Work in Progress (19 of 23 episodes completed) - Speakeasy804 21:26, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
Hunter - Season 2 (1985-1986)
The following firearms were used in the second season of the NBC television series Hunter :
Heckler & Koch P9S
During the second season, LAPD Det. Sgt. Rick Hunter (Fred Dryer ) carries a Heckler & Koch P9S with muzzle compensator, also seen during the opening credits.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch P9S - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter holds his H&K P9S on Det. Lt. Lau in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter's H&K P9S during a fight with David Talon in "Killer in a Halloween Mask" (2.05).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter aims his H&K P9S while target shooting at tennis balls in "Rape and Revenge, Pt. 1" (2.06).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter aims his H&K P9S at a tennis ball. Note his extra magazines kept in his belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Angie Chavina (Ada Maris ) holds Hunter's H&K P9S while he lays in bed in "Waiting for Mr. Wrong" (2.10).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter aims his H&K P9S in "Think Blue" (2.11).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter fires his H&K P9S in "Scrap Metal" (2.15).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter with his H&K P9S after a gunfight.
Walther PPK/S
During the second season, LAPD Det. Sgt. Dee Dee McCall (Stepfanie Kramer ) carries a stainless Walther PPK/S with white grips chambered in .380 ACP.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PPK/S stainless - .380 ACP.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall holds her PPK/S on Mongol in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall fires her PPK/S during a gunfight with the Chinese thugs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall lowers her PPK/S after Hunter rushes in on her taking a bath in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03) for the second time in the series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall aims her PPK/S at a suspect in "Burned" (2.14).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall with her PPK/S during a gunfight in "Scrap Metal" (2.15).
Colt Mk IV Series 70
In "Case X" (2.01), pornographer Vincent Cochran (Sam Anderson ) carries a Colt Mk IV Series 70 , which his brother Tony (Leo Rossi ) gets ahold of after a fight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt 1911 Series 70 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vincent holds his 1911 on Tony in "Case X" (2.01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vincent and Tony struggle over the 1911.
In "Case X" (2.01), pornographer Tony Cochran (Leo Rossi ) uses a CZ 70 when he kidnaps McCall.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing CZ 70 Pistol - 32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tony's CZ 70 in his van in "Case X" (2.01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tony grabs his CZ 70 when he hears police sirens.
Ruger Speed Six Snubnose
Hunter (Fred Dryer ) carries a blued Ruger Speed Six snubnose as his off-duty weapon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruger Speed Six with blued finish and 2-inch barrel .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter draws his Ruger on Mongol during a fight in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter holds his Ruger on Mongol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter draws his off-duty Ruger in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter draws his Ruger outside McCall's home in "Rape and Revenge, Pt. 1" (2.06).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter with his Ruger drawn inside McCall's home.
Ruger Security Six
Campo Alto, CA Sheriff Johnson (Don Stroud ) carries a Ruger Security Six as his duty sidearm in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruger Security Six .357 Magnum, .38 Special (note adjustable rear sights). Standard barrel lengths offered were 2.75, 4, and 6 inches.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Johnson draws his Ruger in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Johnson holds up his Ruger as he searches for Hunter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter (Fred Dryer ) holds Johnson's own Ruger on him and his men.
Smith & Wesson Model 19
Mongol (Nathan Jung ) has a Smith & Wesson Model 19 as his main sidearm in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02). In "The Big Fall" (2.09), Fabro (Vic Polizos ) fires a Model 19 at Hunter. Several LAPD uniformed officers use the Smith & Wesson Model 19 . Sgt. Neville Sigerson (William Smith ) carries one in a few scenes of "Think Blue" (2.11) in lieu of his normal Model 10 HB.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 19 Combat Magnum - .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter (Fred Dryer ) holds Mongol's Model 19 in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lau's trunk with two Smith & Wesson revolvers, most likely Model 19s, visible.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fabro runs out of ammunition in his Model 19 in "The Big Fall" (2.09).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sigerson holds onto his Model 19 after wounding Charlie in "Think Blue" (2.11).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sigerson holds onto his Model 19 as he tries to scale a gate.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An officer in "Blow-Up" (2.12) holds his Model 19 on bomber Otto Minsky (Anthony James , known for being one of the hitchhikers in Vanishing Point .
