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Call of Duty: Black Ops
The following weapons are seen in the upcoming video game Call of Duty: Black Ops:
A M1911A1 can be seen in hands of Black Op´s signature soldier. The M1911A1s have 'Sally' and tally marks engraved on them. It can be dual wielded, and available attachments are suppressor, extended magazine and upgraded iron sights. The finish in singleplayer is standard gunmetal, but the one in multiplayer and Zombie mode is a bright nickel finish.
Colt Python
The Colt Python appears in-game under name "Python". Player can use it to clean Vietcong´s tunnels in one of campaign missions. It has a snub-nose variant for use in multiplayer, which can be purchased, and decreases the amount of visual kick in exchange for less damage. Other available attachments are speed-loaders for your reserve ammo and a small revolver-use scope.
Makarov PM
A Makarov PM is seen in the 'WMD' level shown during GamesCom 2010 and in the new arrived multiplayer 'Wager Match' trailer. It is incorrectly depicted as having the magazine catch behind the trigger guard, allowing the player to drop the magazine with one hand; in fact, the magazine catch is in the heel of the butt and requires the opposite hand to remove.
The CZ-75 pistol is featured in the game, along with its machine pistol variant, the CZ-75 Automatic. Standard magazine capacity is 12 rounds, while extended magazines give 20 rounds a magazine. Other attachments include the aforementioned Automatic conversion kit, high-contrast iron-sights, a suppressor, and dual-wield capability. Anachronistic as production first started in 1975. All dual-wieldable CZ-75's in single player have the extended mags attachment by default, albeit unlisted.
An ASP pistol can be seen in the inventory of the new Create-A-Class. In game Mason uses it in the Cuban levels, as do Cuban police officers, which is strange since the ASP was intended for special forces usage.
Tokarev TT-33
A Tokarev TT-33 is used in conjunction with a flashlight by Reznov while clearing the ship in the "Project Nova" flashback mission. The british troops pull this out while in last stand.
Walther P38
At the end of the World War II flashback level, Steiner waits for the Soviet troops with a Walther P38 drawn, but does not attempt to use it.
Submachine Guns
A MAC-11 with suppressor can be seen in one of the artworks, in the hands of a special forces operative crashing through a glass window. Its appearance is also Anachronistic as it was not developed until 1972.
Heckler & Koch MP5K Prototype
A MP5K Prototype can be seen in of the premiere trailer, in the hands of a soldier with a missile launch facility in the background. Just like few other game weapons is anachronistic. The first MP5k Prototype with wooden foregrip was developed in 1976, although the weapon first appears in a level set in 1964.
It may not be entirely Anachronistic, this weapon could actually be the HK54 as it does bear a few similarities, and the fact the HK54 was developed right around 1964, kind of fits this thought as well.
Sa. Vz.61 Skorpion
An Samopal Vzor 61 "Škorpion" can be seen fired in the new multiplayer 'Wager Match' interview video. It is depicted without its folding stock, but the unlockable Grip attachment adds and folds out the stock.
SITES Spectre M4
A Spectre M4 is one of the available SMGs. Appearance is anachronistic, the gun was not developed until the 1980's
A PM-63 RAK is seen in the Create-A-Class 2.0 inventory and in recently released "Customization" trailer.
A full-size IMI Uzi is seen in the Create-A-Class 2.0 inventory. (NOTE) The Uzi was actually used by S.O.G recon teams during the Vietnam War.
Walther MPL
A Walther MPL is seen in the Create-A-Class 2.0 inventory. It is also a very common weapon in zombie mode, in zombie mode for some reason it carries 24 rounds, not 30.
OTs-02 Kiparis
A Soviet OTs-02 Kiparis with the wire stocks removed can be seen in gameplay footage. The Kiparis is anachronistic (since it was designed in 1976), but appears in the hands of Spetznaz operatives in the campaign and can be dual-wielded by the player.
