Beretta 92FSs can be seen in the hands of security guards during Doctor Otto "Doc Ock" Octavius (Alfred Molina)'s bank robbery scene. In addition to the real life Beretta 92FS, non-gun versions are used by most of the polie officers during the same bank robbery scene.
The Beretta 92FS Inox is seen in the hands of a criminal in the car chase scene, then seen in the hands of several N.Y.P.D. officers during the bank robbery scene. In addition to the real life Beretta 92FS Inox, a non-gun version is used by most of the polie officers during the same bank robbery scene.
When Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) arrives to see Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst)'s play, an N.Y.P.D. officer threatens to tow the car he arrived in, not knowing it originally belonged to the aforementioned criminals Spider-Man had just defeated, the officer carrying a holstered Glock 19 as his sidearm.
One of the criminals riding in in a stolen car during the car chase is seen with a Remington 870, firing on N.Y.P.D. officers (causing a patrol car to go out of control and nearly crash before being stopped by Spider-Man), then trying in vain to shoot Spider-Man.
Due to continuity error, the criminal in the passenger seat during the car chase scene magically switches from a shotgun and vica versa to what appears to be a Mini Uzi.