unidentified pistol
One of the Chinese thugs in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02) draws an unidentified compact pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The gunman draws his pistol in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Star 30 M
Another Chinese thug in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02) carries a suppressed Star 30M .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Star 30M - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The thug holds his pistol in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB
McCall (Stepfanie Kramer ) commandeers a Smith & Wesson Model 10 Heavy Barrel when escaping the Chinese gang's headquarters in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02). During the taping of the show-within-a-show Street Heat in "Killer in a Halloween Mask" (2.05), J.J. Hendrix (Stephen Shortridge ) carries a blued Model 10 in his role as Officer Street. The Model 10 HB also appears to be the main sidearm of the uniformed LAPD officers in "Think Blue" (2.11), carried by Sgt. Neville Sigerson (William Smith ) and Officer Charlie Coster (Ramon Bieri ). Hunter (Fred Dryer ) takes one away from Seymour Ryker (Mik One ) in the beginning of "Burned" (2.14) when Ryker runs out of bullets and carries his own as an off-duty weapon in "The Setup" (2.19). One of Nick Bartoni's mobster thugs uses one in the same episode, as does Charlie Whitewood (George McDaniel ). Both Vinnie Brokaw (Frank Campanella ) and his son Marco (Joseph Cortese ) handle Model 10 HBs in the episode "Scrap Metal" (2.15), as do the mobsters they employ. In "Fagin 1986" (2.16), youth gang leader Hector Rivas (Trinidad Silva ) gives one to one of his gang members. Private detective Harry Malone (Rod Arrants ) carries one in "62 Hours of Terror" (2.17). "Puss" Hammond carries one in a shoulder holster in "Death Machine" (2.18), as does Matt (Brett Porter ) the jewel thief. Michael Varn (Jack Colvin ) holds one on Hunter and McCall in "The Setup" (2.19); Gloria Raymark (Sydney Walsh ) fires one at Hunter in the same episode.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB (heavy barrel) revolver (Post 1950s Model) - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall holds her Model 10 as she hides with Lau and his daughter in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hendrix with his Model 10 in "Killer in a Halloween Mask" (2.05).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hendrix aims his Model 10 on the set of Street Heat .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sigerson holds his Model 10 on Hunter in "Think Blue" (2.11).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sigerson laughs as he holds his Model 10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Charlie aims his Model 10 at Sigerson.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The security guard in "War Zone" (2.13) draws his S&W Model 10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Charlie Whitewood aims a Model 10 at Hunter in "Burned" (2.14).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marco picks up Vinnie's Model 10 in "Scrap Metal" (2.15).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Model 10 clicks in Marco's hand; he didn't know Hunter had just unloaded it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Model 10 falls at Marco's feet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A liquor store clerk in "Fagin 1986" (2.16) fires his Model 10 at the youth gang.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hector Rivas hands a Model 10 to a youth gang member.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A young gang member with his Model 10 inside the Morales home.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Malone aims at Hunter in "62 Hours of Terror" (2.17).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Matt waves his Model 10 around during the robbery in "Death Machine" (2.18).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter aims his Model 10 in "The Setup" (2.19).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter's dropped Model 10.
Colt Detective Special (1st Generation)
Raymond Bellamy (Stuart Whitman ) carries a blued first generation Colt Detective Special in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03). Cynthia Flagg (Dorian Lopinto ) keeps one in her purse in "Rich Girl" (2.04).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Detective Special 1st Gen - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bellamy holds his Colt DS on McCall in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cynthia fires her Colt DS in "Rich Girl" (2.04).
Heckler & Koch P7M8
David Talon (Gary Graham ) carries a Heckler & Koch P7M8 in "Killer in a Halloween Mask" (2.05).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing H&K P7M8 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Talon approaches his locker with his P7M8 drawn in "Killer in a Halloween Mask" (2.05).
Walther PP
In a continuity error, McCall's (Stepfanie Kramer ) PPK/S becomes a long-barreled nickel Walther PP when she apprehends David Talon in "Killer in a Halloween Mask" (2.05). It becomes her usual PPK/S in the next shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PP Pistol in nickel finish - 32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall attempts to arrest David Talon in "Killer in a Halloween Mask" (2.05).
Colt Detective Special (3rd Generation)
Raoul Mariano (Richard Yniguez ), cultural attache to the fictional South American nation of Curaguay, carries a nickel third generation Colt Detective Special in "Rape and Revenge" (2.06-2.07).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Detective Special Nickel 3rd Gen - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mariano gets his Colt DS from inside his desk.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mariano fires a shot at Hunter, wounding him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter (Fred Dryer ) puts Mariano's Colt DS on a barrel, giving him a fair chance to fight him.
