Dark Angel was a science-fiction series that was co-created by James Cameron and starred Jessica Alba (in her first leading role) as a genetically-enhanced super soldier who escapes as a young girl from a secret government facility and works in the underground resistance to take down the government agency that created her. The series ran for two seasons on the FOX network and co-starred Michael Weatherly.
The following weapons were used in the television series Dark Angel
The Beretta 92FS is seen as the sidearm of the police, military, and various thug factions.
Beretta 92FS (mocked up as Beretta 93R)
Zack carries a Beretta 93R fitted with a suppresor when he and Max go to resque Tinga in "Meow" (S1E19). This is actually a Beretta 92FS converted to full-automatic and fitted with a 93R flash hider and grip (this exact same gun has been used in numerous productions filmed in British Columbia).
Taurus PT92CS (modified)
In "Some Assembly Required" (S2E7), Cyborg Zack carries a Taurus PT92CS fitted with a custom-built compensator. This is the exact same gun that was originally carried by Mark Dacascos in the movie Crying Freeman (both productions had the same armorers).
Walther P99
Several thugs as well as Lydecker carried a Walther P99.
Vektor CP1
Logan offers Max a Vektor CP1 early in Season 1, but she refuses. He later carries the Vektor as his main sidearm throughout the run of the show.
Glock 17
Various thugs and some police officers are seen with Glock 17 pistols. Logan's team appear to be armed with Glocks when they are ambushed in the pilot, though the police hoverdrone footage never shows the weapon clearly.
Ruger P89/KP89
The prison warden carries a Ruger P89 in "Flushed" (S1E3). Original Cidy takes it during the esacape until the warden gets it back. Thugs in later episodes also use the P89, including the stainless KP89 model. Asha (Ashley Scott), head of the S1W resistance movment, carries the KP89 in Season 2.
Smith & Wesson 5906
Bronc carries a Smith & Wesson 5906 in "Out" (S1E10). Due to a continuity error, his weapon becomes a similar Smith & Wesson 5946 in several scenes (the 5946 is the DA-only version of the 5906).
Mauser C96 "Broomhandle"
A bounty hunter pulls a Mauser C96 on Max in the Season 1 epsiode "Shortie's in Love". She later takes the gun and gives it to Logan to trace.
Jericho 941
Dr. Adriana Vertes, an ex-Manticore doctor helping Logan, pulls a nickel Jericho 941 on Max in "Female Trouble" (S1E15). Max disarms her in seconds and disasembles the weapon. In "Pollo Loco" (S1E18), X-5 serial killer Ben (Jensen Ackles) gives the nickel Jericho 941 to Father Destry, a would-be victim, before contemptuously disamring him.
A regular black Jericho 941 is carried by Logan's bodyguard in several episodes.
Lydecker's men carried FN P90s fitted with laser sights and flashlights during a raid in the pilot. Jace, an X5 who stayed with Manticore, uses a suppressed model in the Season 1 episode "Female Trouble". In "Bag 'Em" (S2E2) Manticore forces carry the P90, Alec and the X6s stealing a couple when they rescue Max. The P90 is the main weapon of Manticore forces in Season 2, replacing the MP5A3.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
Lydecker's men and a few thugs use the Heckler & Koch MP5A3s. It is the standard Manticore weapon is Season 1.
Heckler & Koch MP5K
One of Lydecker's men is seen with an MP5K in the pilot episode, as are a couple of gunmen. Col. Lydecker is briefly seen in the woods with an Heckler & Koch MP5K in the Season 1 finale "...And Jesus Brought a Casserole". Due to the darkness, it is dificult to determine which version it is.
Bronck's men carry Micro Uzis at the airport in "Out" (S1E10).
Spectre M4
The Spectre M4 is carried by a kidnapper in the pilot episode and by terorists in "Prodigy"
Calico M960A
Cyborg Zack takes a Calico M960A Submachine Gun with a 100-round magazine and scope from a Steelhead when he goes to rescue Max and uses it in his attempted hit on Logan
Beretta PM12S
Terrorists, thugs, and security guards use Beretta PM12Ss.
