Colonel John Casey (Adam Baldwin) continues to carry the custom SIG-Sauer P229 as his sidearm. The SIG is fitted with Crimson Trace laser grips, and with the flat surfaces polished on the slide, as well as the controls, trigger, and hammer. According to dialogue from "Chuck Versus the Colonel", the gun is a 9mm. Many have confused this gun with the SIG-Sauer P229R Equinox pistol (especially elsewhere on the net). The two pistols are displayed here for comparison. Morgan Grimes (Joshua Gomez) is trained with this exact same weapon in "Chuck Versus the Role Models" (S3E15), which he identifies as a "SIG 229, 9mm, full metal jacket, with laser grips" (one of the many in-jokes in the series, as Adam Baldwin co-starred in the film Full Metal Jacket). He then explains that he learned about guns from playing first-person shooter video games. Devon Woodcomb (Ryan McPartlin) holds the SIG in "Chuck Versus the Subway" (S3E18).
When Chuck (Zachary Levi) takes his "Red Test" in "Chuck Versus the Final Exam" (S3E11), he is given a brand-new SIG-Sauer P229R. It appears that this will be his issued sidearm now that he is a spy. He is seen with it in "Chuck Versus the Other Guy" (S3E13). Rafe Gruber appears to use one in "Chuck Versus the Fake Name" (S3E08).
A Beretta 950 Jetfire with nickel plating and pearl grips is used by the Flight Attendant Assassin (Josie Davis) in "Chuck Versus First Class" (S3E05). She notably shoves the barrel up Chuck's nose. This is most likely the same gun that was used by Eva Mendes in The Spirit, since ISS supplied the weapons for that movie, as well as this series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA nickel Beretta 950 Jetfire (.25 ACP) supplied by Independent Studio Services for The Spirit. This is most likely the same gun by Josie Davis on Chuck.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlight Attendant Assassin (Josie Davis) aims her nickel Beretta 950 Jetfire at Chuck in the lavatory of the 747 in "Chuck Versus First Class" (S3E05) - .25 acpError creating thumbnail: File missingIn "Chuck Versus First Class" (S3E05), Chuck reacts to having a nickel Beretta 950 Jetfire shoved into his left nostril - .25 acp
Beretta 950 Jetfire
Another Beretta 950 Jetfire is seen used in a continuity error by Sarah in "Chuck Versus the Role Models" (S03E15). After Chuck and Sarah dash out of the room, the Jetfire turns into a black Walther PPK.
In "Chuck Versus the Final Exam", CIA Agent Hunter Perry (Kyle Bornheimer) pulls a Colt Mustang from his ankle holster. In Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Other Guy" (S3E13), Sarah is also seen pulling the Colt Mustang.
In "Chuck Versus the Pink Slip" (S3E01), Chuck (Zachary Levi) holds the stainless railed Colt XSE 1911 in the opening mission in Prague, Czech Republic.
The FN Five-seveN is the weapon of choice for operatives of the Ring. The pistol fitted with a laser sight is also used by Ring operative Javier Cruz (Adoni Maropis) in "Chuck Versus the Pink Slip" (S3E01) and by Sydney Prince (Angie Harmon) in "Chuck Versus Operation Awesome" (S3E04).
The Heckler & Koch USP with a stainless slide is also a frequently used handgun in the series. In "Chuck Versus the Honeymooners" (S3E14), Sarah and Chuck are threatened by Interpol operatives that carry the USP's with stainless slides. Sarah is later seen holding the weapon.
In "Chuck Versus the Living Dead" (S3E17), Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) retrieves a two tone Heckler & Koch USP Compact from a speaker box she received from Ring agent Justin Sullivan (Scott Holroyd) when she hears someone in the house.
Sarah dual-wields a blued and a stainless Jericho at "Weap-con" in Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Nacho Sampler" (S3E06). Laura Turner (Swoosie Kurtz) holds the Jericho on Sarah and Chuck in "Chuck Versus the Role Models" (S03E15).
Sarah holds a stainless Jericho and Chuck a blued one in "Chuck Versus the Role Models" (S03E15). Otto Van Vogel (Udo Kier) holds a reverse duo-tone Jericho (Black with Stainless Slide) in the same episode.