Detonics ScoreMaster
When Hunter (Fred Dryer ) goes to Curaguay to hunt Raoul Mariano in "Rape and Revenge" (2.06-2.07), he is sold a Detonics ScoreMaster from an illegal arms dealer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Detonics ScoreMaster - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter checks the magazine of the Detonics ScoreMaster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter test-fires the Detonics Scoremaster before purchasing it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter cleans his new Detonics ScoreMaster in his hotel room.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter holds his Detonics ScoreMaster on Raoul.
Smith & Wesson Model 36 Blued
While guarding Fabro in "The Big Fall" (2.09), Hunter (Fred Dryer ), Det. Gary Krewson (Jonathan Banks ), and Det. Longmire (Mills Watson ) all carry a Smith & Wesson Model 36 . Hunter also uses it as his primary weapon in "Burned" (2.14), identifying it as a ".38". Umberto (Richard Coca ) is given a Model 36 Snub by gang leader Hector Rivas (Trinidad Silva ) in "Fagin 1986" (2.16). Willem Sunderson (Robert O'Reilly ) holds a Model 36 on Hunter and McCall in "The Setup" (2.19).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith and Wesson Model 36 - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter holds his Model 36 on Fabro after the latter reveals himself in "The Big Fall" (2.09).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter stands in the hallway with a Model 36 as McCall calms down a situation.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Longmire aims his Model 36 at Krewson.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Krewson draws his Model 36 during a hotel room shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter holds his Model 36 outside Bartoni's home in "Burned" (2.14)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter aims his Model 36 at Bartoni.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Arlene Whitewood (Victoria Bass ) holds Hunter's Model 36 on him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter goes undercover as a punker in "Death Machine" (2.18).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter's Model 36 bounces away from him during a fight in "Death Machine" (2.18).
Smith & Wesson Model 60
Angie Chavina (Ada Maris ) fires a snubnose Smith & Wesson Model 60 in "Waiting for Mr. Wrong" (2.10).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 60 - .38 Special / .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Angie aims her S&W Model 60 in "Waiting for Mr. Wrong" (2.10).
Smith & Wesson Model 36 Nickel
Lt. Ambrose Finn (John Shearin ) has two nickel Smith & Wesson Model 36 snubnose revolvers holstered near his red suspenders.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 60, stainless variant of the Model 36 - .38 Special.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lt. Finn's nickel Model 36s on his belt in "Blow-Up" (2.12).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Finn aims one of his Model 36 revolvers in "The Setup" (2.19).
Colt Python
A uniformed LAPD officer in "War Zone" (2.13) carries a blued Colt Python while the others carry S&W Model 10 HBs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Python with 4" Barrel and factory wood grips - .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The officer in "War Zone" (2.13) aims his Python at the airplane.
Beretta 92SB-C
A compact version of the Beretta 92 , the Beretta 92SB-C is the main sidearm of mobster Marco Brokaw (Joseph Cortese ) in "Scrap Metal" (2.15).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92SB-C 9x19mm, compact model of the 92SB.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marco loads his Beretta as he talks on the phone in "Scrap Metal" (2.15).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marco aims his Beretta at his father Vinnie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marco intimidates Vinnie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Evidently, Marco keeps his Beretta in his desk drawer with the magazine partially loaded. He pulls out the pistol and pushes the partially-inserted magazine back in before going out to face Hunter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph Cortese sticks his tongue out while firing a couple rounds at Hunter.
Smith & Wesson Model 66 Snub
Hector Rivas (Trinidad Silva ) gives a Smith & Wesson Model 66 with a 3" barrel to Miguel Morales (Philip Gordon ), one of the members of the youth gang he creates in "Fagin 1986" (2.16). When Miguel is shot, Umberto Sandoval (Richard Coca ) picks up the Model 66 and uses it to kill the liquor store clerk.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 66 Snub with 2" barrel - .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hector unwraps a Model 66 in the opening shot of "Fagin 1986" (2.16).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hector hands the Model 66 to Miguel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Miguel holds the Model 66 during the liquor store robbery.
Smith & Wesson Model 29
Hector Rivas (Trinidad Silva ) uses a Smith & Wesson Model 29 during a gunfight with Hunter at the finale of "Fagin 1986" (2.16).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 29 - .44 Magnum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hector aims his Model 29 at Hunter in "Fagin 1986" (2.16)
Rohm RG-24
Willem Sunderson (Robert O'Reilly ) shoots Niki Richmond (Regina Richardson ) at the beginning of "The Setup" (2.19) with a suppressed Rohm RG-24 revolver, which Hunter later describes as a silenced .22.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Willem shoots Niki in "The Setup" (2.19).