D-Technik Sa. Vz.61
Seen used by terrorists in "Prodigy" and used by Tinga in "Hit a Sista Back" during the apartment shootout.
Kimel AP-9
Kimel AP-9 pistols are seen with mock suppressors attached in "Red" (S1E11) and unsupressed in "Rising" (S1E13).
Intratec TEC-9
A gangster pulls a nickle TEC-9 on Bronc's men in "Out"(S1E10)
Iver-Johnson Enforcer Pistol
Krit is seen with an Iver Johnson Enforcer Pistol when the X5s are loading up early in "…And Jesus Brought a Casserole" (S1E22). He never fires it and doesn't bring it on the Manticore raid, noting that the the weapon "packs a punch, but I only have 40 rounds".
Assault rifles
Military and occasionally the police carried M16A2s. There are no real M16A2s on the show, however; all of those seen in non-firing scenes were Tokyo Marui airsoft replicas. The firing M16s on the show were mostly Colt Model 715s.
Colt Model 715/Olympic Arms K4B
Whenever M16s were fired on the show, they were always Colt Model 715s or the Olympic Arms K4B equivalent. These are distinguished from the airsoft M16A2s used in non-firing scenes by the A1-style rear sight.
Colt Model 609
Police and some soldiers carry the Colt Model 609 as their main weapon. Police units carry 609s fitted with some sort of camera unit or dot-sight with a power cord leading to a backpack, while the Rangers carry stock 609s. Zack carries a Colt Model 609 carbine in the Season 1 episode " Hit a Sista Back". He later uses the weapon, along with Syl and Krit during the raid on Manticore in the Season 1 finale "And Jesus Brought a Casserole". X7 child soldiers carry the Model 609 as well, as do some young X5s in a flashback. At least in season 2, and probably in season 1 they appear to be mostly airsoft replicas (Probably Tokyo Maru like with the M16A2s), since they are seldom fired and are being used by minors.
In Max's flashback, she remembered being trained with the M1 Garand
Heckler & Koch G3A3
A guard in the first epsiode is seen with an G3A3 fitted with a night-vision scope during the Manticore escape. An assassin in the same episode uses a scoped G3 with a rifle grenade.
Steyr AUG A1
A thug is seen with Steyr AUG assault rifle in the pilot episode. Unfortunately, it was impossible to get a shot that wasn't incredibly blurry.
Franchi SPAS-12
Police and Lydecker's men were seen with the SPAS-12.
Logan uses this weapon during the nighttime firefight in the Season 1 episode "Haven".
Ithaca 37 "Stakeout"
Logan carries a Ithaca 37 "Stakeout" shotgun fitted with a weaponslight while confronting Max in the pilot episode.
Ithaca 37 (sawed-off)
A convenience store cashier tries to pull a sawed-off Ithaca 37 when X6s raid his store for food in "Bag 'Em" (S2E2). Predictably, the X6s take the weapon and it is carried by Bullet for the rest of the episode.
Machine Guns
Browning M1919
A pair of what appear to be M1919s are seen mounted in an armoured car in "Prodigy" (S1E7)
Grenades and launchers
RGD-5 hand grenade
Syl shows Zack a couple of RGD-5 hand grenades when they load up in the Season 1 finale.
Unknown hand grenade
A Red Series soldier is seen with a grenade on his web gear in the Season 1 Episode "Rising". Max later pulls the pin to kill him. Despite resembling a smoke grenade, the show treats it as an HE-frag grenade
The standalone version of the Cobray CM79LF 37mm Launcher is used by a Manticore soldier to fire a smoke grenade in "Bag 'Em" (S2E2)
Custom GP-25
A custom version of the GP-25 grenade launcher is used by Cyril, a Manticore biochemist, to fire bio-agent rounds in "Radar Love" (S2E4). The weapons is cuspomized with a stainless-steel tubular stock and a top-mounted rail.