Peyman Alahi and his henchmen draw their Chrome Silver and Gold IMI Desert Eagle Mark I throughout "Chuck Versus the Wookie" (S1E04). It is very likely that the gold Desert Eagle wielded by Peyman Alahi was one of the same guns built for Austin Powers in Goldmember, although the ivory grips were removed for this series. Independent Studio Services, the armorers who supplied the weapons for Chuck, also supplied weapons to Goldmember. Casey uses a similar gun, possibly the same one, at Weap-con in Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Nacho Sampler". Chuck gives Sarah a chrome Desert Eagle for a mission in "Chuck Versus the Anniversary" (S4E01), but she is not seen using it. Another chrome Desert Eagle fitted with a scope and a custom compensator that matches the barrel is used in "Chuck Versus Phase Three" by Morgan Grimes (Joshua Gomez). Although John Casey (Adam Baldwin) said it didn't have any bullets; it may have implied he only gave him blanks or none at all.
Sarah is seen pulling what appears to be a stainless slide Kel-Tec PF-9 in Season 4's "Chuck Versus the Suitcase" (S04E02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKel-Tec PF-9 - 9x19mmA production image of Sarah with a USP compact and stainless slide in "Chuck Versus the Suitcase" (S04E02).
In "Chuck Versus The Bearded Bandit", a Kimber MCSOCOM ICQB (the precursor to the Kimber Warrior) is seen in the hands of an agent training at Verbanski Corp.
In Season 2's "Chuck Versus the Seduction" (S2E02), Sasha Banicheck (Melinda Clarke) is seen using a suppressed stainless Makarov PM.In Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Angel de la Muerte" (S3E03), several soldiers that accompany Premier Alejandro Goya (Armand Assante) wield nickel-plated Makarov PM pistols. Alejandro Goya (Armand Assante) carries a stainless Makarov as his sidearm as seen in "Chuck Versus the Coup d'Etat" (S4E03).
Sarah holds what appears to be an NAA Guardian pistol from her purse when confronting a tiger in Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Role Models". In a continuity error, a Beretta Jetfire appears instead. Sarah also pulls an NAA Guardian from a magnetic thigh holster in Season 4's "Chuck Versus the Balcony".
Two nickel-plated Norinco Type 54s are used by Mei-Ling Chou (Gwendoline Yeo) while trying to free her brother from the Chinese mafia in "Chuck Versus the Sizzling Shrimp" (S1E05). Later in the episode, she uses this pistol to hold Chuck at gunpoint. (Bizarrely, while observing from inside their SUV, Casey somehow mistakes these twin pistols for Glocks. After a flash, Chuck corrects Casey, explaining that they are "Chinese Army-issue pistols".)
In Season 1's "Chuck Versus the Tango" (S1E03), La Ciudad (Lorena Bernal) uses a suppressed Ruger KP90 during the shootout at the art auction. A suppressed Ruger is held in Season 2's "Chuck Versus the Lethal Weapon".
Alexander Winterborne (Mark Pellegrino) under the guise of working for "Tuttle Electric" pulls a silver Safari Arms Matchmaster .45ACP with a silver suppressor and wood grips in "Chuck Versus the Fat Lady" (S2E07). He is seen later holding Jill Roberts (Jordana Brewster) hostage with it.
A Sphinx AT 2000 pistol in "duotone" finish is pulled by a thug during a standoff in "Chuck Versus the Three Words" (S302). Another is pulled on Roan Montgomery (John Larroquette) in "Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible" (S4E14).
The STI Edge 4.0 is the flamboyant personal weapon of choice for both Alexei Volkoff (Timothy Dalton) in black, and Vivian Volkoff (Lauren Cohan) in chrome. An STI is also used by Fulcrum "Leader" (Patrick Kilpatrick) in Season 2's "Chuck Versus the Gravitron".
Bryce Larkin (Matthew Bomer) holds a Taurus PT92AFS at Chuck and Sarah after breaking into Casey's apartment in "Chuck Versus the Nemesis" (S1E10). Sarah also wields one in "Chuck Versus the Alma Mater".
The handgun used by Sofia Stepanova (Karolína Kurková) in Season 4's "Chuck Versus the Suitcase" (S4E02) is a Taurus PT945 loaded with "smart bullets". Adelbert De Smet (Richard Chamberlain) and his henchmen are armed with the stainless Taurus PT945 in "Chuck Versus the Fear of Death".
