BattleBit Remastered is a massively multiplayer first-person shooter videogame developed by three developers, SgtOkiDoki, Vilaskis, and TheLiquidHorse, with developer SgtOkiDoki also taking care of the publishing on the Steam Platform, where it became Early Access title on June 15th, 2023. BattleBit Remastered is marketed as "Low-poly High-octane", gathering a massive appeal from the public due to similarities to FPS franchises like Call of Duty and Battlefield with a tactical twist from videogames like Insurgency Sandstorm. Battlebit comes with its own additions to the formula, like players being able to pick up discarded magazines after performing fast reload and retain the remaining ammunition or drag downed players to safety for a revive.
The following weapons appear in the video game BattleBit Remastered:
BattleBit has handguns divided into three sections: Semi-Automatic Pistols, Automatic Pistols and Heavy Pistols.
Semi-automatic Pistols
The M9 or Beretta-style pistol is the first pistol available to the player upon starting the game. It's a balanced all-rounder and a reliable backup to the designated player's primary weapon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta 92S - 9x19mm. This is one of the earliest Beretta 92 variants. Note the magazine release button on the bottom of the pistol grip and early style magazine floor plate.
The MP443 or MP433 Grachis the second semi-automatic pistol available to the player, improving on all aspects of the M9.
A unique, double-action revolver that players have access to in Battlebit Remastered is the Russian RSh-12. A unique feature of this revolver is that it fires from the bottom chamber of the cylinder instead of the top, like the usual revolvers.
The Mateba Model 6 Unica or just Unica for short, is a rare recoil-operated, semi-automatic revolver and a predecessor to the iconic Chiappa Rhino. In the game, this revolver behaves more like the traditional revolver.
One of the only two integrally suppressed weapons in Battlebit, the AAC Honey Badger is the first PDW that is available to the players after reaching level 35.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch HK416 with 14.5 inch barrel - 5.56x45mm. The weapon here is one of the earliest production models, featuring the standard M4 6-position "LE"-style stock.
Machine Guns are divided into two categories in BattleBit Remastered: Light Machine Guns (LMGS) and Light Support Guns (LSGs)
Light Machine Guns
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM249 with 200-round drum - 5.56x45mm. This is the first pattern US adopted variant of the original FN Minimi. The only noticeable change from the Belgian Minimi is the rear sight design and cut outs in the buttstock.
In BattleBit Remastered, Launchers are not a weapon category but a Gadget, divided into Primary Gadget and Secondary Gadget.
Primary Gadget
M320 Smoke Grenade Launcher
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch XM320 with optional telescoping stock - 40x46mm. Note lack of a folding front grip, added only to the production M320.
Secondary Gadget
An RPG-style launcher in BattleBit is the first launcher available to the players. Unlike most of the games, the RPG in Battlebit comes with a wide range of warheads for different situations.
The anti-vehicle grenade is modeled after the "Geballte Ladung" or the Bundled Charge of one M24 Grenade with an additional six warheads. Effective against vehicles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingModel 24 "Geballte Ladung" ("Bundled Charge"), a common improvised version of the Model 24 consisting of one complete grenade bundled together with six grenade heads, creating a more powerful charge
The frag grenade is modeled after the iconic Mk.2 Handgrenade or Pineapple used by the United States during WW2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMk 2 "Pineapple" World War II-made High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade (sometimes written Mk II). This example has a WW2-era fuze design as can be seen from the front of the spoon curling over rather than under the hinge at the front: this was changed postwar because the older hinge would sometimes allow the spoon to be pushed far enough forward to release the striker while still attached to the grenade.
Impact Grenade
Smoke Grenade
In Battlebit Remastered, Launchers are joined with other explosives in the Gadget category, especially in the Primary Gadget section.