Proof of Life is a 2000 film about a construction contractor (David Morse ) trying to build a dam in a South American country. He is kidnapped by the country's left-wing insurgency, known as the ELT, after which his wife (Meg Ryan ) hires a private security contractor (Russell Crowe ) to rescue him.
Remington 870
Seen being used by an ELT member.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot Shotgun - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A ELT member searches for his friend, Remington 870 in tow.
1911 variants
Error creating thumbnail: File missing World War 2 issued Colt M1911A1 Pistol - .45 ACP.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Seen in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Seen in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Seen in holster.
AK Varients
Seen in the hands of ELT members. Just about every varient is seen, but i listed the two that are the most common.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKM, Stamped Steel Receiver w/ slant muzzle brake 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Norinco Type 56 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ELT members take civilians hostage.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alex returns a signal shot to his approaching comrades.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Juanco threatens Peter (David Morse) with his AKM.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A medic looks at Alex's injured foot after Juanco stupidly fires into the ground, hitting Alex's foot.
Seen in the hands of Chechen rebels and several ELT members. Exept the Russian Army soldiers, they holding polish submichineguns Kbk. wz. 88 Onyks (Chechen part was filmed in Poland)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKS-74U 5.45x39mm
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Briefly seen being used by an ELT member during the ambush.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Armalite AR-18 with 30 round magazine 5.56mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Benelli M2
Dino (David Caruso ) scares away the extremely useless K&R guys with his Benelli M2 and then walks patrol with it. The weapon is later seen at his hideout on a gun rack along with a Heckler & Koch G36K and a Steyr Scout .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Benelli M2 Super 90 in tactical pistol grip configuration - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Beretta M92FS
Used by Mr. Fernandez until it is literally pulled out of his hands by Terry.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92FS - 9mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Terry's (Russell Crowe ) personal sidearm is a Colt Commander . He pulls it on Mr. Fernandez's group and later gives it to Peter (David Morse ) during the rescue. There must have been two different weapons used, because when he first pulls it, adjustable sights are seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Combat Commander - .45 ACP.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Terry turns the safety off after Peter tries to shoot an ELT member.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter shoots Juanco dead with 5 .45 ACP rounds to the chest.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Terry pulls his Colt Commander on Mr. Fernandez's cronie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Terry loads a single-stack magazine into his Colt Commander.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The pistol is again seen in a shoulder holster on Terry's vest.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter points the pistol at Terry, but he was trying to shoot an ELT member giving chase, but the safety was on, so the gun didn't fire.
M18 Claymore
M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel mine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A few Claymores and M67 and grenades are seen when the team is loading up at Dino's hideout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Terry sets up a Claymore...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and sets up the clacker.
M67 Fragmenation Grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M67 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Junaco is seen taking Peter from his car, with two M67 grenades strapped to his web gear.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A M67 mid-air after Junaco throws it at Terry.
DShK Heavy Machine Gun
A DShK is seen being used by Chechen rebels in the opening credits scene. It looks like a real DShK and not a M2 mock-up.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing DShK heavy machine gun 12.7x109mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Heckler & Koch G36K
Seen being held by a team member (downtown 2 i think), asking if they should bring it. One is also seen on the gun rack with the Benelli M2 Super 90 and a Steyr Scout .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch G36K - 5.56mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "G36...but it's a British kit."
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The G36K is seen far left.
IMI Galil
Seen being used by ELT members throughout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The IMI Galil 7.62x51mm Variant. Note the thicker, straight box magazine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Glock 17
Wielded, but never fired by a Fernandez cronie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Generation 2 Glock 17 in 9mm. This model added finger stepping and cuts to the backstrap of the frame to make it easier to hold than the Generation 1 model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Smith & Wesson Model 586
Also used by a Fernandez cronie.
It's stainless, making it a 686. - Gunmaster45
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 586 - .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
RGD-5 Hand Grenade
Seen on a table at Dino's place when the team was loading up.
RGD-5 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Used by several ELT members throughout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN FAL 50.00 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
M4 with M203 underbarrel grenade launcher
Used by Uptown 2 during the rescue, then Dino when Downtown 3 is injured and he goes to find him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M4A1 carbine 5.56mm with M203 grenade launcher 40mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "Downtown 2, what the fuck was that?"
Used by everyone, except downtown 3 during the rescue.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M4A1 Carbine with 4 position collapsible stock 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dino moves into position with his M4A1 in-tow.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Terry moves into position with his M4A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Downtown 2 surveys the area with his M4A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing My only complaint...everyone has the "night" sight open, not the smaller rear sight which is used during the day, as it catches the most light.
It is not a "Night" site, it is in fact an 0-2 site. 0-2 standing for 0 to 200 meters and is use to quickly obtain sight alignment in close engagements. -Just your friendly neighborhood Marine
CAR-15 varients
Used in bulk by the ELT. Maybe they got a group discount.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Model 654 - a Model 653 designed for export - 14.5" barrel and no forward Assist - 5.56mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An ELT member yells at Peter to get out of his car.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He runs up just before the above picture.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Juanco with his CAR-15.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Juanco throws a M67 under a police vehicle, then flees with his CAR-15.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guy in the center is holding a CAR-15. 10 points for holding it correctly.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sitting on the table, far left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A1 with 30 Round magazine - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A gurellia fighter holds his M16A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Used by a few ELT members. They all have shell deflectors and foreward assists, making them 'A2s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A2 Rifle - 5.56mm. Select Fire rifle (Safe/Semi/3 round Burst Only).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Government soldier with his M16A2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ELT guy...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...this guy too...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...yep, him too.
M249 SAW Para
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M249 SAW 5.56mm paratrooper version with 200 round ammo drum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The SAW's front sight is seen to the right of Peter's head.
M16A1 with M203 underbarrel grenade launcher
Seen so briefly, it isnt funny.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A1 5.56mm with M203 grenade launcher 40mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
M72A2 L.A.W.
Used by a few ELt members during the rescue.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M72A2 LAW 66mm
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Again, seen very very very briefly.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Model 733 SMG - 5.56mm NATO.
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FN Minimi
An FN Minimi is seen used by Downtown 3, fitted with an M249-style heat shield. He uses it so well, i think that Downtown 3 is the military advisor and/or an armorour.
He was actually part of the security team for the shoot; the director liked his look and put him in the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Minimi with 200-round ammo drum 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Downtown 3 gets to know the FN Minimi before the mission.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He also rack the slide to test the springs. Good man.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Downtown 3 walks into position...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...then crawls...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and finally sets up the weapon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing We then get a really cool down-the-sights view of the weapon as he looks for targets.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He fires, mowing down 10-12 ELT baddies by himself.
Seen in the hands of a few ELT members.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RPK light machine gun 7.62x39mm with 40-round box magazine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Used by a Chechen rebel in the beginning.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RPG-7 70mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
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Dragunov SVD
Being held by a Russian soldier on the tank.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SVD Dragunov sniper rifle - 7.6x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Steyr Scout
Seen on the gun rack, far right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Unknown Pistol
Seen in a holster of a crooked police/ELT member.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Uzi 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Used by a few ELT members.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN FNC 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Not is the FNC. Is the spanish CETME LC
Tactical Map
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
I just had to mention this map, because it is so realistic. It is the exactly what a team of Special Operations Forces would use when assaulting a camp.