The Stand (1994 miniseries)The Stand (1994 miniseries) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesThe Stand (1994 miniseries)
Seen carried by several characters, mainly U.S. soldiers. The Utah Army National guard assisted in the filming of the mini-series which would explain the older style M-16's. In 1993 (when it was filmed) many of the National guard units were still waiting for the M16A2 model to be issued. Also carried by Stu Redman (Gary Sinise).
One of Flagg's men appears to be carrying an original M16. Note the three pronged flash supressor and no forward bolt assist.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe original M16, the first version, firing in a 20-round magazine, adopted in large numbers by the U.S. Air Force in Vietnam. This has the original 3-prong flash hider. It would later be replaced by the upgraded M16A1 - 5.56x45mmFile:St44.png
H&K 94
Seen in the car used by Lloyd Henreid (Miguel Ferrer) and Poke (Richard Lineback) before the botched gas station robbery, but not used.Also seen in the crowd scene in Las Vegas near the end of episode four.
Seen carried by Flagg's men.It appears that they are carrying the older "slimline" forearm versions.Used by Bobby Terry (Sam Raimi) to kill Judge Farris (Ossie Davis). The MP-5 carried by Bobby Terry (Sam Raimi) appears to be a cross between a MP-5A3 and an MP-5K in some shots or Sam Raimi was filmed with two different models.Possibly it is a continuity error.
Carried by U.S. military. Once again the Utah Army National guard assisted in filming. Like the M16A2 the Beretta 92 had evidently not been issued yet to the unit that helped in the filming.
When Stu Redman (Gary Sinise) escapes the Vermont Plague Center he takes a Glock 19 from the dead Dr. Dietz (Sherman Howard) who tried to kill him with the same Glock 19.
Judge Farris (Ossie Davis) tries to defend himself with a S&W model 29 (using a terrible grip), before he is killed by Flagg's men.Harold Lauder (Corin Nemec) also uses a Model 29 to kill himself.
Lloyd Henreid (Miguel Ferrer) shoots, and kills, Glen Bateman (Ray Walston) with a S&W Model 64 ,stainless steel, 3" barrel. Notice that the sights are "fixed" and that the ejector rod is not protected by a lug like on the Model 66. It is unknown if the revolver is actually the Model 64 in 38 special or the Model 65 in .357 magnum. Both calibers have the same size bullet (.357 inch)so the size of the bore is not helpful.With no screencap showing the Model number on the side of the barrel I'm going to assume it's a Model 64.
Carried by Nick Andros (Rob Lowe). He gets it from the sheriff in Arkansas who takes him in after he is attacked in the first episode.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingS&W Model 28 Highway Patrolman with 4" bl.This partcular model is either a four screw or a five screw (note the screws holding the sideplate) making it one of the earlier production models and also more valuable.File:St16.pngWith the sheriff now dead from the Super Flu (along with many others) Nick Andros(Rob Lowe)decides to free the prisoners. All of whom are sick. He chooses to have some insurance with him in the form of a Smith & Wesson Model 28.File:St17.pngRay Booth (Patrick Kilpatrick)forces the issue after being released. Note that this model only has two screws visible on the sideplate.File:St18.pngNick Andros (Rob Lowe) shows him that he's not screwing around.
Ruger Redhawk
Carried by Larry Underwood (Adam Storke) when he is in the Lincoln Tunnel.
Crazy Julie (Shawnee Smith) uses a 7600 to drive Nick Andros (Rob Lowe) and Tom Cullen (Bill Fagerbake) out of town after Nick tells her that she isn't welcomed to join them.The model she is using actually appears to be the older Remington 760 going off the shape of the front action/grip.