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From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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13 (2010)

The following weapons can be seen in the film 13:


Smith & Wesson M&P

Drizer (Alan Davidson) carries a Smith & Wesson M&P pistol chambered in 9x19mm.

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Smith & Wesson M&P Semiautomatic Pistol - 9x19mm
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Drizer puts the M&P to Vince's head because he did not fire when the bulb lit up.
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The same scene from the opposite angle.
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Drizer executes one of the players who survived a headshot from point blank range. Rules are rules, who gets shot during the game must die.

Česká Zbrojovka "Pre-B" CZ 75

Jasper (Jason Statham) puts a "Pre-B" CZ 75 pistol in his belt in the hotel room before going to the mansion. He is seen using it on a train later.

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Pre-B CZ 75 - 9x19mm
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Jasper picks up the CZ 75...
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... and puts it behind his belt.
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Jasper pulls out his CZ 75 on the train.
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Jasper fires his pistol.


Colt Python

In the first round Vince (Sam Riley) uses a Colt Python with 6" barrel. In the second round Jefferson (Mickey Rourke) is seen with the same weapon. Jack (Alexander Skarsgård) is seen with the Python for a short time when he shows the inexperienced Vince how to properly load a bullet into the cylinder.

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Colt Python with 6" Barrel - .357 Magnum
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Jefferson (Mickey Rourke) holds the Python.
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Vince (Sam Riley) with the same revolver.
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Jack (Alexander Skarsgård) opens the cylinder and shows Vince how to reload a revolver.
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Vince (Sam Riely) seconds before pulling the trigger of his Python during the first round.

Colt Detective Special

A Colt Detective Special is also seen being used by a player.

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Colt Detective Special 3rd Gen - .38 Special
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On the left.

Smith & Wesson Model 10

A Smith & Wesson Model 10 was used by player number 16.

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Smith & Wesson Model 10 - .38 Special
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Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB

Ronald Lynn (Ray Winstone) uses a Smith & Wesson Model 10 Heavy Barrel in the final round. In the second round it is in Jefferson's (Mickey Rourke) hand.

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Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB - .38 Special
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Ronald Lynn (Ray Winstone) holds the Model 10 HB while Vince (Sam Riley) holds a GP100.
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Jefferson (Mickey Rourke) with his Model 10 after surviving the second round.

Smith & Wesson Model 29

A Smith & Wesson Model 29 was used by player number 16 (David Conley).

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Smith & Wesson Model 29 - .44 Magnum
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Smith & Wesson Model 64

A Smith & Wesson Model 64 is also seen being used by a player.

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Smith & Wesson Model 64 - .38 Special
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On the right.

Smith & Wesson Model 66

One player is seen with what appears to be a Smith & Wesson Model 66.

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Smith & Wesson Model 66 - .357 Magnum
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Model 66 in the middle.

Smith & Wesson Model 586

A Smith & Wesson Model 586-look-a-like revolver is also seen during the game.

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Smith & Wesson Model 586 - .357 Magnum
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Model 586 on the left.

Smith & Wesson Model 629

The Smith & Wesson Model 629 is used by many of the players at the mansion, including Ronald Lynn (Ray Winstone).

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Smith & Wesson Model 629 with Hogue Grips - .44 Magnum
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A Smith & Wesson M629 during the CGI intro.
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A Model 629 pointed to the head of Lynn.
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Ronald Lynn (Ray Winstone) with an Model 629 on the left.

Ruger Security Six

A stainless Ruger Security Six with 2.75" barrel is used by some of the players.

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Ruger Security Six with 2.75" barrel and Hogue Rubber Grips - Stainless Steel - .357 Magnum
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Ruger Security Six in the hand of the player in the middle.
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A Security Six being pointed to the head of player #16.

Ruger GP100

Vince (Sam Riley) uses a stainless Ruger GP100 in the final duel. It is also used by two other players in the first and second rounds.

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Ruger GP100 - .357 Magnum
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The guard opens the cylinder and notes that the guy in front of it was lucky because the bullet was in the chamber but the handler had no time to pull the trigger.
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Ronald Lynn (Ray Winstone) holds the Model 10 HB and Vince (Sam Riley) holds a GP100.
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Same scene from a different angle.
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A good close up on the GP100.
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One of the guards shows that the cylinder is loaded with three bullets for the last duel.

Ruger Speed Six

A blued Ruger Speed Six with a 2" barrel is also seen in the hands of the players.

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Ruger Speed Six with blued finish and 2-inch barrel .357 Magnum
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Automatic Weapons


The Uzi is carried by some of the guards.

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IMI Uzi - 9x19mm
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A guard armed with an Uzi behind Jasper (Jason Statham).
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An Uzi on the left, an SP-10 in the middle, and a G36C rifle on the right.

Heckler & Koch G36C

Several guards at the mansion are carrying Heckler & Koch G36C rifles.

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H&K G36C - 5.56x45mm NATO
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A guard with a G36C.
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A guard with a G36C in the background.

Special Weapons SP-10

Some other guards are seen with chopped Special Weapons SP-10 submachine guns.

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Special Weapons SP-10 with Truglo red dot sight - 9x19mm
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A guard with an SP-10 SMG.