the video game Mercenaries 2: World in Flames:
Blanco carries a Smith & Wesson Model 500 with wooden grips. Can be obtained by the player after killing Blanco. Also can be obtained by players in "Blanco's Favorites" supply drop with cheats. Very powerful, often a one hit kill.
The Micro Uzi appears as "Machine Pistol" in the game and has incorrect 45-round capacity. This is one of the submachine guns used by the Pirate faction in the game, also used by some VZ HVTs. Identical to the MAC-10 save for it's appearance.
The Ingram MAC-10 is one of the submachine guns used by the Pirate faction in the game. Has an incorrect 45-round magazine (instead of the correct 30-rounders) and high rate of fire.
The PP-2000 has a good stopping power, can be obtained by the player by completing Level 2 of one of Fiona's challenges at the PMC. Can be found under "Fiona's Favorites" in the supply drop list. Called "PDW" in the game.
The Benelli M4 Super 90 shotgun is used by Pirates and the PLAV, and VZ officers. Can be purchased via the "CQB Kit". Holds 7 shells. A pumping sound is heard between shots, even though no pumping animation occurs.
Silhouette of an AK-47 is seen on the main menu background. The AK-47 is also used on HUD and pick-up icons of the other two Kalashnikov rifles, the AKM and the AK-103.
As in real life, the Venezuelan (VZ) military faction in the game uses AK-103 rifles. It correctly shares ammunition with the AKM. It is slightly more accurate than the AKM, but the player can carry less extra ammo for it.
The M4A1 Carbine is the standard issue weapon of the Universal Petroleum mercenaries and can be seen being carried by Allied Nations medics also. The model of the M4A1 lacks the rear sight, yet still, it has good accuracy. A total of 12 magazines can be carried for the M4A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4A1 with carrying handle removed - 5.56x45mm NATO THIS IS A PHOTOSHOP IMAGE.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJennifer holds her M4A1 during the prologue mission of the game.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJennifer examines the weapons she has to deliver to the Universal Petroleum faction's base of operations. As the HUD shows, the whole cargo is worth only 9,500 dollars, while in real life one single M4 Carbine costs more than a thousand dollars.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJennifer reloads a "Carbine", as the game calls it. It is worth noting that all unfired rounds are lost after a reload.
Heckler & Koch XM8
The Heckler & Koch XM8 is the standard issue weapon of the Allied Nations faction in the game. Known as "Combat Rifle". The rifle has a 40-round magazine in the game, despite only having a 30-round capacity in reality. A total of 10 magazines can be carried for it.
The Norinco QBZ-95 is the standard issue weapon of the Chinese faction. Called simply "Bullpup Rifle" in the game. It is accuracy, but has a low damage and ROF.
The first pattern M249 is used by UP mercenaries and AN soldiers. In-game, its bipod is unfolded and is fitted with a heat-shield. Only holds 100 rounds despite being fitted with the 200-round belt box.
The QJY-88 machine gun is used by the PLA. Has exactly the same stats as the RPK, but a glitch allows it to shoot a virtually straight stream of bullets, giving it amazing accuracy.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingNorinco QJY-88 - 5.8x42mmError creating thumbnail: File missingA Chinese soldier holds a QJY-88 inside the main Chinese base.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA QJY-88 machine gun with bipod folded on Jennifer's back.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJen reloads the QJY-88. Note how she's inserting a 7.62x39mm AK magazine, which changes into the correct shape once it gets into position. This programming mistake happens with most of the guns, excluding those with a "fast" reload animation, where only the charging handle is pulled but the magazines are not messing with.
RPKs with 75-round drum magazines are used by the PLAV and VZ factions. It appears as "Automatic Rifle" in the game.
The Barrett M95 is available through the .50 Cal Anti-Material Rifle Kit from the AN. For some reason, it fires in semi-auto instead of being bolt-action (although there is a short delay between shots).
The KSVK is available through the 12.7mm Anti-Material Rifle Kit from the PLA. Statistically identical to the Barrett M95, which means that this is also shown as semi-auto.
The QBU-88 is used by the PLA faction of the game. Statistically identical to the SVD. The gun has an interesting reload animation: the characters only pull the charging handle, but do not change magazines at all.
The SVD Dragunov is used by the PLAV, VZ forces and UP mercenaries. A glitch in the game occasionally makes the characters hold it like a pistol. On the buy menu, it is mislabeled as the "7.72mm Sniper".
The FIM-92A Stinger is a powerful weapon that is used by all factions. Has both free-fire and lock-on firing modes. Known as the "Anti-Air Launcher" in the game.
The Milkor MGL-140 grenade launcher seen in the hands of UP Mercenaries and attained via the "Grenade Launcher Drop". It appears that the reload animation of the launcher was recycled from the M4 Super 90's, because the characters do not open the cylinder, but insert the grenades as if it had a tubular magazine.
Chinese copy of the RPO-A 'Schmel' thermobaric rocket launcher. Known as the "Fuel-Air RPG" and used by PLA troops. Possibly the most powerful rocket-launcher in the game. Capable of destroying most buildings and all tanks with one hit.
The DShK heavy machine gun is mounted on various VZ and Chinese vehicles and boats, as well as carried by VZ troops in the opening cutscene. It is worth noting that the Venezuelan Army uses the Browning M2, not the DShK as their heavy machine gun.
GE M134 Miniguns are mounted on the "Rogue Assassin" helicopter, as the gunner's weapon on the "Diplomat Heavy Tank" and on various other vehicles and boats.
Mk 19 grenade launchers are seen mounted on the UP "Warhorse Patrol Boat" and "Raven GL". Some challenges include practicing with the Mk 19 grenade launcher at the PMC HQ.
The Venezuelan Army uses ZU-23 twincannons in the game, as well as in the real life. They are often seen in high-level VZ bases. The ZU-23 appears as "Scorpion" in the game.
The M34 White Phosphorous grenade is used as a smoke grenade in the game. It is used to designate targets for the friendly helicopter, or mark airstrike targets.
The M61 Frag Grenade is used by all factions, the player's character can hold 9 grenades in total. A note of interest is that the HUD icon of the M61 is the M67, while the pick-up icon is an Mk 2 grenade.