Player uses it as Reznov in a mission flashing back to the end of World War II, also shown used by Reznov when he is clearing Vietnamese tunnels. Uses 35 round box magazines.
The MP40 is available for the player to use in "Kino der Untoten", a new Nazi Zombie map. It is also used by the Germans in the World War II flashback level.
Carried by British SAS troops in the WWII flashback level and usable by Resnov.
Assault Rifles
An early version of the FAMAS F1 FELIN appears in several levels. The FELIN is an anachronistic weapon for the time period the game is set in (the 1960s) in many ways. Not only was the base weapon not developed until 1978, this specific variant didn't come into existence until the late 1990s.
Unknown Kalashnikov variant
An Unknown AK based gun appears in the game, under the name AK-47, but with a straighter magazine similar to those on AKs chambered for 5.45x39mm or 5.56x45mm. Overall appearance seems close to WASR-2 rifle. In the singleplayer campaign this rifle is used by the soviets and the North Vietnamese Army with a variety of accessories.
The AKS-74U returns from Modern Warfare with the same erroneous name (AK-74u) and the same erroneous designation of sub-machine gun. It is commonly found in game without a stock but the "grip" attachment adds one. Anachronistic to Black Ops, as it was not developed until 1979.
A Galil ARM was first seen in Gamescom 2010, and later in trailers and gameplay footage from leaked copies of the game. It has a 35 round magazine with a medium rate of fire. The standard rear sight for the Galil appears to be the flip-up tritium night sight.
Steyr AUG
The Steyr AUG is seen in both the teaser and premiere trailer, being used only in the levels which are to take place in the Ural Mountains. It has a Swarovski scope, a arctic camo paint and a suppressor in some of the scenes. Strangely it lacks the folding foregrip. (Correction: Only the non-playable character's AUG lacks the foregrip. The Player's is simply folded forward) This is anachronistic, as the level takes place in 1968 but the prototype for the AUG was not patented until 1974 and was not introduced into service until 1977.
Colt Commando
Throughout the game, it appears to have a short barrel like the Colt Model 733 and a flat top. While the weapon is not completely anachronistic since the Rock Island Arsenal did experiment with a weaver-rail mounted AR-10 known as the Model 656, the presence of back up iron sights and holosights on the weapon (as seen in multiplayer) can be considered unrealistic. Early screenshots and footage showed a modeling mistake on the rifle, with the magazine looking as if it were partly falling out, but the final game has it at its proper length. It still possesses an erroneous 30-round capacity, though. Ironically, the proper, curved 30-round mag does appear in game, but only with the Extended Mags attachment, in which case it actually holds more than 30 rounds.
The original M16 can be seen few times in Insight video. It is shown as burst fire in multiplayer, and holding 30 rounds despite the 20 round magazine modeled. Like with the aforementioned Colt Commando, the 30-round mag only appears with the Extended Mags attachment, and actually holds more than its intended capacity in that case. It fires in fully-automatic mode in single player, while in multiplayer it uses the 3 round burst firing mode, which would be anachronistic as the real M16A1 had a fully automatic firing mode (later A2 and A4 models had burst fire). Treyarch developer Josh Olin said that it was "an early prototype".
M14 Rifle
An M14 rifle can be seen in the new multiplayer 'Wager Match' interview video and in the CAC 2.0 inventory. Note that the M14 uses a pistol grip like the M14E2 but maintains its own regular M14 design. It can also be fitted with a grenade launcher.
Heckler & Koch G11
The Heckler & Koch G11 is one of the prototype weapons in the game, and is used by Dr. Daniel Clarke in the level "Numbers". As in real life, it fires in bursts, at very effective speeds. Its appearance is anachronistic, as it was not developed until the 1980's and the game is set in the 1960's.
The FN FAL with wooden furniture was listed as one of the weapons available in class customization. It is seen in the hands of Cuban military and some NVA soldiers in game with wooden furniture and has been seen with a suppressor and ACOG sight.