In flashbacks seen in both "Chuck Versus The Final Exam" and "Chuck Versus the American Hero", Sarah pulls a Walther as part of her own "Red Test" when she is seen confronting Evelyn Shaw. The gun she uses appears to be a Non Gun Walther PPK.
What appears to be a heavily customized Walther P99 is featured prominently in Season 1's "Chuck Versus the Imported Hard Salami". The weapon is also seen hanging in Casey's apartment arsenal as well as in the Castle. Since the handgun isn't seen fired, the P99 is most likely the Walther Nighthawk, a CO2 airgun.
In Season 5's "Chuck Versus the Frosted Tips" (S5E03), Casey (Adam Baldwin) contemplates whether to take his SIG or a 4" Smith & Wesson Model 500 to the shooting range. He mentions that bringing the Smith & Wesson would show that he's "rugged and reliable," whereas the SIG would be "sleek & sophisticated."
In Season 2's "Chuck Versus Santa Clause", Noseless Ned Ryerson pulls what appears to be a Smith & Wesson Model 625 to hold Chuck and the others hostage in the Buy More. Devon Woodcomb (Ryan McPartlin) is later seen holding the revolver.
The FN P90 is seen displayed at "Weap-Con" in "Chuck Versus the Nacho Sampler". Guards armed with FNP90's are taken out by Sarah in Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Tic Tac" (S3E10). In Season 4's "Chuck Versus the Push Mix", both Sarah and Mary Bartowski take P90's off of Volkoff's guards.
In the pilot episode as Bryce Larkin is stealing the Intersect computer, numerous members of the CIA's security detail carry the Heckler & Koch MP5A2 with SureFire dedicated forend weaponlights. In "Chuck Versus Phase Three" (S4E09), Casey (Adam Baldwin) can be seen with a MP5A2 with a red-dot scope as well. Later in the same episode, Sarah also uses the MP5A2.
The Heckler & Koch MP5SD3 is seen in the hands of one of Ted Roark's men in Season 2's finale "Chuck Versus the Ring" (S2E22). Sarah uses an MP5SD3 during a firefight in "Chuck Versus The Curse."
CIA undercover agents carrying Heckler & Koch MP5Ks come to back up Casey and Sarah in "Chuck Versus the Alma Mater" (S1E07). Sarah packs a few H&K MP5KA4's while determined to fly to Switzerland and help Chuck in "Chuck Versus the Fear of Death" (S4E8).
In "Chuck Versus the First Date" (S2E01), the men employed by Mr. Colt (Michael Clarke Duncan) are armed with MAC-11 submachine guns fitted with suppressors when they confront Chuck and Sarah at the Chinese restaurant.
An armed sentry (presumably US Army) is seen holding a Colt M4A1 in "Chuck Versus the Helicopter" (S1E02). In several episodes, members of the CIA strike team can also be seen carrying the M4A1, often outfitted with a variety of optics (Trijicon 4x ACOG scope, Aimpoint CompM2 red dot, and/or EOTech 552 holographic weapon sight), and SureFire tactical weapon lights. In Season 4's "Chuck Versus Phase Three" (S4E09), John Casey (Adam Baldwin) briefly switches out an MP5A2 for the M4A1 Carbine with an Trijicon 4x ACOG scope and with a vertical fore-grip. Casey had previously held one with an EOTech sight in "Chuck Versus the Aisle of Terror".
AKM rifles can be seen wielded by Thai mercenaries in "Chuck Versus Phase Three" (S4E09). Somali pirates also wield the rifles in "Chuck Versus the Family Volkoff" (S4E20).
In Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Angel de la Muerte" (S3E03), Premier Alejandro Goya's soldiers carry AKMSUs with full black furniture. Sarah also is seen holding one in the same episode.
In the Season 4 premiere "Chuck Versus the Anniversary" (S4E01), Casey is using an AKS-74U carbine with a KCI quad rail system.
He mentions the weapon as "the best Commie rifle ever made, the AK-47".
The FN F2000 Tactical is seen displayed at "Weap-Con" in "Chuck Versus the Nacho Sampler". Guards armed with FN F2000's are seen in Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Tic Tac" (S3E10).
Mr. Colt's men carry the Heckler & Koch G36C equipped with various accessories (one has a suppressor) in "Chuck Versus the First Date" (S2E01). Mercenaries armed with the G36 are taken down by Casey in "Chuck Versus Phase Three".
