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Brother 2 (Brat 2)
Brother 2 (Brat 2) (2000) is a Russian film.
It is the sequel to the groundbreaking 1997 post-Soviet crime film Brother. The story takes place about a year after the events that occurred in the first film.
Having arrived to Moscow, Danila meets his comrades in war and together they participate in shooting of the telecast devoted to heroes of the Chechen war. After transfer Danila's friend Konstantin informs on the problem which has arisen at his twin-brother Dmitry, sportsman-hockey NHL player — dishonest American businessman Manis by means of the enslaving contract takes away all money which Dmitry earns. Konstantin says that will ask his boss (the head of the bank) Belkin to talk with the American. After a meeting with Belkin Konstantin was killed by Belkin's excessively zealous assistants, having misinterpreted his instructions «simply sort out the problem with Konstantin». In the meantime Victor, Danila's elder brother, comes to Moscow. Danila decides to revenge for death of his friend and asks Victor to help him. Carrying out last will of Konstantin, they go to America to punish the American and to return money to Konstantin's brother.
The following guns were used in this film:
1st Danila's gun in the movie was MP40. He got it from russian arms dealer nicknamed the Fascist.
Danila used this sound suppressed submachine gun to fire the gangsters watching for him at the
entrance of Irina's house.
Other weapons offered by the Fascist:
PPSh-41 offered by Fascist.
Quote the Fascist: "The gun is heavy, reliable, lethal".
Degtyaryov - 28 light machine gun (Ручной пулемёт Дегтярёвa Пехотный)
DP - 28 light machine gun offered by Fascist. It is the model of 1928. DP was a light machine gun firing the 7.62x54mmR cartridge that was used by the Soviet Union starting in 1928. It was cheap and easy to manufacture - early models had fewer than 80 parts and could be built by unskilled labour. The DP was especially able to withstand dirt. In tests it was buried in sand and mud and was still capable of firing more than 500 rounds. The DP's main drawback was its bipod; it could not withstand much abuse and broke easily. Also, the magazine, which was a pan with 47 rounds that fed in from the top, was relatively small and continuous fire for long periods could not be relied on as much as contemporary belt fed weapons. It took some time to load a new magazine onto the weapon, and each magazine took a much longer time to load with ammunition. However, the DP's lower cyclic rate of fire meant a reduced risk of the barrel overheating. Nicknamed the "Record player", the DP had a reputation as an effective light support weapon. The DP machine gun was supplemented in the 1950s by the more modern RPD machine gun and entirely replaced in Soviet service by the general purpose PK machine gun in the 1960s.
( ДП (Дегтярёва Пехотный, индекс ГАУ — 56-Р-321) — ручной пулемёт, разработанный В. А. Дегтярёвым и принятый на вооружение РККА в 1927 году . ДП стал одним из первых образцов стрелкового оружия, созданных в СССР. Пулемёт оказался довольно удачным и надёжным[источник не указан 288 дней], и в качестве основного оружия огневой поддержки пехоты звена взвод — рота массово использовался вплоть до конца Великой Отечественной войны. Трофейные образцы ДП в вермахте использовали под обозначением «7,62mm leichte Maschinengewehr 120(r)».
По окончании войны пулемёт ДП и его модернизированный вариант ДПМ, созданный по опыту боевых действий в 1943 — 44 годах, были сняты с вооружения Советской Армии и широко поставлялись дружественным СССР странам. Применялся в Корее, Вьетнаме и других странах. На основе опыта, приобретённого во Второй мировой, стало ясно, что пехоте необходимы единые пулемёты, сочетающие повышенную огневую мощь с высокой мобильностью. В качестве эрзац-заменителя единого пулемёта в звене рота на основе более ранних разработок в 1946 году был создан и принят на вооружение ручной пулемёт РП-46, представлявший собой модификацию ДПМ под ленточное питание, что, вкупе с утяжелённым стволом, обеспечивало большую огневую мощь при сохранении приемлемой маневренности.
Высокую оценку данному оружию давал Владимир Фёдоров — советский оружейный конструктор, в годы войны работавший консультантом по стрелковому оружию в наркомате, автор книг по истории стрелкового оружия.
Это не пулемёт, это — произведение искусства.
— В.И. Фёдоров )
Walther P38
Walther P38 9x19MM Luger offered by Fascist.
Luger P08
Luger P08 offered by Fascist.
Tokarev TT-33 Pistol
Tokarev TT-33 Pistol offered by Fascist.
Nagant M1895 Revolver
Nagant M1895 Revolver offered by Fascist.
Faustpatrone offered by Fascist.
Model 24 Stielhandgranate
Weapons used by Belkin's thugs:
At first AKS-74U seen in one of Belkin's henchmen hands, waiting Danila
at an entrance of Irina's house.
Then it was used by one of the thugs during
the automobile pursuit.
Weapons used by Victor:
Maxim M1910
During Victor and Danila's first conversation in a museum, Victor notices a Maxim M1910 machine gun standing on a table. Expressing admiration, Victor tells about it some words. Subsequently, Victor suggests to take a machine gun with them. During a pursuit, Victor shoots the car of persecutors by this machine gun.
Beretta 92FS
Victor has taken Beretta 92FS away from the policeman in the Ukrainian village.
Subsequently Victor has shot the Ukrainian gangster from this pistol. Presumably,
when Victor killed all other Ukrainian gangsters at the "Lvov" restaurant, he used the same gun.
Weapons used by Danila in the USA:
Danila's new girlfriend street hooker Dasha
suits for him a meeting with the arms dealer.
Preparing for a meeting with the dealer, Danila knows that he has no money to pay for the guns and decides to rob him for what makes a hand-made pistol of the improvised materials found on the construction. Materials are simple enough: a short piece of wood, a scrap of a water pipe and a wire. Having squared a wood under the handle and as having made deepening under the future trunk, Daniel cuts off a pipe till the necessary sizes, does in it an aperture and attaches a wire to the handle. Further he is engaged in manufacturing of the shell consisting of match sulphur and manganese bought in a drugstore and a charge which consists of an iron crumb and nails. Then he attaches to an aperture in a trunk some matches which will serve as a fuse.
The dealer from the very beginning concerns Danila with suspicion, but agrees to show the goods.
Having pretended that gets money from a bag, Danila snatches out a hand-made pistol and shoots
at the dealers face. Having taken advantage of confusion, Danila disarms arms dealer's bodyguard
and takes hold of the goods. Guns which were in the bag are:
Colt 1911
When Danila shoots to gundealer's face he takes Colt 1911 from gundealer's driver.
Taurus PT99
At first Danila uses this Taurus PT99 to kill Dasha's pimp and his henchmen, which have come to Dasha's house to revenge for a robbery of the dealer.
Then Danila kills the security guard in a Manis building and the gangster, which Manis played chess with, from this pistol.
Cobray M11/9
In search of Manis, Danila comes to his club and hides Cobray M11/9 in a toilet bowl tank.
Having waited an opportunity, Danila takes the weapon from a hiding place and shoots all
security guards.
Beretta 92FS Inox
Ukrainian gangster in Chicago who was trying to kill Viktor used Beretta 92FS Inox with suppressor.
Police weapon on Viktor's detention
One cop on Viktor's detention have M4
One cop on Viktor's detention run with Remington 870
Other cops on Viktor's detention used Beretta 92FS