Enfield XL64
The Enfield XL64 is seen in Create-a-Class footage from the multiplayer reveal. In Singleplayer, Hudson carries a Enfield fitted with a IR scope and a Masterkey under barrel shotgun has part of the Hazmat team when they attack Rebirth Island to capture Doctor Steiner.
Sturmgewehr 44
German troops are armed with Sturmgewehr 44 in the World War II flashback level.
Franchi SPAS-12
The Franchi SPAS-12 is present in the game and it is shown firing the Dragon's Breath incendiary shotgun shells. It should be noted that even though the SPAS-12 is depicted as being used by Vietnamese and American soldiers in 1968, it did not actually enter production until 1979. In contrast to MW2's SPAS, the one featured in Black Ops appears to be semi-auto. Despite this, when it is picked up the player pumps the weapon, even though the charging handle on the right side of it must be pulled back to toggle semi-automatic firing mode. It should also be noted that Dragon's breath is underpowered and not rated for use in semis due to insufficent energy to cycle the action.
Ithaca 37 "Stakeout"
An Ithaca 37 "Stakeout" with a little bit different design, can be seen in some multiplayer gameplay videos. Originally thought to be the full-stocked Trench Gun variant due to insufficient detail, until shots of the world model revealed that it really is the Stakeout.
A KS-23 shotgun/carbine is seen only in the game's single-player mode. It holds more rounds (seven) than it actually does in reality (three in the tube mag, one in the chamber)
Unique version if KS-23 wrapped with rope has to be used to destroy Soviet helicopter.
Over and Under Shotgun
An Over and Under shotgun under the name "Olympia" is first seen during some footage and featured also in singleplayer and zombie mode. The shotgun bears a resemblance to the Beretta 682.
looking though the 1982 annual "Guns & Ammo" magazine I found the Rottweil Olympia Skeet over/under shotgun. -Wantabe_Warrior (please help me correct this post)
High Standard Model 10
A High Standard Model 10 is the last shotgun unlocked, holds 4 rounds and can be dual wielded.
Winchester Model 1887
A Winchester Model 1887 is seen being wielded one handed while riding a motorcycle. It is erroneously depicted as being able to fire two shots before needing to be spin-cocked. Why this was done is unknown.
Machine Guns
The RPK-74 appears early in the single player campaign, in the hands of Cuban soldiers in "Operation 40" (set in 1961). The RPK-74's handguards are ribbed like the later RPK-74M, even though the weapon is ostensibly the earlier model with wooden handguards. Compared to the two other AK-type rifles, the RPK-74 has an artificially long reload animation.
- Could it be an attempt at a Valmet M78, or perhaps a composite of the two. While still not historically accurate, it could explain the relocated sight.
Heckler & Koch HK-11
The magazine-fed HK-11 is in the game under the designation for the belt-fed version, "HK-21". Standard box magazine holds 30 rounds, while the extended drum magazine holds 60 rounds in multiplayer, and 80 in single player. Other attachments include various optics.
-HK-11? Surely you can see the slot for the belt, it's a HK-21 using Box magazines.
Stoner 63
A Stoner 63 was seen in a multiplayer trailer from GamesRadar. No further info available at this time.
GE M134 Minigun
A handheld M134 Minigun is available in multiplayer as a Kill Streak reward and can also be found during the campaign level "Vorkuta", under the name "Death Machine".
This weapon is a modified version of the now-standard Terminator 2-style Minigun with some slight alterations. First the chainsaw grip is offset to the left and the Y-frame and rear grip are tilted to the right so that when the player holds the weapon, it is tilted to the left. Because of this the Y-frame is not actually attached to the recoil adapter assemblies which makes them completely extraneous. Additionally the barrel cluster incorrectly spins clock-wise from the player's perspective and features a custom three-disc barrel clamp rather than the traditional four-disc clamp.