Submachine Guns
Madsen M50
Many of the Chinese and Vietnamese thugs in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02) carry Madsen M50 submachine guns, with McCall (Stepfanie Kramer ) grabbing one for the final gunfight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Madsen M50 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Mr. Nim's guards with a Madsen M50 in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chang's thugs fire at Hunter and McCall.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Chang's men with his Madsen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The henchman walks with his Madsen before Hunter shoots him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall fires a Madsen M50 in the final gunfight.
Another weapon commonly wielded by the Chinese thugs in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02) is the Uzi . In the same episode, Det. Lt. Raymond Lau (Clyde Kusatsu ) takes an Uzi from his trunk to face off against the Chinese for kidnapping his daughter, handing it off to McCall (Stepfanie Kramer ) when making sure his daughter is safe.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Uzi 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Chang's thugs with an Uzi in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lau's trunk. Lau reaches for the Uzi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mongol (Nathan Jung ) fires his Uzi.
Sterling SMG
Campo Alto, CA Sheriff Johnson (Don Stroud ) uses a Sterling SMG to carry out an assassination in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03). The sound of the weapon is suppressed despite no suppressor attached and the weapon is described as "a kind of gun gangsters use".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sterling Mk. IV Submachine Gun - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Johnson with his Sterling in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Johnson's Sterling.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
Carlos Moreno (Fernando Allende ) carries a Heckler & Koch MP5A3 during the jewelry store robbery in "Waiting for Mr. Wrong" (2.10).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with original "slimline" forearm - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Moreno walks through the store with the H&K MP5A3 in "Waiting for Mr. Wrong" (2.10).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Moreno threatens a store manager.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Moreno calmly shoots a jewelry store patron.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Moreno greets Angie with his H&K MP5A3 in hand.
One of Zajak's mercenaries in "War Zone" (2.13) carries a MAC-10 during the medical warehouse raid and the prison bust. An officer identifies the mercenaries to McCall as wearing "jungle garb" and carrying "Uzis".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ingram MAC-10 open bolt submachine gun - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A mercenary lowers his MAC-10 when the guard discovers them in "War Zone" (2.13).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A MAC-10 sits on an airplane seat to McCall's left when she checks Zajak's plane.
One of Marco Brokaw's thugs fires a TEC-9 at Hunter and Alicia several times during the episode "Scrap Metal" (2.15). As the TEC-9 production began in 1985, this would have been a very new weapon on the market by the time this episode was broadcast on February 1, 1986.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Intratec TEC-9 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The mobster, whom McCall later chides for his poor aim, fires at Hunter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The mobster surrenders his TEC-9 after a gunfight.
One of Nim's Vietnamese henchmen carries an M16 variant in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16 aka SP1 (flat "slab side receiver") with an A1 "birdcage" Flash hider, used to imitate the M16A1 in many Vietnam era movies. This version has a 20 round magazine - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The henchman is visible behind Nim and McCall in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lau's trunk. He has an M16 next to the megaphone.
Remington Model 30
A bolt-action Remington Model 30 is visible in Det. Lt. Lau's trunk in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington Model 30 Rifle
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lau's trunk, with the Model 30 towards the left side in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Winchester Model 100
Bellamy (Stuart Whitman ) is given a semi-automatic rifle, possibly a Winchester Model 100 , by Johnson (Don Stroud ) in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03). It is later used by McCall (Stepfanie Kramer ) to help Hunter catch Johnson.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Johnson hands the rifle to Bellamy in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall fires the rifle (from the hip !!)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall manages to score several accurate shots.
Winchester Model 70
Campo Alto Sheriff Johnson (Don Stroud ) fires a Winchester Model 70 back at Hunter and McCall when he sets up the trap to capture Hunter in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pre-1964 Winchester Model 70 - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Johnson holds his rifle in "The Biggest Man in Town" (2.03).
In "Rape and Revenge, Pt. 2" (2.07), the soldiers in the fictional South American nation of Curaguay carry AKM rifles, one of which is commandeered by Rick Hunter (Fred Dryer ), who uses it to fire back at the soldiers. Sonny Zajak (Vernon Wells ) and his crew carry AKMs when raiding the medical warehouse in "War Zone" (2.13).
