Hawaii Five-O was an American crime series that aired on CBS for 12 seasons from 1968 to 1980. The series centered around a Hawaii state police force known as "Five-0" led by Steve McGarrett (Jack Lord) as they investigated major crimes in the 50th state. The series was the first to be filmed almost entirely in the state of Hawaii. A television series remake would begin airing on CBS in 2010.
The following weapons were used in the 1968 television series Hawaii Five-O:
The Walther P38 is used by various characters throughout the series.
Submachine Guns
M1 Carbine
Different variants of the M1 Carbine are seen used in the series. In Season 2's "Savage Sunday" (S2E05), revolutionaries are armed with the M1 Carbine when raiding a military armory. In "Sweet Terror" (S2E07), McGarrett (Jack Lord) takes an M1 Carbine off a gunman.
An M1 Carbine fitted with a scope, wire stock and forward pistol grip is notably used by an double amputee sniper in Season 6's "Hookman".
Madsen 50
The captain of the boat is seen with a Madsen M50 in the pilot episode.
A USAF honor guard performs a rifle volley with M1 Garands in the pilot episode.
M14 Rifle
In Season 2's "Savage Sunday", revolutionaries raid an armory that contains M14 rifles among other weapons. Since this episode was produced in the late 1960's, it's possible that these rifles are mocked up M1 Garands.
In Season 2's "Savage Sunday", revolutionaries raid an armory that contains M60 machine guns among other weapons. Since this episode was produced in the late 1960's, this was one of the earliest appearances of the machine gun seen in a television series.