Brass and links eject from the 12 o'clock position sending a stream of shells up and to the left. In reality the links would be ejected from the feeder/delinker where the chute is attached on the right side of the weapon and the brass would eject from the bottom. Likely this was altered for a more cinematic effect while using the gun. Finally the firing mechanism is a thumb switch on top of the rear grip rather than a traditional trigger.
The gun itself is fed from a 999-round (499 rounds in multiplayer) belt loaded into a chute from the first person perspective. In the third person the weapon has no visible ammo or power source. Despite the rotational speed of the barrel cluster (it spins so fast that it appears to be slowly rotating the opposite direction) the weapon only fires about 1000 rounds per minute. There is a slight spin up and spin down of the barrels before and after firing. Though it is only a fraction of a second and doesn't impede gameplay, it is technically incorrect as the M134's action is cycled by barrel rotation and would start firing as soon as the cluster rotated and would continue to fire until the cluster stopped. The XM214 had a feature that would declutch the feeder/delinker during spin down to conserve ammo, but the "Death Machine" is based on the M134, not the XM214, which was developed much later. Realistically the weapon overheats at bursts of just over 100 rounds.
The M60E3 general purpose machine gun, known as "The Pig" during the Vietnam war, is seen in multiplayer footage. It does not appear to have the forward pistol grip. In-game, the M60E3 uses a modern flip-up rear iron sights instead it's own original sights, like some other weapons available in Black Ops. And like many other weapons in "Black Ops", it's appearance during the Vietnam War is anachronistic.
Sniper Rifles
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare can seen in MP footage. Probably highly anachronistic (Accuracy International PM entered British Military service in 1982.) Most definitely not the police variant due to the dark-olive finish on the furniture, known from the magnum variant. The compensator at the end of the barrel suggest it is the L115A1 AWSM, Arctic Warfare Super-Magnum [1]. In game it is called the L96A1
Carcano M91/38
Gun used by Lee Harvey Oswald to assassinate John F. Kennedy, can be seen for a second in a trailer. This is the first of many allusions to JFK's assassination throughout the game's campaign.
SVD Dragunov
A SVD Dragunov is seen in the hands of one of the enemy in the multiplayer teaser trailer.
Walther WA 2000
A Walther WA 2000 is said to be in the 'Victor Charlie' level,[2]which makes it anachronistic, because 'Victor Charlie' takes place on 1968 and gun wasnt manufactured until 1982. Even prototype would be anachronistic, because gun has been designed in late 70s.
Heckler & Koch PSG-1
The Heckler & Koch PSG-1 is seen lying on the ground in one of the multiplayer gameplay videos. Its apperance in the game is Anachronistic as the PSG-1 was not developed until the 1970's
Mosin-Nagant Sniper Rifle
Found during the WW2 Flashback Level, available open sighted as well, (NOTE) Some soldiers and Steiner are seen holding the Nagant and it seems to have a pistol grip.
SA-14 Gremlin
Updated 1974 version of SA-7 Grail, called SA-14 Gremlin (Or original russian name - 9K34 Strela-3 ) can be seen in new "Customization" trailer. Appears with vehicle lock-on capacity only.
Note while its named after SA-14, it seems based on SA-7. But it cant be tell on 100%, because whole gun seems to be incredibly chubby.
RPG-7 can be seen in hands of a Vietcong fighter in reveal trailer.
XM191 is seen used by player in reveal trailer to destroy Vietcong building in the level 'Victor Charlie'. It is also seen in the level 'Numbers'. It is referred as the 'Grim Reaper'.[3]
The M72 LAW appears in the game as a single shot rocket launcher. It is used by Manson to destroy NVA T-55 tanks in Vietnam. In multiplayer the M72 is the firts launcher unlocked by the player and has the capacity to lock-on to vehicles as opposed to his real life counter-part.
China Lake grenade launcher
The China Lake Launcher is one of the prototype weapons in the game and has been confirmed here[4]. Note that this weapon operates like the M79 Grenade Launcher and the Knight's Armament Masterkey attachment in Modern Warfare 2.
