The following guns were used in the film The Tournament :
The Tournament (2009)
Remington 870 12-gauge
Miles Slater uses a pistol gripped Remington 870 shotgun during the Strip club massacre. A similar weapon is used by Yuri Petrov (Scott Adkins ) during the fight at the church were it is later picked up by Father MacAvoy (Robert Carlyle ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 12-gauge with sawed-off barrel and stock.
File:The-tournament-movie-4.jpg Ian Somerhalder is Miles "the crazy" Slater.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Father MacAvoy with Petrov's Shotgun
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lai Lai Zhen (Kelly Hu ) disarms Father MacAvoy
Taurus Model 44
Joshua Harlow (Ving Rhames ) uses a Taurus Model 44 as his primary weapon throughout the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Taurus Model 44 .44 Magnum with 6" barrel. The weapon in the film is a blued, 4 barrel model.
Ving Rhames is Joshua Harlow.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joshua Harlo loads his model 44. Note the large rounds and six-shot cylinder indicating the weapon is the Model 44 and not the Seven-shot .357 magnum Model 66 as previously identified.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harlow removes his revolver from its case
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harlow contemplates suicied with his revolver
Arsenal AR
Similar to the weapons used in Universal Soldier: Regeneration and Echelon Conspiracy Asaf Sadique uses a Bulgarian Arsenal AR which has been mocked up to resemble an M-16 . The use of these mock ups is becoming more prevalent as more movies are filmed in the eastern bloc and, as in this film's case, most of the budget is spent on the actors.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Arsenal AR - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bashar Rahal is Asaf.
Walther P99
A silenced Walther P99 is used by Lai Lai Zhen (Kelly Hu ) when she's in the Hotel. She used the P99 without a silencer, when she killed Lina Sophia (the girl who tried to hit her with a car), and also during her fight against Anton Bogart.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P99 - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lai Lai Zhen pointing her Walther P99 at Joshua's Wife
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P99 with suppressor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Close up of Lai Lai Zhen's Walther P99 in its case
Steyr SSG 69
Anton Bogart (Sebastien Foucan the acrobatic bomb maker from Casino Royale , and the founder of parcour along with David Belle ) uses a Steyr SSG 69 (not a Remington 700 ) that he commandeers from another assassin to hit his first target in one of the first on screen kills of the movie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steyr SSG 69 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Anton Bogart on the roof after taking the rifle from the slain female assassin
Mini Uzi
The Mini Uzi used by a guy in the pub's massacre scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mini Uzi SMG with stock folded - 9x19mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Assassin with Mini Uzi.
FN Browning
The gun used by an assassin during the montage of fallen competitors.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Browning Hi-Power Nickel plated - 9mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Assassin with FN Browning with golden details.
Carl 'Longshot' Topuzov uses an M72 LAW to kill an assassin in a trailer and to attempt to kill Lai Lai Zhen and Father MacAvoy.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M72A2 LAW - 66mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Topuzov with the M72.
Compact Berretta 92
Harlow kills an assassin at the end of the firs tournament at the films beginning with a compact Berretta pistol. It is unknown whether it is the Berretta 92FS compact or the Berretta Centurion.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harlow prepares to execute an assassin with his compact Berretta
Sawn-off Double Barrel Shotgun
An assassin attempts to shoot Father MacAvoy, thinking he is one of the competitors, with a hammerless sawn-off double barrel shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington Spartan Sawed Off shotgun - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Beretta 92FS
Beretta 92FS pistols are commonly used by the competitors in the film. Miles Slade uses a 92FS to shoot a stray dog, the female assassin who attempts to run over Lai Lai Zhen and Father MacAvoy attempts to use one on the Father when he tries to help her out of her overturned car, and many of the assassins in the fight at the Strip club are armed with Beretta pistols.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92F - 9x19mm. The cosmetic differences are very slight and hard to see. Most of the changes are the inner workings of the gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Miles Slade aims his Beretta at a dog
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Female assassin reaches for her pistol as Father MacAvoy comes to assist her
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The assassin points her Beretta at the Father
Unknown Pistol
During the fight at the Church, Yuri Petrov draws an unknown pistol on Lai Lai Zhen who quickly disarms him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A blurry image of Petrov's pistol after Lai Lai Zhen knocks it to the floor
Heckler & Koch MP5
Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine guns can be seen in the hands of an assassin disguised as a police officer who threatens Lai Lai Zhen and Father MacAvoy and being used by an assassin during the montage of competitors being killed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with "tropical" (wide) forearm - 9x19mm with stock extended
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A disguised assassin with his MP5 just as a sniper's bullet enters his head.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A random assassin firing his MP5 during a montage scene.
Browning BDA
A pair of Browning BDA pistols are used by Anton Bogart (Sebastien Foucan ) during his attacks on Lai Lai Zhen and Father MacAvoy.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning BDA 9x19mm, 9x21mm IMI
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bogart chases Lai Lai Zhen while firing his BDA's
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of Bogart's pistols as he lays on the ground
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Unknown Submachine gun
An unidentified Submachine gun is used by an assassin during the Strip Club massacre scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Walther PPK
A suppressed Walther PPK is used by an assassin attempting to kill Harlow in a parking garage.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PPK .380 fitted with a sound suppressor. (black grips)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Glock 17
During a montage of assassins being killed, an unseen assassin can be viewed firing a supressed Glock 17 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Generation 3 Glock 17 9x19mm. Note the finger grooves, thumb reliefs, and accessory rail on the frame, which differentiate it from the older model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A suppressed glock is fired during the montage scene.
Duing the Strip Bar massacre, an assassin can be seen wildly firing a Kalashnikov rifle with the stock either folded or removed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An assassin with an Unknown Kalashnikov
RGD-5 Hand Grenade
During the fight at the Church, Yuri Petrov uses several RGD-5 grenades to attempt to kill Lai Lai Zhen (Kelly Hu ).
RGD-5 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An RGD-5 about to explode on the Church floor