Handled by Simon Grey after seeing through Jojo and Burt's cover in Episode 3, "View to a Nursing Home". Also used by other Ottawa Eight conspirators, which did not work.
Handled by a Dutch Intelligence and Security Agency (DISA) spy while speaking to Burt on the phone in "Going Dutch". In "Get Cranston", Penny's armed with this.
Used in several episodes. Simon uses one as his personal sidearm. Russian mafia gangsters raid the NISA safe house after a blunder by Burt with the pistol as well.
A Glock 17 was taken by Alex's friend Cathy at the backseat of the Chevrolet Suburban. Used by Alex, Burt and Jojo while trying to take on the Ottawa Eight conspirators. In "Return of the Deadeye", Benjamin is armed with this. Burt disarms Alex of her sidearm in "Going Dutch".
A Glock 19 was handled by a National Security Authority spy in Episode 5, "Recycle After Reading". In "Keeping Up With The Laslovs", it's used by Natasha, head of a Russian mafia cell in Ottawa. In "Return of the Deadeye", Cluade is armed with this to go after the assassin Antonio Stade who slept with his wife back in Morocco. Alex switches her sidearm to the Glock 19 after Burt takes her Glock 17 in "Going Dutch".
A Chinese gangster aims the MP5 at Benjamin and Alex in "The Kwan Identity". It's not known on what type of MP5 it is, but it has a stock buttstock. Jojo is armed with this for a short time in "The Ghost".
A MP5SD submachine gun is found at a Ghanzi rebel house in Episode 4, "The Ligerian Candidate". It's unknown what the specific type is as there is no closeup.
An AK-47 is found in at the Ganzi safehouse in Episode 4. It is unclear on what kind of AK-47 variant it is. However, the shots indicate that they have solid buttstocks.
A Classic Army M15A4 airsoft rifle most likely an airsoft gun, was used by Penny Cryer as a short-ranger sniper rifle to target Alex in "Get Cranston".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCloseup of the M15A4 receiver. The selector switch is not quite set to automatic; this is an indication that the weapon is an airsoft rifle (on a real AR, the selector would not be only partially set to the full-auto position unless broken).
A M16 is found in the Ganzi safehouse in Episode 4. It is not clear on what the variant is. An Irish militant is armed with this in "The Kwan Identity".
A fictional net gun is used by NISA, which is created from a Mossberg/Remington shotgun body with the barrel removed to accommodate a funnel with a net loaded.