Miscellaneous Weapons
The Crossbow is a new weapon that will be featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops. It is speculated to fulfill the role of a quiet, long range weapon. The crossbow appears in the campaign mission "WMD', which is set in the Ural Mountains, 1968. Crossbows can have different types of bolts which it can fire, such as normal bolts and Explosive bolts. The crossbow is a military grade crossbow that can attach a scope, which the player can steady.
A flamethrower of unknown model has been confirmed to be in Call of Duty: Black Ops as found in the "GKnova6 document" which can be found here: [5] The document only refers to it as "Improvised Weaponry" in "Phase 1 Testing" with most of the other information redacted.
Another model appears as an underbarrel attachment.
The image used by [6]
Reference image of Flamethrowers in Call of Duty: World at War, a past Treyarch game that featured flamethrowers. Image from [7]
Emplaced Weapons
The M60 machine gun is seen mounted as a door gun on a Huey gunship, and as a mounted weapon throughout the game.
M134 Minigun
A Huey gunship is seen armed with a M21 armament system that consists of side mounted 70mm rocket pods and twin M134 Miniguns.
Browning M2HB
A Browning M2HB can be seen mounted on M113 APC in Singleplayer mode.
Seen as a part of a SAM turret.[8]
BGM-71 TOW missile
The player is supposed to use a BGM-71 TOW missile launcher mounted on the back of a jeep to fight off Vietnamese armor during the Khe Sahn level. Unlike real TOW missile, this missile is guided by MCLOS (Manual Command to Line of Sight) instead of SACLOS (Semi Automatic Command to Line of Sight) which would be much simpler.
Type 92
The sentry guns in "Kino der Toten" appears to be based on Type 92 Heavy Machine Gun. A double machine gun turret in the level "Victor Charlie" appears to be made of two modified Type 92s. The use icon for that turret reuses the icon for the Type 92 from Call of Duty: World at War.
The MG42 is appeared as an emplaced weapon inside a small bunker at the beginning of the battle in the flashback mission "Nova Project" where we play as Captain Viktor Reznov. The machine gun is first used by a Russian soldier but then can be used by the player.
M18 Smoke Grenade

Mk2 Hand Grenade
M7 Gas Grenade
Seen in Prestige Edition video. Formally known as the Archangel. Looks similar to the Strela-3 missile launcher, but is depicted as a fly-by-wire launcher with a camera in the nose.
M203 grenade launcher
A M203 grenade launcher is seen attached to a AR-15 carbine in the E3 gameplay video and is referred as the 'Grenade Launcher'.
A GP-25can be seen mounted on various guns, including AK based gun or Galil .
Masterkey underbarrel shotgun
The KAC Masterkey is a purchasable attachment for some Assault Rifles in multiplayer, and is seen in-game mounted on the M14 and M16 respectively.
GSN-19 "Kanarejka"
The GSN-19 silent grenade launcher is a unique attachment for the AKS-74U compact carbine. First encountered in single-player at Rebirth Island.
Ray Gun
Like World at War, the "Zombies" game mode once again features the Ray Gun, a powerful sci-fi multi-shot gun that can kill zombies in one shot. Like the Nazi Zombies mode in the previous game, the gun can be only obtainable through the Mystery Box.
The Thundergun is a new addition to the "Zombies" game mode. It's a two-shot cannon-like launcher that fires quite powerful wind blasts that can send multiple zombies flying backwards.
See Also
Call of Duty franchise
- Call of Duty
- Call of Duty: United Offensive
- Call of Duty: Finest Hour
- Call of Duty 2
- Call of Duty 2: Big Red One
- Call of Duty 3
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Nintendo DS Version)
- Call of Duty: World at War
- Call of Duty: World at War: Final Fronts
- Call of Duty: World at War (DS)
- Modern Warfare 2