Razor Blade Smile is a 1998 low budget British Horror/Action film about a female vampire assassin. It is the story of Lilith Silver, a 19th century English woman, who has become one of the undead, after she has tried to stop a duel between her then-lover and Sir Sethane Blake, a vampire. In 1990's London, she acts as a hired killer who has taken up an assignment to eliminate a group of elite businessmen, 'The Illuminati', who are conspiring to take control over business and government. During this assignment, her path again crosses that of Sir Sethane Blake, leading to a surprising climax.
A 16mm indie film in the tradition of El Mariachi and The Evil Dead, it was shot on a total budget of US$ 27,500 (!). For this reason, it is not surprising that most of the guns used in the movie are either blank firing guns or plastic dummies. Razor Blade Smile came out in 1998, the same year as Blade, but the similarities do not end here. Both movies tell the story of a lone, leather-clad hero who fights a shadow-war with a mighty opponent, using samurai swords and lots of guns.
A Bruni 1911 blankfire replica of the M1911 is the weapon of choice for both Lilith Silver (Eileen Daly) as well as Illuminati thugs. It's also briefly seen in the hands of Lilith's lover Platinum (Kevin Howarth).
A Mini Uzi is seen in the coffin that Lilith Silver uses as her weapons chest. She never uses it in the movie though.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMini Uzi SMG with stock folded - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Mini Uzi in the coffin acting as Lilith's weapons chest. Note that the magazine is exceptionally long and could be a rare 40 shot version or alternatively could have simply fallen out of the grip.
Bruni Olimpyk 6
The Bruni Olimpyk 6 blank-firing revolver, recognizable by the signature ribbed ejector rod, is seen in Lilith's weapons chest and in the hands of Detective Inspector Price (Jonathan Cooke).
A Bruni 92 blank firing replica of a Beretta 92FS is seen in the hands of Lilith Silver, Sir Sethane Blake (Christopher Adamson) and most Illuminati thugs. It can be identified as such by the crude black grips plus the top firing muzzle flash.
This flintlock is seen at the beginning of the movie, during the duel between Sir Sethane Blake and his opponent Jack Ryder (Glenn Wrage), the then love interest of Lilith. Lilith Silver herself also uses it when she tries to shoot Sir Sethane Blake to avenge her lover´s death. It would be expected that a percussion cap gun is used due to this scene taking place in 1850, but that's probably a historic err due to the tight budget of the movie.