Malena (Lorena Bernal), aka "La Ciudad", is seen on the roof of the Wienerlicious with a scoped and suppressed Sako M995 TRG-S sniper rifle in "Chuck Versus the Tango" (S1E03).
In Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Three Words" (S3E02), hitman Karl Stromberg (Vinnie Jones) uses a Blaser R93 Sniper Rifle to wound a man who stole his case. (The name is a reference to the main villain in the James Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me.) Sarah uses one taken off a sniper in "Chuck Versus the Fat Lady" (S2E07). Gertrude Verbanski uses an R93 to cover Chuck & Sarah during a mission in "Chuck Versus The Hack Off."
In Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Fake Name" (S3E08), Casey uses a suppressed Remington 700 mounted on an Accuracy International Chassis System to fire a tranquilizer dart in order to capture Rafe Gruber.
In Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Fake Name" (S3E08), Chuck takes the identity of Rafe Gruber, the world's most dangerous assassin, and is taken to an apartment where an AIG Asymmetric Warrior ASW338LM is set up for a hit. The real Rafe Gruber (Johnny Messner) later is seen in the apartment and looks through the rifle's scope. John Casey finally is seen using the rifle and says apparently he's one of 5 people in the world that can make that shot.
In Season 4's "Chuck Versus the Masquerade", Casey is seen using a Barrett Model 98 Bravo sniper rifle to take down counter snipers who had surrounded Sarah.
In Season 4's "Chuck Versus the Masquerade", a .308 chambered Ruger Model 77 bolt-action rifle is used by one of the snipers that try to eliminate a target.
In Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Angel de la Muerte", Casey is seen taking out a Ithaca 37 with a nickel finish, pistol grip and extended mag barrel from a hidden compartment in his apartment. The shotguns are on the left in the compartment. Chuck tosses the Ithaca 37 to Sarah in the episode.
When an intruder is detected in "Castle", Sarah picks up a Mossberg 590 Cruiser fitted with a heat shield in Season 2's "Chuck Versus the Lethal Weapon" (S2E16).
Ted Roark (Chevy Chase) takes what appears to be a short barrel variant of the Mossberg 590A1 shotgun from a fellow Fulcrum agent when crashing Ellie and Devon's wedding in Season 2's finale "Chuck Versus the Ring" (S2E22).
Casey uses what appears to be the Remington 870 Tactical model in "Chuck Versus the Muuurder" (S4E19). His Remington is fitted with a heat shield, EOTech sight, saddle shell holder, weaponlight and a Magpul stock.
A Smith & Wesson 3000 Shotgun with a sawed off stock is used by a gunman who holds up a convenience store in "Chuck Versus the Bearded Bandit". It's later held by Chuck.
In Season 5's "Chuck Versus the Bearded Bandit" (S5E02), Casey is seen carrying a 12 gauge O/U Shotgun while disguised as a hunter. He is later seen holding the shotgun inside the house.
Preparing to leave the Castle, John Casey packs up a handheld configuration of the M134 Minigun, lamenting that he never got to use it. He later is able to use it while rescuing Sarah and Chuck from a Ring facility in "Chuck Versus the Pink Slip" (S3E01). In "Chuck Versus the Beefcake", a UH-60 Black Hawk armed with dual miniguns opens fire on Chuck and Sarah. In "Chuck Versus the Leftovers" (S4E10), several miniguns are activated at the Buy More when Volkoff enters the store.
In "Chuck Versus the Family Volkoff" (S4E20), M240 Machine Guns are set up as a security measure in the vault that Alexei Volkoff tries to disable by winning a game of chess.
Lon Kirk fires a mockup of an M3 Carl Gustav Recoilless Rifle identified in the episode as an "M2 84mm Rocket Launcher" by Casey, at a ship carrying not only counterfeiting plates, but also Morgan and Anna in "Chuck Versus the Crown Vic" (S1E11). In Season 4's "Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible" (S4E22), Brigadier General Diane Beckman (Bonita Friedericy) also uses the launcher. This prop appears to have been used as well in the series NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles.
Mrs. Winterbottom creates an IED out of a block of MI6-issue PE4 (a British plastic explosive very similar to C4) and an M26 hand grenade to "scuffle the house" in "Chuck Versus Agent X." She attaches the pin to a spool of yarn and proceeds to dash out of the house with Team Bartowski.
