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Commandos 2: Men of Courage
Commandos 2: Men of Courage is a critically acclaimed World War 2 real-time tactics video game. It was released in 2001 for the PC, and ported a year later to the Xbox and PS2.
The missions in the game were inspired by famous WW2 movies. Mission "Saving Private Smith" was clearly based on Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan. In the mission "The Bridge on the River Kwai" the Commandos must destroy the Bridge, as in the film of the same name. Other references include the movies The Great Escape, Is Paris Burning? and The Colditz Story.
The following weapons can be seen in the video game Commandos 2:
Allied weapons
Colt M1911A1
The Colt M1911A1 is the standard sidearm of every member of the team in the game. Has unlimited ammunition and mustn't be reloaded. Appears as "M1911A".

Springfield M1903A4
The Springfield M190A4 is used by Duke and Lips. This weapon has the biggest range and one hit will always kill the targeted soldier. It erroneously shares ammunition with the G43 and Type 97.

Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I
The Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I is used mainly by Allied soldiers. Has unlimited ammo and cannot be reloaded.

M2-2 Flamethrower
The M2-2 Flamethrower is a devastating weapon, but finding "ammo" for it can be a big problem. Only Inferno is capable of handling this weapon.

Mills Bomb
The Mills Bomb is the standard frag grenade of the Commandos. In this game only the Sapper can throw frag grenades, just like in Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines.

The PIAT appears as "Bazooka" in the game and only Inferno can use it. Can be used to destroy tanks or kill groups of enemies.

German weapons
Luger P08
The Luger P08 is the standard weapon of the German officers and is also used by snipers occasionally. It has the exact same stats as the M1911A1, however has no unlimited ammo.

The MP40 is the only submachine gun in the game. It has a medium range and packs decent fire power. All of the Commandos can use it. The MP40 is the perfect choice when dealing with groups of enemies, however it can only be fired in short bursts.

Gewehr 43
Wermacht snipers use the Gewehr 43 rifle. It is one of the poorly-modeled weapons in the game, because the in-game inventory image doesn't really look like that rifle at all, despite this it is still called G43.

Mauser Gewehr 1898 / Kar98k hybrid
The "Karabiner98k" is actually a Mauser Gewehr 1898 / Kar98k hybrid. It is incorrectly portrayed with a box magazine instead of the 5-round stripper clip. It is used by German patrols and all of the Commandos can use it too. It has the largest range, but the ammunition is limited to 15 rounds per soldier.

Tellermine 35
The Tellermine 35 anti-tank mine can be used by Inferno to set up deadly traps for vehicles. If the enemy laid it, only Inferno can detect and disarm it with the Mine Detector.

Japanese weapons
Type 94
Japanese snipers and officers always have one Type 94 pistol in their inventory.

Type 38
Arisaka Type 38 rifles are used by Imperial soldiers in the game. Incorrectly shown with box magazine instead of the 5-round internal magazine.

Type 97
Japanese snipers use Arisaka Type 97 rifles. Only Duke can use it of the Commandos. This weapon is also incorrectly shown with box magazine instead of the 5-round internal magazine.

Other/Unusable Weapons
Several PPSh-41 submachine guns can be seen in the intro of the game.