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Jurassic: The Hunted
The following firearms are featured in the video game Jurassic: The Hunted.
M1911 Variant
An M1911 Pistol Series pistol variant with wood grips and an 8 or extended 12-round magazine capacity is featured in the game. It is the first gun available, called the .45 Pistol in game. You can fire it very fast and it can take down most smaller dinos with a few shots.
Glock 18
A fully-automatic Glock 18C is featured with a 20-round mag. Good for close quarters (aka you are face to face with a pack of hungry Velociraptors). Called the 9mm Automatic.
Colt Anaconda
A stainless Colt Anaconda is featured in game as the most powerful handgun and the third one you can get. Called the .44 Magnum. For some reason it only holds 5 shells but can be upgraded to hold 7.

Browning Automatic Rifle
The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) is featured in the game with a 20 or 30 round extended mag. It also has a high rate of fire for the BAR with decent damage, considering it is the first automatic gun you can get. Called the .30-06 Assault Rifle.
An FN SCAR-L with a Red Dot sight and a 40 round mag is available in the game and has a good rate of fire and damage. Called the 5.56mm Assault Rifle.
Colt Model 1855
A Colt Model 1855 is featured in the game as the Model 1855. It holds 6 or 9 rounds in its cylinder. Reloads are fairly long, as well as the Rate of Fire, but at the beginning of the game the damages compensates for that.

Springfield 1861
A scoped Springfield 1861 appears ingame. Interestingly, the scope is on the side of the barrel, rather than the top. Due to its long reload time, it is not useful in close range combat, but is good for long range sniping, and can kill most enemies with a shot to the head.
Mossburg 590 "Compact Cruiser"
A Mossburg 590 Compact Cruiser is in the game with 8 round shell capacity, sawed-off and with a vertical foregrip. Very good for close quarters, especially against fast enemies.
M249 SAW
The M249 SAW is in the game with 100 or a 200 round extended magazine. One of the best guns in the game due to its high mag cap, good damage, and high ROF. Called the Light Machine Gun in the game.
An unknown crossbow is in the game, shooting explosive arrows with high damage. max ammo is only 5 shots so you must use it wisely. It is also easy to kill yourself with the explosive ammunition.
Gatling Gun
The Gatling Gun is featured in game with 200 rounds mags, used as an immobile gun for fighting off waves of dinos or the T-Rex's.
Browning M2
A Browning M2 is used as a turret weapon against the two T-Rexes. Also it is used in Survival Mode if the player finds all the machine gun parts in the Single Player Campaign.
A Maschinegewehr 42 machine gun is used as a turret weapon when fending off giant scorpions at the German Submarine.
The RPG-7 rocket launcher is available in the game. However, it is relativly impractical to use since most dino fighting is close quarters and the weapon's first appearance is right before the boss fight with "Spike", by the time the player manages to get the weapon fired they will be within "biting distance" of most enemies.
Futuristic Street Sweeper Shotgun
When Craig Dylan acquires the battery from the alien drone, right by it is a crate with a futuristic shotgun that resembles a Street Sweeper Shotgun.
Model 24 Stielhandgranate

The grenades used ingame.