File:1911WideSpur.pngThis is my Springfield GI 1911 A1, though it's more like a Parkerized Series 70 than a GI or WWII model. I installed the wide spur hammer myself, and it functions quite smoothly.File:5906-Large-1-Edit.pngJust like the one in Collateral, but a little shinier. I bought it used, and cleaned it up, but the grips were dinged up when I got it. Whoever had it before me didn't take good care of it.File:Model19-5.pngHere's my baby, a Model 19-5 with the 6-inch Red-Ramp Front Sight barrel. These are near impossible to find, and this one is in fairly good condition. I popped it open and cleaned it out really good too.Best of all, it was cheaper that the .45.File:Model19-5Sights.pngHere's the sight picture on the 19-5. So........ incredibly............. badass..............File:Handguns.pngHere's all of 'em together. I had the Hogues on with some hex head screws and the original hammer in. Gunmaster was right about those screws, too, they are pretty stupid, which is why I took them off.