Death Sentence is the 2007 thriller starring Kevin Bacon as a man pushed over the edge when his family is brutally attacked by a vicious gang. The film was directed by James Wan (Saw) and was based on the novel of the same name by Brian Garfield, who wrote it as a sequel to his book Death Wish, which was made into the 1974 Charles Bronson film.
The following weapons were used in the film Death Sentence:
Nick Hume (Kevin Bacon) chooses a double-barrel .12 gauge Rossi Overland shotgun as his primary weapon in his mission against Darley's gang for revenge. The Rossi Overland is typically seen with 20 inch barrels, this is the 26 inch barrel variant.
A couple of 12 Gauge Mossberg 500 Persuader shotguns can be seen in the hands of Billy Darley (Garrett Hedlund) and another gang member in the murder scene at the gas station, it is used by Billy to blow away the clerk when he goes for his .38 Smith & Wesson Model 64 revolver. It can also be seen in the hands of Jamie (Dennis Keiffer) in the battle inside "the office".
A sawed-off pistol gripped Remington 870 shotgun can be seen in the raid on the Hume residence in the hands of Baggy (Kanin J. Howell) and again in the scene at "The Office" near the end shortly before Nick kills him with his Rossi Overland shotgun.
Nick Hume (Kevin Bacon) decides on an M1911A1 pistol as his main sidearm after purchasing it from Bones (John Goodman). An M1911A1 can also be seen in the hands of the gang member known as Tommy (Freddy Bouciegues) who fires it multiple times at Nick before being killed in the parking garage scene with the M1911A1.
Nick Hume (Kevin Bacon) opts for a .357 Magnum Colt Python revolver with the 6 inch barrel and nickel finish as one of the two handguns he buys. He uses it to execute Billy Darley & Hecto.
Bones Darley (John Goodman) recommends that Nick Hume (Kevin Bacon) consider the Desert Eagle for his vigilante needs. He refers to the Desert Eagle as the "sword of justice" and the "king of mayhem." Nick opts for a .357 magnum Colt Python revolver, an M1911A1 and a long 12-gauge Rossi Overland shotgun instead.
A Smith & Wesson 3000 Shotgun is seen in the hands of one of the gang members during the gas station scene & during the raid on the Hume residence & in the shootout at "the Office.
Bodie (Edi Gathegi) is armed with a 9mm Sig Sauer P226 throughout much of the film, specifically near the end during the shoot-out in "The Office". The P226 can also be seen on Heco's (Hector Atreyu Ruiz) coffee table when Nick (Kevin Bacon) busts in & prevents him from accessing it however with a blast from his Rossi Overland shotgun to the table.
Detective Wallis (Aisha Tyler) carries a .40 Glock 27 pistol as her sidearm throughout the film, it can be seen out of the holster and in her hand as she approaches the Hume residence near the end of the film.
Spink (Leigh Whannell) can be seen pulling a .45 MAC-10 off the dash of his parked van upon noticing Nick Hume speeding toward the van in the Plymouth duster. He has no time to get off a shot however. It can also be seen on the wall of Bones' safe when Mr. Hume is buying weapons from him.
A two-tone Glock 19 with the slide chromed can be seen on the inside wall of Bones' gun vault in the scene where Nick Hume goes to buy weapons. It was the sidearm of the Colombia Police Department.
The clerk at the gas station scene sttempts to reach for his .38 Smith & Wesson Model 64 snubnose revolver that he kept behind the counter before Billy kills him with his .12 gauge Mossberg 500 Persuader shotgun.
Cobray Street Sweeper
A Cobray Street Sweeper can be seen on the rack inside of Bones' gun vault in the scene where Nick Hume goes to buy weapons.
A folding stock equipped UZI knock-off can be seen on the rack on the door inside of Bones' gun vault in the scene where Nick Hume goes to buy weapons.