The Silence of the Lambs is the 1991 thriller that marked the first appearance of Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Hannibal Lecter. In the film, FBI recruit Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) enlists Lecter's help in order to track down a notorious serial killer and rescue a Senator's daughter. Based on the novel by Thomas Harris, the film would win the Academy Award for Best Picture as well as acting wins for both Hopkins and Foster. Hopkins would reprise his role as Lecter in two more films: Hannibal (2001) and Red Dragon (2002).
The following weapons can be seen in the film The Silence of the Lambs:
FBI recruit Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) is shown training with and then carrying the Smith & Wesson Model 13. This .357 magnum, 3" barrel revolver was the last issue revolver of the FBI (usually loaded with .38 spl +P .158 gr LHP ammo).
Browning Hi-Power
As they close in on Lecter, one of the SWAT members is seen with a Browning Hi-Power with Target sights before he opens the elevator access panel.
Colt Government
One of the FBI instructors uses a deactivated Colt Government to demonstrate to Clarice and the recruits what went wrong during an exercise.
Colt Python
The revolver used by Jame Gumb a.k.a "Buffalo Bill" (Ted Levine) near the climax of the film is a 6" barreled, nickel-plated Colt Python. In the book, it is said that Gumb loads the gun with .38 Special lead wadcutters.
A Heckler & Koch P7M13 is briefly seen in the hands of an FBI HRT member as Crawford and his men breach the suspected house of Buffalo Bill.
Remington 870
FBI Special Agent Jack Crawford (Scott Glenn) prepares to assault the possible home of Buffalo Bill armed with the Remington 870 shotgun.
Ithaca 37
Several variants of the Ithaca 37 shotguns are carried by the SWAT members that respond to Hannibal's prison break.
Submachine Guns
Fake Heckler & Koch MP5K
SWAT members are shown holding what appears to be an Airsoft version of the Heckler & Koch MP5K as they prepare to take down Lecter in the elevator.
Note: This appears to be a FalconToy SoftAir MP5K, based on the "SD"-looking foregrip.
Assault Rifles
Members of the Tennessee National Guard were seen armed with M16A1 rifles at Memphis Airport when Dr. Hannibal Lecter arrived in Memphis to assist federal agents.
Remington 700PSS
FBI HRT members close in on the suspected house of Buffalo Bill carrying their Remington 700PSS sniper rifles.