The "Trank Gun" frequently seen used by Chuck in the series is an airsoft handgun known as the Baby Hi-Capa 3.8. The airsoft pistol is customized to fire tranquilizer darts with the standard "Green Gas" rather than airsoft pellets. It is also customized with an extended barrel due to painting over the orange tip (required by US law), with metallic silver paint. A red or green laser sometimes accompanies the gun on it's bottom accessory rack. The ammunition is varied, but most commonly used are the "10mg Darts". The darts can also be stuck manually into someone to gain the same effect. It has been referred to several times that the medication in the darts is a diluted Tetradotoxin (Anhydrotetrodotoxin) solution. There is another kind of dart that has a fast-acting small dose of Ketamine. The vents on the slide indicate that it is a Type 8. Because of Chuck's distaste for real weapons, the team begins to use the trank guns much more often beginning in Season 4, especially on kidnapping missions. The trank guns are often used on unarmed/unsuspecting persons instead of more lethal weapons.
In Season 1's "Chuck Versus the Helicopter", another tranquilizer dart weapon appears, and looks to have been built up from an M16-type receiver. This same Tranquilizer gun was earlier used to tranq Casey.
A type of syringe gun is used to tranq Chuck, and get him out of the presence of General Beckmann, in "Chuck Versus the Pink Slip" (S3E01). A similar prop was used in the film Mission: Impossible III.
Casey's Buy More acceptable covert weapon of choice hidden inside a barcode scanner. First seen in Season 2's "Chuck Versus the Cougars", the weapon appears to be a stainless slide Glock 17 (due to the external extractor on the slide).
File:Glock 17.jpgGlock 17 (3rd Generation) with stainless steel slide and adjustable sights - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingCasey's barcode scanner in "Chuck Versus the Cougars" before he reveals its true use.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCasey's Buy More acceptable covert weapon of choice is hidden inside a barcode scanner in Season 2's "Chuck Versus the Cougars". The weapon appears to be a stainless slide Glock 17.
Grappling Pistol
Sarah fires a Grappling Hook Pistol to gain access into the Moroccan keep in "Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible" (S4E14).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSarah fires a Grappling Hook Pistol to gain access into the Moroccan keep in "Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible" (S4E14).
Laser Pistol
Chuck uses a laser pistol to cut through a sewage grate, and a sandstone wall in "Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible" (S4E14).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingChuck uses the laser pistol to cut Casey out of the collapsing wall in "Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible" (S4E14).
Armories and Gun Displays
"Castle", is the code name for the underground CIA/NSA substation where Sarah, Casey, Chuck, and Morgan communicate with their superiors (mainly General Diane Beckman). Castle is located underground somewhere between the former Orange-Orange and the current Buy More. It is comprised of a main area for team debriefing, a video conference room for federal debriefs comprised of a series of large computer screens, 2 prisoner wings (1 solitary, 1 bulletproof acrylic holding cells), 1 interrogation wing, a Dojo for martial arts practice, an armory with a huge selection of weapons including 3+ Casey custom SIG P229s, a shooting range, and a scientific analytical labratory, 1 wing that was used for the National Clandestine Service with maximum security holding cells, now it is used as a maximum security prisoner holding facility, and recently revealed in "Chuck Versus Agent X", a room for secret vehicle development.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingChuck inside "Castle" in Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Tic Tac". In the background behind Chuck can be seen a few Beretta M12's hung up and in the upper left, some chrome Ithaca 37 shotguns.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSarah and Chuck inside "Castle" in "Chuck Versus the Tic Tac".
In Season 3's "Chuck Versus the Nacho Sampler", a massive fictional weapons conference known as "Weap-con" features many weapons. In addition to the very prominently displayed ones, there are few that are only briefly glimpsed on weapons racks in the background.
Sarah created a mini armory in Chuck's sofa due to the "30 ft. rule" without Chuck's approval. Please note the inscription on the Tranq Guns. Blurry though it may be, it reads "BABY HI-CAPA 3.8"
In Season 4's "Chuck Versus the Muuurder", the agents participating in the exercise at Castle are told to give up all their weapons, which results in a massive pile of handguns.
Throughout several episodes of the show, usually whenever Chuck "flashes" on gun-runners or other criminals, the Intersect shows him pictures of large armory rooms full of guns. All of these images are pictures of the weapons vault of Independent Studio Services, the company which supplies the weapons and other props used on Chuck. If you've ever been curious to know what a Hollywood prop house's armory looks like, now you know!