The weapon that gets dropped out of the helicopter is a replica of an AK-47, either a model gun or an airsoft weapon. They would never drop a real rifle out of a helicopter. -MT2008
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKM, Stamped Steel Receiver w/ slant muzzle brake 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Curaguay soldiers at a roadblock prepare to fire at Hunter and McCall.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Curaguay soldiers fire at Hunter and McCall with an AKM and a 1911A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter and McCall ask "Iggy" how to get to the airstrip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter with his AKM.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter fires at the Curaguay soldiers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Col. Borgia (Sam Vlahos ) fires at Hunter and McCall.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter drops his AKM out of the helicopter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The AKM lands on the ground as Hunter flies out of Curaguay.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sonny Zajak with his AKM in "War Zone" (2.13).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Zajak's men fires his AKM.
unidentified assault carbine
All of Varn's henchmen, including Willem (Robert O'Reilly ) and the chauffeur (J.D. Hall ) in "The Setup" (2.19) fire at the police with assault carbines, some with folding stocks and some with fixed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Varn's chauffeur fires his assault carbine in "The Setup" (2.19).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Willem fires his rifle at McCall and Hunter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Armed henchmen run from Varn's house.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A henchman is shot by McCall.
Machine Guns
Despite telling his followers that a real man doesn't need an "Uzi or even a Sterling", Sonny Zajak (Vernon Wells ) carries an M60 machine gun during "War Zone" (2.13).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M60 machine gun with bipod folded - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Zajak fires his M60 at Le Claire (Billy Drago ) in "War Zone" (2.13).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Zajak holds his M60 as the airplane is loaded up after the prison bust.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Zajak fires his M60 at Hunter's car as it approaches him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The muzzle of Zajak's M60 as it fires.
Franchi SPAS-12
Hunter (Fred Dryer ) keeps a Franchi SPAS-12 in his car, pulling it out several times during the course of the show.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Franchi SPAS-12 12-gauge with optional screw-on choke
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter aims his Franchi SPAS-12 in "Case X" (2.01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lau's trunk. A Franchi, used later by Hunter, is seen next to the Uzi Lau is grabbing in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter with his Franchi and Lau with his Uzi as they search for the Chinese gangsters holding McCall hostage.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hunter fires his Franchi SPAS-12 at a henchman.
Remington 870 Sawed Off
In "Million Dollar Misunderstanding" (2.08), armored truck robber Sonny Dunbar (Robert Davi ) carries a Remington 870 with the barrel sawed down and the stock sawed off with a shoulder sling as his primary weapon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 with sawed off barrel and stock - 12 Gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sonny with his Remington during the opening armored truck heist in "Million Dollar Misunderstanding" (2.08).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The sawed off stock of Sonny's Remington 870.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sonny pumps a round into his Remington 870.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sonny fires his Remington 870.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sonny conceals his shotgun under his coat when Hunter and McCall pay him a visit.
Mossberg 500 AT
Some of the uniformed LAPD officers in "Think Blue" (2.11) have Mossberg 500 AT shotguns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mossberg 500AT Shotgun - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An officer holds his Mossberg on McCall in "Think Blue" (2.11).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The officer grips his Mossberg.
Remington 870 Folding Stock
McCall (Stepfanie Kramer ) uses a Remington 870 Folding Stock as her main weapon during the climax of "War Zone" (2.13).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 Police Magnum with stock folded - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall prepares to aim the shotgun out the car window in "War Zone" (2.13).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall aims at Zajak's airplane.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McCall fires at the plane multiple times, disabling it.
High Standard Flite King
Los Angeles County deputy sheriffs fire High Standard Flite King Shotgun Series shotguns in "The Setup" (2.19).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A deputy fires his shotgun in "The Setup" (2.19).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another deputy fires his shotgun.
Federal Model 201-Z Gas Riot Gun
Lau has a Federal Gas Riot Gun in his trunk in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02). One of Zajak's mercenaries uses a 201-Z to fire tear gas canisters at the ambulance and police cars in "War Zone" (2.13).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Federal M201-Z - 37mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lau's trunk with the gas gun seen to the far right in "Night of the Dragons" (2.02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A mercenary fires a Federal 201-Z in "War Zone" (2.13).
Acid Pistol
David Talon (Gary Graham ) carries an acid-squirting pistol as his maiming weapon in "Killer in a Halloween Mask" (2.05).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Talon unplugs Hendrix's phone in "Killer in a Halloween Mask" (2.05).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Talon aims his acid gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Talon puts his hands up.